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Rumor: “PSP Phone” Surfaces

Update: As it turns out, according to this article that Arnold found, this thing is real…kinda. It's just one of those weird Asian knockoffs, and it most certainly lacks approval from both Sony and Nintendo. The article even speculates that "Hurbo" is a bad attempt at "Turbo." We're not sure where you can even buy this thing, but it does seem to exist. It's just not the the much-rumored PSP Phone.

Original Story:

Ever since last year, rumors of a PSP phone have been traversing the Internet, and as of now, Sony has yet to confirm that any such product is on the way. However, in looking at this interesting little gadget from Hurbo, a Chinese mobile phone manufacturer, we might be able to say that the pseudo-PSP phone is here…provided it's not just another hoax.

According to TechRadar, this Hurbo A718 PSP phone features a two-way sliding pad (one way for the alphanumeric phone keys and the other way for gaming), a two megapixel camera, support for SD cards, and is actually very reminiscent of the PSP phone we've been hearing about. Now, as you can see, it has the PSP logo, but it doesn't appear as if Sony has endorsed this little gadget, even though "PSP emulation" is part of this diverse phone's abilities. On that same note – and this will appeal to all the old-school gamers out there – the phone should be able to emulate NES titles, too! Of course, none of this is confirmed so it might all be wishful thinking, but it could be worth looking into if it's the real deal.

We'll look around to see what we can find, but as of now, we're leaning towards hoax. A lot of this just sounds a little off the wall, but you never know… We'll update when we can confirm if it's real or fake.

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16 years ago

The image seems to be a fake, until official confirmation I wouldn't belive anything.

16 years ago

looks damn real,but im not sure.
i hope its not ,there just to many hunks of shit already out(iPhone, etc.)

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
16 years ago

Sony's stance is always the same on this kind of thing- "no comment on rumor or speculation," so that's not really helping.

I'm still leaning towards fake, though.

16 years ago

PSP logo looks fake anyway its pretty lame for a psp looks ugly where does the umd go and the screen is also too small by the looks of it

16 years ago

looks like whoever made that, took different parts of a few Sony Ericsson pones and put them together and then slapped a psp logo on there. I say that image is totally fake. The other one looked way nicer.

16 years ago

Battery life would suck fish ass
I could see them pointlessly putting a camera on one, yes, but a phone? that's just ridiculous not to mention… stupid. 😐 Yep… definitely a fake. They CAN'T be that dumb. They CAN'T be…

16 years ago

There's news of Sony developing a new type of long life battery for Cameras, Cellphones, and other devices, with the intention of making better laptop batteries later. So don't knock Sony about bad battery life just yet.

As for the phone, it would have to compete against the iPhone, not only that but why would Sony do it? The PSP is enjoying the best sales of its life so far. Sony sees this, why ready a new platform unless its time for it to.

ArnoldK PSXE
ArnoldK PSXE
16 years ago

It's a fake, guys. The product is real…sort of, but it has nothing to do with a PSP or Sony. It's basically one of those cheap Asian knock-offs…kinda' like a fake GameBoy that plays 2000 games.

15 years ago

Ohh… thats right. But its not any "cheap Asian knock-off". Doesn't there have to be an original if somthing is a "knock-off"?
Clearly neather Sony nor Nintendo has endorsed this phone, that doesnt make it a "knock-off".
I bought one on eBay for my doughter and she's happy as a child can be and one of few in Sweden who has a "Hurbo A718".
and by the way, that picture is not a Hurbo. Search for hurbo or a718 on youtube and youll find some movies..

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