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Prepare Early With The Skyrim Race And Perk Tree List

So, what are you gonna be in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim ?

Maybe you need some time to figure that out, so it's good that we have a nearly complete list of all the perks and abilities, broken down by race. Peruse the available skills and determine your eventual play style. The game comes out on November 11, remember.

Each race has an innate set of abilities; for instance, the Orcs have Berserker, the Wood Elf has Resist Poison, Resist Disease, and Command Animals, and the Imperial has Voice of the Emperor and will find more money when looting. Each race does start with different stats, of course, so bear that in mind when making your selection. Then even more choices come from the Perk Trees, which include Speech, Alchemy, Conjuration, Alteration, Heavy Armor, 2-Handed Weapons, etc. As someone why typically plays as a mage, I'm liking those Illusion abilities.

As is the case with any hardcore RPG, customization and choice are the primary appeals and in such categories, Skyrim won't let you down.

Related Game(s): The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

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12 years ago

I typically play a Dunmer thief-type character, owing to the Summon Ancestral Guardian ability and other racial bonuses. If that daily power's been removed for Skyrim, I'll have to pick a new race for my thieving, probably Bosmer for Marksman or Khajiiti all the thief bonuses.

…assuming, of course, that Dark Souls releases me from its obsessive grasp in time to play Skyrim when it releases.

12 years ago

I played a Nord, with Marksmen, Blade Weapons, Security. I don't remember what else I used though. xD

12 years ago

The heavy armor, two handed weapons and archery Perk trees look great!

Last edited by maxpontiac on 9/27/2011 9:53:52 AM

12 years ago

I just like to be a plain old human in a wild world of weirdos. I tend to be the equivalent to a Final Fantasy Red Mage, proficient in weapons with enough healing and destructive magic to use when necessary.

12 years ago

Am I the only one not stoked for Skyrim? It looks great but I'm just not ready for a D1P. I am actually more hyped for Dark Souls.

Regardless, I'll probably be Argonian like I was in Oblivion. I'm sure Skyrim will be awesome but a buggy mess on PS3 so I'll wait and see. Plus the 360 getting DLC first is wack, especially for PC & PS3 fans.

12 years ago

Yes I'm not hyped, but gonna buy the edition with the dlc and patched from all the bugs next year.

Last edited by Oxvial on 9/27/2011 1:12:04 PM

12 years ago

was never a fan of bethesda's games, hated both oblivion and fallout3, will pass on this one, btw i'm an rpg fan and 60% games of my collection are rpg,

12 years ago

I'm glad you followed up your post with the qualifier that you are an RPG lover with 60% of your collection being RPGs.

All joking aside, I am guessing you are more of an eastern RPG fan than the open world action oriented western RPGs. Nothing wrong with that, variety is the spice of the life and all that jazz.

12 years ago

I love rpgs as well, but i find that Bethesda games, namely Oblivion, are just a ton of content without any actual reason for the content to exist. In FO3 they tried to shoehorn a story into it, but it was still a giant, mostly-empty map with very little to drive the player forward other than their utter boredom.

12 years ago

Speaky sneaky archer for me

12 years ago


Where you been? You're more absent than I was a year ago. Stop it.

12 years ago

I'll probably be a human or orc. I'll start off with some Fire then for the main course switch to two-handed weapons. No dessert please, I'm stuffed.

Side note about Skrim: Check out this (Gideon Emery) guy's body of work. He's done voice acting in about every (cool) video game. That's the type of job I would like to have.

Stay Classy PSX…

12 years ago

So I am now going to buy Skyrim but probably a while after launch.

Basically when I am no longer Dark Souls' b*****, which may take a while.

12 years ago

I'm passing on this game, too many other games to enjoy. Have fun guys! (as if girls that resemble actual females play videogames)

12 years ago

Whenever it comes to RPGs, I'm a big fan of strength and heavy armor, with some emphasis on bow and arrow and destructive spells. I'll probably end up being a redguard or imperial my first time through.

11/11/11 can't come fast enough 🙂

12 years ago

ES had these in oblivion so nothing new really. except 2 handed weapons.

12 years ago

i had to laugh yesterday when tod said in a interview if you kill a chicken in the game it will punish you.
thanks, now i cant get the chicken dance from fable out of my head!

12 years ago

No magic for me. I like to go at these games as a warrior. Blades, armor, and bow only. Magic just feels like a less honorable way to fight IMO.

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