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Remember Me Review

Replay Value:
Overall Rating:
Online Gameplay:
Not Rated
DONTNOD Entertainment
Number Of Players:
Release Date:
June 4, 2013

Remember Me tried to be something it unfortunately isn’t. …that may be the worst opening sentence for any review I’ve ever written, but it sprang to mind, word for word, after playing Dontnod Entertainment’s new game. Therefore, it’s fitting. It also drives me nuts . When something has such great ambition, and when it presents the player with singular, fantastic ideas, one assumes it succeeds on a number of levels. But when these great ideas aren’t developed enough, we find ourselves going— “wait…but…that was cool, why is it so boring now?”

Graphically, the latest from Capcom excels in a general sense. Essentially, it’s the atmosphere and nuances that work hard to enhance our immersion and enjoyment. The futuristic city of Paris is intriguing and flashy, and many characters feature solid detail. The protagonist, Nilin, is well drawn and most of her animations are smooth and properly executed. But the nuts and bolts of the presentation, that which comprises the actual foundation, aren’t especially impressive. It’s just doesn’t qualify as a technical tour de force, although it aspires to be something more. Aspiring without quite achieving; that’s the crux of Remember Me .

The sound is somewhat less accomplished, even though the acting is decent and the soundtrack is well orchestrated. The effects leave a little something to be desired, and some of the voices come across as less than professional. More could’ve been done with that interesting score, too. There just aren’t enough compelling musical pieces to keep us entranced by the imaginative world around us. As for the effects, they slip into a repetitive, generic mishmash of smacks and thuds when involved in combat, and that’s disappointing. For the most part, the technical elements, while definitely passable, just don’t live up to expectations.

The developers put forth a variety of mind-tickling concepts, such as how our memory works, how it dictates our lives and our very identities, and what the future might be like if our digital wizardry could impact memory. The adventure even has a great title. The only problem is that such these concepts aren’t really reflected in the gameplay. They just tell us the story via long, often overdone cut-scenes. As a result, we never really feel emotionally connected to what should be a pretty emotional and dramatic plot. The closest I felt to the story was when I participated in the Memory Remixes, which I found enjoyable and challenging.

These sequences allow Nilin to invade the memories of an unwitting individual. You don’t actually move Nilin around; you effectively rewrite history through a puzzle-based trial and error process. For instance, you must alter the environment in some way so a particular event doesn’t occur. I don’t mind trial and error gameplay and I always appreciate innovative attempts to redefine how we view interactive entertainment. I really liked how connected I felt to the experience, and reveled in the power to change a life – or in truth, many lives – by making small, seemingly inconsequential alterations to the past. There just aren’t enough of these Remixes.

The rest of the game involves some bland platforming and only mildly entertaining combat. Nilin is an agile, ultimately effective fighter, and she has access to several wicked cool abilities. When utilized correctly, those skills allow Nilin to dispatch large groups of enemies with relative ease. It’s just nowhere near as enticing as it sounds, as you end up using the same combos over and over again, and most of the enemies are completely unremarkable. You do have to use some strategy, though, and the Combo Lab is a big bonus. In fact, along with the Remix sequences, the Lab is one of the biggest highlights of the game.