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What If A Game Feels Like A Chore?

Ever since Dark Souls went gold, I started to reflect on how I feel about extremely difficult games.

Obviously, if a game feels like a chore, then it's just not entertaining. That particular adventure isn't for you. At the same time, it won't be a chore for other people; they'll adore the challenge and embrace it.

But I'm talking about the gray area. Even those who love tough games will admit to often being frustrated when trying to conquer a super tough adventure. They'll break controllers, scream at the screen, and shake with rage. They will happily admit this because when it's all over, they'll bask in the glow of the reward. And that's what they play for: the end result. Part of the game was undoubtedly a chore and getting pissed off was part of the "fun."

I'm familiar with this philosophy. I just had to beat Ninja Gaiden on the Xbox. I just had to beat Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening , before they changed the Normal difficulty to NORMAL in the Special Edition. Yeah, if I had known I was actually playing on Hard, I probably wouldn't have killed myself doing it. But even so, I know what it's like; I know what it's like to have cramped fingers, white knuckles, and sweat on the brow. I know what it's like to throw your hands up in despair dozens of times when playing a game, only to revel in the finished production many hours later.

Thing is, I just can't do that anymore. These days, if a game even starts to feel like a chore, I stop playing. And it isn't because I don't like a challenge; it isn't because I don't have the patience or skill any longer, and it isn't because I don't have the time (although the latter comes into play more often these days). It's simply because I currently view gaming strictly as relaxing entertainment. I play games to enjoy the experience; to unwind and indulge. I just can't adopt the hardcore mentality; I've left it behind in favor of the warm, fuzzy feeling I get when playing a great game.

I don't need to put myself through hell to achieve a singular, rewarding sensation. I have no interest in going through hell anymore. I just don't see it as entertainment as I once did.

Related Game(s): Dark Souls

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13 years ago

Very nice point!!!! I also never felt like any of my deaths were cheap. I always felt like it was my fault because I made the mistake. That's one of the many reasons why Demon's Souls is so special!

13 years ago

In this generation, developers seem to go with games that are not difficult to people. If you look at third person shooters, most all of them have a cover mechanic. It's good but, for a hardcore gamer, something that uses makes it easy for them.

But taking a look for example Demon's Souls and Disgea 4 and even White Knight Chronicles. Those games take strategy to about every enemy you fight. Yes they are RPGs but I would put that as an example for difficult games. I just can't look at a lot of games this generation and say they are difficult, I think it's mostly generic imo.

13 years ago

Difficult games are not chores for me. Those are challenges.

The only game it felt like a chore for me is FFXIII. Strange, since I had finished 8 of those Squaresoft games in the past (FFI,FFII,FFIII,FFVII,FFVIII,FFIX,FFX and Kingdom Hearts).

13 years ago

Are you older or did you get that name from Demon's Souls? I like it! 🙂

13 years ago

Both. lol

13 years ago

What does that tell you about FFXIII if that was a chore, but the first 3 FF's were not? (For the record, I loved all 3 of the early FF's) The only early FF I found to be a chore was FF3 since I didn't have an English version and was going by fan-translations. lol.

Last edited by Underdog15 on 9/23/2011 8:39:25 AM

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

I prefer to press on to the end of every game, chore or not. That being said, I truly enjoyed almost every second that I spent in Demon's Souls. Sure, it was difficult and I died many, many times, but the atmosphere was so alluring that I actually wanted to keep playing. Of course, the fact that you could also tailor the game to your own playstyle certainly helps.

When it comes to games being a chore, the original Assassin's Creed is one of the first to spring to mind, because I legitimately found it too dull and repetitive. I say the first to spring to mind because it was the third game that I played on my PS3, so it sticks out in my mind somewhat. More recently I've found shooters to have the same effect where I find that I'm forcing myself to finish them, even though they're short. Black Ops, Resistance 2, Bad Company 1 & 2, FEAR. They're just so boring.

13 years ago

Well, I have chronicled my time with Demon's Souls on this site so I won't write about that again. I think overly challenging games stay with you longer. I believe they write more to your memory engrams than lets say Terminator Salvation! LOL! If they touch you deeply, emotionally and require you to over come great adversity than it will stick with you possibly for the rest of your life. I know my time with Demon's Souls will never be forgotten. I also know I am not done with Demon's Souls as I plan to get the platinum some day. Dark Souls is going to be this type of experience.

I have never thrown a PS3 controller. I am still using the same 2 controllers I bought with my 80GB Fat. I have broken controllers in my youth however. I am in the embrace that challenge camp. If I get to frustrated I just take a break and come back later. Demon's Souls taught me this.

Also, the secret to Demon's Souls and probably Dark Souls is grinding. Half the challenge is coming up against foes that are way to powerful for your level. Red Eyed Knight in 1-4 I am looking at you. Repetition is another challenge destroyer. The more you play Demon's Souls, the more you learn the Demon's Souls language. On my second play through I was almost unbeatable. You just have to learn how each enemy fights and what their weakness' are.

Last edited by CrusaderForever on 9/23/2011 7:28:10 AM

13 years ago

If I hear that a game's ridiculously hard, I won't play it. I'm the kind of person who likes to sit down and relax and enjoy a game for it's story.

I usually always play on easy mode and only sometimes play on normal. The only game I've played through on hard was X-Men: Origins – Wolverine because it was so easy with the quick-healing factor.

I've been critisized by friends as not challenging myself and I may even receive a thumbs-down here, but playing a hard game is NOT fun to me at all. I have a short temper and I do get angry at games rather easily, so if it's too hard, I just won't put the effort in. I don't need that kind of useless stress.

So, yes, I haven't played Demon's Souls. I haven't played Devil May Cry 3. Hard games are just not for me. I personally don't agree with games being made to purposely be hard, too. There should ALWAYS be difficulty modes and Easy Mode should ALWAYS be Easy Mode… not Normal or Hard is disguise.

Anyway, that's my opinion. Kudos to those who like crazy-hard experiences and challenges… you can have them.

13 years ago

Actually I think what made demons souls so difficult to most people is that they insisted on playing the way they wanted to and failed. You just had to give in and learn how the developers designed the way to pass through the game. combat, traps Etc. Once you learned how to play the game it wasnt as difficult as its made out to be.Sure its never easy but it was perfectly difficult and rewarding for the almost 200 hours I put into it.

Last edited by Havoc on 9/23/2011 9:41:06 AM

13 years ago

I love Ratchet & Clank games just because as hard as then can get, the guns always gives you an advantage and that makes a game absolutely enjoyable

13 years ago

Ratchet and clank games have always been way to easy. Its the one improvement I wish they would address. A real new game plus with crazy difficulty.

13 years ago

The thing that bothers me the most is that I feel like I'm wasting my time, what good is 60 hours of play when most of that is just replaying the same sh*t over and over and over again? I think its an artificial and antiquated way of making a game longer than it is.

13 years ago

Thats why I dont read books. But then even some movies can be a chore. I dont think the difficulty makes a game a chore I think its obvious repetition and endless fetch quests.Or overly easy games are more of a chore than difficult ones. Its like actuall chores their usually monotanis boring tasks, not difficult ones. Time consuming yes. But not difficult. (sorry about all my bad spelling)

13 years ago

*Wording error*
"…Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening, before they changed the Normal difficulty to NORMAL in the Special Edition-" The *astards! How could they? 😛

13 years ago

What if a game feels like a chore (but is a good game)?

If that's the case stop playing it; if it's good, you'll come back to it.

I played GTA 4 but went back to COD4(MW) because it just did'nt do it.

Eventually I went back to GTA 4 and actually enjoyed it!!!

13 years ago

nice! finally another person here who likes GTA IV

13 years ago

Lots of people here like GTA4.

I think me and Jawk are the only ones that don't.

13 years ago

theres one other person here that hates it. i know because we got into a pretty heated debate about it awhile ago. i forget who it was.

13 years ago

I also love GTA4,

I wound up doing more than a few marathon sessions on it & have well over 130 hours so far, & still got to quest for all the damned birds though(which I thought was a very cheap way to try extending the game's overall length).

13 years ago

I've never played games for the challenge. To me they have been there to help me wind down. If I could use the god cheat in most games I would. If I have to retry a part of a game more than a couple of times I'll get fed up and stop playing.

13 years ago

When a game feels like a chore to me, I trade it in. My trophy list reflects this very concept!

13 years ago

Yours and mine both.

13 years ago

Hehe – mine too.

13 years ago

I am starting to get to where Ben is at. At 32 I don't have the patience anymore because I have less time to play.

Example, I am currently going through Castlevania Lords of Shadows on the most difficult setting, and I can't remember the last time I was cursing at the screen so much and punching the couch cushions.

I play on the hardest difficulty on ALL my games though because I have always felt that I wanted to get the MOST out of it. I'd hate it when I'd buy a game and try it on normal and run through it in a day. Waste of money imo, so when I was younger I said anygame I play will be on hard to make the longevity, well longer.

Example, when I bought God of War 3 I put it on the hardest it will let you (until you beat the game)and was happily forging through it. Then, I let my friend come over to get a couple gaming sessions on while I was doing something else, and he ran through it in 2 days. I was pissed at first, but I noticed while he was playing a few times how easy it looked, at low and behold, he had it on the lowest difficulty. Not to mention it kind of ruined it for me since he would tell me what happened or I would walk in, and see a part of the game I had not gotten to yet. I won't be making that mistake again.

13 years ago

All the God of War challenges (1,2,and 3) have been conquered at my hands but much frustration came along as well. I agree that some games should be easy and relaxing, but I still want my games that make me wanna throw my controller and get my hands sweating! it is the accomplishment feeling that keeps me pushing through the challenge. Hell I even had my wife take a picture of me and the screen when I beat GOW3's challenge, LoL.

13 years ago

I think it's all about the amount of diligence one has, really.

13 years ago

I don't think so, diligence is only useful in the pursuit of something you care about.

13 years ago

If it something where the difficulty is fair like Demon's Souls then I have no problem. If it is generally cheap or hard for other BS reasons than I just don't bother.

13 years ago

It is not a chore if you like the story and the game itself AND if it is not broken. Make it hard, require skill and strategy. Make us think about a solution but just make sure this solution isnt bound to luck.

As long as it is like that, I will never mind a challenge and I love to perfect my skills at a game. That is all.

13 years ago

Final Fantasy XIII, no matter how long i grinded for, I'd get happy and beat the boss i was stuck on only to be stuck on another boss just like the one i was first stuck on. Plus I only played the game for the story.

13 years ago

I never really enjoyed overly difficult games. What i really look forward to is the story and the gameplay. But darn effing levels and challenges are a big no no to me. My first run in with such: a certain stage in battletoads (I remember the leve's look in my head but forgot the level name). One quite recent is the climb from Hades from GoW1 (didnt play it in the PS2, only played as GoWC). Oh, and Radec on KZ2. Had to resort to bordering on cheap (i kept doing melee shotgun to him when he's on corners then running away like a headless chicken)