When I first sampled The Saboteur months ago I had slightly mixed feelings. On one hand, it was a pretty unique approach to World War II games, and on the other, I felt like the game engine wasn't quite as good and good looking as it could be. But I didn't forget that between July and December, there was still a lot of time left for final polish to ensure that the game plays as smooth as possible. And much to my delight, Pandemic actually crafted a rather solid game.
You can save your collective "oh, another World War II game" groan when referencing The Saboteur. Unlike other WWII titles, this one's different. You're not in control of an American, or an Englishman, a rebelling Nazi, or even a Russian. In a WWII videogame first, you're running around controlling an Irishman. And this particular Irishman isn't even a trained operative, agent, or military recruit – he's just an average guy on a personal quest to fulfill a vendetta against the Nazis. And I must say, I really liked the story too, because it takes such a creative approach and doesn't just follow realistic events – it's simply a story that's set during the WWII era, as opposed to a WWII story.
As I just mentioned, unlike other WWII games, this vendetta stems from a personal issue that isn't war related. You're not fighting as a man of honor, but as a professional race car driver. You will take on the roll of Sean Devlin, and all throughout Paris and parts of German, you will eradicate the Nazi control of various towns. If you've seen some videos and images of the game, you've noticed it's black and white in some places, and color in others. The black and white areas represent a portion of the game's world that are still under Nazi control and presence, where as the colored areas represent cities with no more oppression and people walking about freely. The color aspect has a direct reflection on "inspiration", so when you have cleared missions in a specific area, that area and its people will become inspired, and thus the color draws in. It's actually quite a picture-esque and artistic way of designing a game.
So as you play the game, the world evolves from a desolate environment that is overrun with Germans, to a bustling environment where people walk around happily and peacefully. The guys at Pandemic call this a game with an Indiana Jones twist. And I certainly see the similarities, as you have the ability to utilize weaponry, as well as scale your environments, by climbing up virtually everything you see in the game. In fact, the interaction between you and the environment is so grand that you can actually scale the Eiffel Tower and reach its very top. While in games like Uncharted 2 you can climb on designated objects, in The Saboteur you can scale practically everything.
Now, mission structure is much of what you've probably played in other games. But your approach can vary in three different ways. You can stealthily sneak in, perhaps by using the rooftops or shadows. Or you can barge your way through by picking up some guns and assaulting everything in sight. Or lastly, you can quietly take an opponent out, steal their uniform, and disguise yourself as the enemy. If you happen to take damage, the game uses a regenerative health system, and if you need to run away and hide, there are specific hiding spots all over the map you can use.
Because Sean Devlin is actually a character loosely based on William Grover-Williams, you can expect to see some similarities in the story as you play through the game. Furthermore, because this is, after all, a race car driver, you can very well expect to use a car all throughout the condensed version of Paris. And the car you use is a 1930s/1940s Formula One-like race-car. But, much like Grand Theft Auto, when you're freeroaming, you can hi-jack any car you please.
Now, I must address a number of complaints, most of which are about the controls. Gunning is good, but not great, and perhaps Pandemic could've added more feel and a solid punch to the mechanics. General driving controls seem unusually numb, it seems as if the game tries to use real physics for the cars, but it ends up not doing a very good job. Fight controls could've also been simplified, as they're bit weird and not the smoothest out there, albeit still usable. And the camera in general can be pretty annoying.
Visually, when I first saw the game back in July I wasn't impressed. It looked very jaggy and the textures were not very good. But, Pandemic has utilized a number of special techniques and dedicated an entire SPU from the PlayStation 3 just for the anti-aliasing, and so the game now looks quite smooth, actually. Texture detail has also been bumped up a bit, which I'm thankful for, as well. Still, The Saboteur isn't going to win any accolades for its graphics, as it's simply a decent looking multiplatform game. It has some annoying screen tearing, and the framerate can be a bit unstable at times, too. I do like the art direction of the game, the draw-in distance is good, the character detail is pretty solid, and overall, this is an acceptable looking title
The audio is all quality, on the other hand. I quite like the voice acting very much, as the voices fit their roles well and the dialogue is well suited for each character. Timing and delivery is never off or awkward, so you should find enjoyment from watching the cutscenes. There is a soundtrack that is heavily based on the very era the game takes place in, and the tunes you hear aren't in English. Regardless, it adds a good spice to the audio.
The Saboteur is not the year's best game, or a must-have game. But at the same time, I do recommend giving it a go. It's a pretty fresh take on a genre and setting that have gone stale over the past years. The Saboteur makes for a good freeroam and World War II game, without really being a World War II game, of course. The characters are interesting, and so the story is more rewarding than you would imagine. Yes, there are some control issues, but they aren't terrible enough to disregard the game. Give The Saboteur a shot, you may like it.
I did Arnold and I didn't like it. I traded it back in and got pretty much what I paid for it so no loss. I did find the controls annoying. Maybe a re-buy when it's in the bargain bin in the summer drought of games.
from all the things i've heard, it sounds like it's worth the money… it's got it's issues but from what i have read, these are not game-breaking issues… it sounds like a fun hidden gem of a game that will probably get overlooked by most… the reviews and comments about the saboteur remind me so much of what i read concerning the godfather II… and that game turned out to be a lot funner than i thought it would be…
as long as it's better than mercs 2, i think i have a winner here… mercs 2 just failed on too many levels for me… i would hope that pandemic improved the mechanics for saboteur as i am sure it's running on the same engine…
thanks for the review, it just further cemented my decision to get this game early next year…
Last edited by bOnEs on 12/14/2009 3:03:43 PM
I couldn't agree more! My buddy and I played the hell outta both Godfather games and we loved II. As you mentioned Mercs 2 was a mess – so I'm looking forward to playing this game when the opportunity arises early next year.
Good luck and ave fun.
Last edited by RekeHavick on 12/15/2009 12:14:01 PM
I hate those kind of hats =p.
sounds decent.. when it drops to 19.99 gonna give it a try.
Great review…I was kind of skeptical about this game but heard a lot of great things about it before it's release and the Stealth elements were what really sold me. I'm a sucker for stealth games. Went to Best Buy the day it came out and picked it up for $50 and haven't regretted it since. It's not the best game but it's good enough to keep you satisfied.
I like stealth games so much I actually enjoyed Alias. Well, mostly.
I think I will have to pass, there is too much rock solid goodness down the pipe.
My thoughts exactly; money doesn't grow on trees… well maybe it does, but not on this planet… Pandora anyone!
"i am home"
I'm too busy currently with other games and the next couple months will last me for a long ass time but I'll add this game to the list of don't forgets.
I'll probably rent this game just to see how it is. There's too many better games out there right now to warrant a full-on purchase.
You should rent this give it a chance you get use to the controls. Enjoy
Last edited by THEVERDIN on 12/14/2009 8:18:43 PM
sounds fun to me, I would like to give it a go, but only when the price drops. I think many gamers are restricted to only a few titles because of the cost of games nowadays and also we have to find the time to play them.
The Saboteur probably will be something I buy after a price drop. It's a pretty cool game from what I've heard but not worth $70 CAN. I already have enough M-Rated games on my plate.
I've just started it so can't really provide my view too much. But thus far it's a pretty fun game.
hey guys i am back been a way since june. just stop by to say happy holidays to every one
I'm playing it right now and I find it really addicting I was up till 4:00 AM Saturday and the last time I did that was with Unchartered 2. Give it a try I think you'll be surprised.
I personally would love to give it a try to the two chicks of your avatar.
Indeed, there is something very addictive about a Nazi count. I'd just drive around and blast Nazis away. Fun as hell!
man that cut scene early on in the game made me cringe.
weird im normally tame to that type of stuff, but it really got to me.
its a decent game, finally a game in paris.
im Italian so its my job to hate the french but what the %$#@ took them so long?
but i dunno it gets real boring real fast.
like last night i played it for a hour and got bored to death, and went back to bayonetta.
o and the Nazis shoot you for absolutely no reason.
you walk up to them, the suspicion bar builds up, so you leave it continues to climb, so you take cover WHERE THEY CAN NOT SEE YOU and they blow their whistle and fu**ing shoot you.
but yea, i just find it extremley boring.
i guess you are better off making a bug riddled game but fun than a polished game but boring one.
give me mercenaries 2 over this any day.
Mmmmm Nazi killing sprees, down in Paris.
Think I'll get this one when the price comes down a bit. Sounds like a solid game, and it's a little different than most.
This is one game I really had high hopes for. It's far from a bad game, but not near as good as I expected…especially from Pandemic. It can be downright hard in some parts. Arnold, your review was spot on! It's definitely a solid rental, IMO.
After spending more time with the game I have to say I'm enjoying this game very much. It's basically a combination of GTA and Assassins Creed. With Nazis and explosives thrown in.
Saboteur is now officially on my price-drop watch list
I will be giving the Saboteur a shot this weekend.
Put about 9 Hours into the game, stats page reports that I am 47% complete, not sure if that is just the game missions or overall. It took a while but I like it now, a worthy open world playground, shooting Nazi's is always fun.
To begin with I found the game a little slow and not all that much fun for the first part of the game. It was not really until after I played the mission where you free some members of the Legion which are being held captive that I really started to enjoy it, so stick with it and soon you will be smiling as you watch those fascist pigs leak red.
Graphics are good enough but the screen tearing is an absolute pig at times. I think that if this game had been released a year or so ago then allot more noise would have been made about it among gaming sites and players alike, selling much better than it is. Well worth a look.
Last edited by Imagi on 12/22/2009 6:21:39 PM
I'll put on my gamefly que…definately a rental.
This is another great game from Pandemic, it's a crying shame EA had to do something as stupid as buy them out then feel the need to close one of their best studios. Oh well, at least we still managed to get it out, it caught my eye more then a year ago and have been waiting for it for a long time. Unless I set an alarm I can easily spend hours on end playing this game. Haven't had this much fun w/ a stealth game in quite a while, absolutely love the stealth kill w/ the DLC knife animation, never gets old. I've seen many better looking recent games but this is definitely one of the funnest recently released game.