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Here’s Your Chance To Get Uncharted 3 A Week Early

Can't wait to get your hands on Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception ?

Sony and AMC Theatres are giving you the opportunity to play one of the year's most anticipated titles early. This begins with a bunch of AMC events scattered around the country and ends with you playing Drake's latest adventure in your living room…all before November 1.

Between October 18 and October 20, AMC locations in New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Washington DC, and Dallas will host Uncharted 3 "Play It First In 3D" events. It's self-explanatory; if you show up, you'll be able to experience Naughty Dog's newest in brilliant 3D. There will be multiplayer tournaments on site and an inside look at the development process, along with some giveaways.

It'll cost you $25 to attend but if you fork over $60 for the Premium Pass, you'll get a copy of the game shipped to you on October 25, one week before it's officially on store shelves. Obviously, you're just paying the same price for the game and getting it a little early, but there's nothing bad about that. Anything you can do to nab what might be the best game of the generation might be worthwhile.

Of course, I could say something about getting the game early as a reviewer…but I won't. 😉

Related Game(s): Uncharted 3

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12 years ago

Well damn, I live nowhere near those cities so I'm SOL. Guess I'll just wait an extra week.

12 years ago

Yep…i live in Det. Michigan so…clearly i wont get a chance. Id be cool if they did bring that stuff over here. Id attend an event like this

12 years ago

Yes, that is an incredible perk that comes with your job. I cannot imagine how excited you are to get your hands on U3 early! Congrats, I hope you have a blast and it turns out to be the best of the series!
Oh yeah, I don't live anywhere near those locations. If I did, I would be there big time!

Last edited by CrusaderForever on 9/23/2011 9:43:27 PM

12 years ago

I would certainly do this, if I hadn't pre-ordered the collector's edition. C'est la vie.

12 years ago

I'm cited for U3 but for whatever reason I don't feel the need to jump in on day 1.

12 years ago

as long as you jump in, is all that matters.

12 years ago

That's an XBOX 360 slogan!! :O

12 years ago

If you get the premium pass and attend one of these events you would be playing U3 on day -7.

12 years ago

That's true, but it would be one hell of a drive for me.

12 years ago

I live right next to Dallas right now, but I already got the Collectors Edition on pre-order. I wonder if I should pay the $25 to go…I really want to, but my pocket isn't very deep.

12 years ago

Yay, I submitted this tip 🙂

I wasn't planning on getting the game day one because of an empty wallet, but being able to play Uncharted 3 on the big screen is oh so tempting…

Gamer Girl Gemo
Gamer Girl Gemo
12 years ago

Well, time to fill'er up on gas!

12 years ago

no midwest love for Chicago?

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
12 years ago

15 min drive to Washington DC. O yeah!!! 🙂

12 years ago

That's a lot of leg work for those who want a game a week early. Personally I feel UC3 will just be more UC2 and frankly I don't need it on day one… or a week earlier.

12 years ago

how is it a lot of leg work for those that actually live in those locations? you pay 60 bucks for a premium pass to play it in 3d at the location AND they mail you the game a week early?

Hell thats a steal IF ur there in those locations. If they did something like that for COD MW3, MW3 fans would have imploded from the sheer awesomeness of it. Your a fan of CoD correct? imagine if the same deal was offered to you in your neck of the woods, wouldn't that be good? and since they would be offering the game early, im sure they would open the servers up early as well

Last edited by aaronisbla on 9/24/2011 1:14:18 AM

12 years ago

"Personally I feel U3 will just be more U2…." says the COD fan.

Not hating on you for liking COD, but every sequel will just be more of its predecessor but with at least some improvements. Some will argue that every COD has no such improvements with each installment though.

12 years ago

i was gonna say that at first, such a good point

12 years ago

Personally it's more of a knock against the $60 price tag more than anything. I paid it for UC2 and in the end I felt it was too expensive. The game was great, but there was no replay value and the mp stunk. I don't see UC3 fixing those issues but I guess we'll see. I'm just not willing to gamble off another $60 for it.

12 years ago

still doesn't explain how its a lot of leg work for those that actually want the game. your personal feelings aside, i don't think you can say that ND is making gamers go thru a lot just to get the game early if they live in those locations posted

If by 'fixing' you mean make it similar to other games out on the market, just give it a rent instead then, cuz i don't think its gonna cater to what you're looking for in a multiplayer game

Last edited by aaronisbla on 9/25/2011 5:23:51 AM

12 years ago

Not saying I would do it, but what if someone were to buy the ticket to go for 60 bucks, but couldn't make it, do they still send you the game a week early? I mean you would have already paid for it. Though I live in Austin, so Dallas would be a trip. I'll just wait for my Collector's Edition. It'll be worth the extra week wait.

12 years ago

Damn, I'm about 500 miles from Dallas. It wouldn't be cost effective.

12 years ago

I want to since i live in New York but does anyone know if i could get the collectors edition instead of just the regular edition?

Last edited by huh1678 on 9/24/2011 3:30:56 AM

12 years ago

what about people outside the states?
yes thats right the ps3 does exist outside the US!
it only does regional exclusivity!

12 years ago

you won't like the game anyways

12 years ago

I kinda agree here. I mean the PS3 is better supported around the world so it makes sense for promotions outside the US.

12 years ago

what does me liking the game or not have to do with treating your fans properly?

12 years ago

my point still stands. why would you care anyways? you've made it loud and clear you don't like the series before. Besides, its not as if Naughty Dog is an aussie game maker and they totally ignored their homeland

12 years ago

i agree with arronisbla. if we rated the top ten most unhappy gamers __________ is probably number 1

12 years ago

Touche… But I live in Colorado and would jump at an opportunity like this so the regional thing does kinda bug me.

So u complain about uncharted on numerous occasions, making yourself sound completely insatiable, then you complain that the opportunity to gain early access to games (like uncharted 3 because… Well that IS what this article is about) so what is it? I could understand if u don't like it whatever, but u could at least do this community a favor and explain the reason for ur cynicism or why ur so particular. At least then we can make sense of all this.

12 years ago

This is one event I won't be skipping. I can't wait to see my friend's reaction when I'm playing Uncharted 3 without them.

12 years ago

Premium pass is basically allows the purchaser to attend this event for free. But Oct 25th is a Sunday and I doubt it is Next Day Delivery. So the statement of playing it a "little" early is accurate. Versus playing it a week early. Do you know in advance when your copy will arrive Ben?

I just purchased tickets. I already pre-ordered The Limited but I know like 4 people who would take the standard edition off my hands. Free event, early

12 years ago

i want it now not a week early

12 years ago

🙁 live in Ontario Canada so ya no week early for me oh well I'll live I guess.

12 years ago

If I hadn't preordered the Collector's Edition, I might have actually done this. Although it would have been a long drive.

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