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Former PSP Devs To Return Thanks To Sales Surge?

Every time we post the Media Create sales numbers for Japan lately, we find the PSP sitting atop the pile. This is due mostly to the incredible software, especially the kind Japanese players tend to enjoy ( Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G , for example), and the PSP is also selling much better in all regions throughout the world. This being the case, developers who had once given up on Sony's handheld may soon be returning.

Take Planet Moon, for instance. A solid supporter of the PSP from Day 1, they produced games like After Burner and Infected , which attempted to push the limits of the little system and give gamers all new experiences. But according to Gamasutra, neither of those titles did very well on the sales charts:

"We're very proud of them," said Planet Moon's Aaron Loeb. "We wish they'd found a bigger audience, but I think most people who've made PSP games wish that in retrospect."

Because of those slower-than-expected sales, Planet Moon moved on to make games for the Wii, but with the recent PSP resurgence, this developer could be willing to work on PSP titles once again. "Interest in the PSP is definitely coming back among the publishers, though," Loeb added. "That little puppy just keeps on selling!" Yes, yes it does. It was last year's introduction of the new Slim PSP (PSP-2000) model that sparked the sales growth that continues to this day, and of course the great software helps, too. The point is, Planet Moon wasn't the only developer to back the PSP, realize sales weren't so hot, and move on to another platform. …which means more developers might be returning to PSP development after this resurrection of sorts.

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16 years ago

The PSP is awesome. It just sits there quietly every week outselling everybody in Japan.

16 years ago

Too bad no one pays for games when it comes to the PSP or DS.

16 years ago

Do you mean no one buys games or that they pirate them instead? Either way… there are many games that are million-sellers on both the PSP and DS. People who mod them and play games only constitute about 5% of owners, and they download roms of old games anyways.

16 years ago

Yeah PSP is great, I bought one when the slim PSP-2000 came, pretty much because of FFT release, the thought of playing FFT on the go was one factor but also having the ability to connect it to my TV to play it there. It is very fun.

16 years ago

Now if only JRPGs would make the jump across the pond… I'm sorta happy between the deal with marvelous and XSEED to bring VKII. But what about the bigger companies? Hey S-E wheres my Star Ocean 1 and 2? Atlus wheres my Yggdra Union PSP? and NISA, wheres my Mana Khemia PSP?

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