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Devil May Cry PSP Surfaces On Capcom’s Japanese Website

It has been a couple years since we heard that Devil May Cry may become a reality on the PSP, and since then, the handheld action extravaganza dropped completely off the radar. Most have just assumed the project was scrapped a long time ago, but according to a recent Japanese Capcom game listing, DMC PSP might still be on the way.

VHF stumbled across this listing , and there it is, at the top of the list of recently released and unreleased PSP titles. Now, if for some reason this was a mistake and Capcom has removed the game, Joystiq took a screen capture of it, just to prove that Devil May Cry was indeed listed there. This could be nothing, or…it could be something. Capcom is making an appearance at E3 this year, and their press conference is set for July 15, so perhaps they'll have an announcement on this subject. PSP owners are certainly hoping they do; DMC is one of the best action franchises in recent history. While it may be superior on consoles, a handheld version (if done correctly) ought to kick ass. Devil May Cry 4 was awesome, remember.

If Capcom decides to comment on this, we'll be sure to tell you about it. In the meantime, perhaps we can once again start hoping for a portable Dante…

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16 years ago

Wow this would be awsome….I haave been usin my PSP alot latley for FF:CC,GoW:CoO,and Patapon(Which is CRAZY addictive) A game like this would continue the storm of quality the PSP has had(and needed).All they need to do is put FF7 or FF8 as a PSN Download and they would have an awsome year..BTW Ben do you think that if Capcom dose do this they will have a story that advancetword DMC5 or a back story like GoW and FF:CC

16 years ago

Capcom always gets behind good systems. Mirror lets hope this isn't a prequel and we can play as Nero!

16 years ago

Things got heated with FF7, God of War and Patapon, but they slowed down considerably. (except for the Clank game) The PSP needs a few games to close the year.

16 years ago

Another DMC game, and a psp one at that would be pretty cool.

On a side note, I was messing around with my cell phone games, and noticed "Devil May Cry 3D" O.o Um, whatever that is, but I'm sure interested to know!

Anyways, hope to hear about more DMC, psp and ps3 related.

16 years ago

As DMC mad as I am, I had completly forgotten about the PSP news there was a while back. If they do make a game I'd imagine it'd be an aside from the PS2/PS3 storyline. All I pray is that Dante is the maint character…barring that, I think following on from DMC3 where the hidden video has Vergil being confronted by Mundus would be a good way to go. Or at a push…as bad as DMC2 was…there was no continuation of as to what happened to Dante after he says "Let's go all the way to hell"
Where do other people think the story will go?

16 years ago

DMC: Demonic, satanic. Overrated.

16 years ago

That last one you can apply to the Matrix Trilogy…

16 years ago

It could be applied but it wouldn't be true.

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