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Syndicate Reboot Lands Launch Date

Yes, Syndicate is returning , and you won't have long to wait.

Not long after revealing the new Starbreeze Studios-developed project, EA has announced release dates for the promising reboot. If you remember this game from way back when, you're probably excited, right?

Syndicate will launch in North America on February 21 and in Europe on February 24. They didn't mention a PC version during the announcement, so we're not sure if one arrives alongside the PS3 and 360 versions, or if PC gamers will have to wait until a later date. EA and Starbreeze are attempting to inject new life into the IP with this "brutal sci-fi first-person shooter experience," and we have faith in Starbreeze. We liked The Darkness a lot.

Starbreeze has also revealed that they're working on a new unannounced IP with "a top Swedish film director," but we have no further details. Remember, they're not making The Darkness II ; responsibility has passed to Top Cow Productions. As for Syndicate , it could be just what the sci-fi fans have been waiting for…

Related Game(s): Syndicate

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12 years ago

Short time from announcement to launch rarely bodes well.

12 years ago

I read this in the recent Game Informer, but I do see your point.

Claire C
Claire C
12 years ago

I liked Chronicles of Riddick EFBB from Starbreeze so I'm interested.

12 years ago

I am failing to see the logic in a faithful adaption taking place with it being turned into a FPS. They wanted to make a scifi game to perhaps come in on the tails of Deus Ex. That's great. Perhaps they should have made something original rather than just use an existing, well loved property though. I am not excited, not one bit.

12 years ago

"If you remember this game from way back when, you're probably excited, right?"

Yeah if it had actually been a PROPER sequel to the original game, I WOULD have been excited. Now it's just another classic remade into an FPS shooter. Big Meh.

12 years ago

If it had remained a RTS like it's predecessors, then yes I would be highly excited for this new one. But seeing as how it is now a FPS, and most likely a mediocre one, then it won't see any playing time at all on any of my screens. Developers really need to give the FPS genre a break and actually develop something original.

Last edited by Geobaldi on 9/28/2011 11:56:29 PM

12 years ago

no thanks.
i got enough mindless shooters to last me 650 lifetimes!
whats with developers taking famous well known series and completely turning them on their head?
with the likes of RE, FF, prey 2, XCOM.
whats next?
god of car?
super smash brothers simulation racing?
gears of bands?

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