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Versus XIII Is A “Final Fantasy You’ve Never Seen Before”

Yeah, well, that may not be what the fans want .

Even so, Final Fantasy fans aren't about to give up on the mysterious Final Fantasy Versus XIII . And although it will remain mostly in the dark until Final Fantasy XIII-2 is out the door, Square Enix producer Tetsuya Nomura gave Famitsu some new Versus XIII details.

According to Andriasang , Nomura told the Japanese gaming publication that he recently did a walkthrough of the full world map. He checked on the dungeons and towns, too, and said he was "impressed with how expansive everything is." Also, he confirmed that the game utilizes the special Luminous engine for lighting technology purposes, along with a game-specific engine that's "specialized for action." And then came the part where Nomura said the title will be a " Final Fantasy like you've never seen before."

Does that excite or worry you?

Related Game(s): Final Fantasy Versus XIII

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12 years ago

I'll believe it when I see it. I remember anticipating and waiting for ahmmm other "Final Fantasies" with similar positive commentary only to be disappointed. Versus has been in the dark and that scares me

12 years ago

Yeah it sucks and I think I have a hunch on the battle engine: ever heard of a game called Resonance of Fate…

12 years ago

From what we've seen Versus is completely real time.

12 years ago

Yeah, best to do some real research on the battle engine. Info is out there.

12 years ago

It excites me. Nomura is working on it and it has a world map. There is absolutely no way it can be worse than the stinking pile of crap that is Final Fantasy XIII.

12 years ago

Agreed. In Nomura we trust!

But seriously, the man is a game development genius. Plus he's been around FF for a -VERY- long time. If anyone can make it right, he can.

12 years ago

Right. Plus Tetsuya is the head honcho of this project. If something isn't worthy of or takes away from player enjoyment, I have faith that it won't get past him. Just with this game would come sooner. SE needs to truly STOP anouncing new titles before they have previously announced titles completed and ready for the consumer.

And if they do announce more games then they shouldn't be taking away from the Versus 13 team anyhow. Of course is there a FF title that hasn't had Nomura's name on it? If SE announces another FF title, spin off, sequel or what have you, its pretty much a guarantee that Nomura will be taken away from Versus.

12 years ago

I'm excited. I watched the trailer from a few months back again & it still blows me away. But & this is a huge BUT….WTF is taking so long!!!!???? Lol

12 years ago

The devs keep being put on other projects because SE announces more games than it can ever make.

12 years ago

Yea except the news broke out that now there is 100% development power behind Versus XIII. So no worries.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
12 years ago

Greatness takes time. Ask Team Ico, Quantic Dream or Irrational.

12 years ago

I know, I get it & I heard about them shifting some focus to 13-2 but come on. When did they announce it? 2006??

12 years ago

I get the sense that Japanese developers haven't increased the size of their teams, which is why they're taking so much longer to produce games than Western developers.

That's just a theory, though.

12 years ago

I'm excited. I love me some Nomura.

12 years ago

FFXIII was FF like I've never seen before. I just hope it doesn't turn into another RPG-Lite game with an emphasis on button smashing. I know there are a lot of KH fans out there but KH is hardly deep and complex when it comes to gameplay, too man people are suggesting Versus may be similar, pff.

12 years ago

From what I've seen it looks more complex than that.

Warrior Poet
Warrior Poet
12 years ago

Remember that this game was supposed to be everything FFXIII wasn't – I wouldn't worry about that. I don't mind Final Fantasy experimenting in spinoffs, and this is a spinoff! From what we know (which is very little) this game should be great, so let's be patient.

12 years ago

I'm just afraid that it will be the FF that we NEVER see….how long have we been talking about this game?

Looks great – but I'm not holding my breath over here.

12 years ago

I think it will be a fantastic game, I've seen the gameplay and it's very cool. With this I don't have expectations for it to stick with any formula but we already know it's going to have big explorable areas so that and the cool battle system will add up to something special.

….unless it gets shelved and chopped up for a port.

Anybody else hear about XIII-2? CGI is gone so it'll fit on 1 xbox disc.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 9/21/2011 10:25:37 PM

12 years ago

That will not HAPPEN. I mean…Nothing will get sacrificed if there is a port. Nomura stated in an interview (I SOOOOO WISH I HAD THE LINK TO SHOW YOU & MAKE YOU BELIEVE EVEN MORE) that if FF Versus XIII were to become multiplatform, the game will just be a port and nothing else. Nothing will be developed for the 360 platform or erased from the developed PS3 version to make the port.

CGI IS SERIOUSLY GONE?! That's hilarious!
Truly is a different FF huh!? hahaha

12 years ago

Good freakin' grief. It always has to be something. Where are you getting all your latest info. btw World?

12 years ago

"Anybody else hear about XIII-2? CGI is gone so it'll fit on 1 xbox disc."

Utterly pathetic. MS and the Xbox are the worst thing to have ever happened to gaming. MS should be ashamed of themselves and their pathetic excuse for an HD console. What a piece of crap.

12 years ago

My esteemed colleague Damien (known on this site as Lawless SXE) covered the Famitsu/Andriasang news earlier today:

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 9/21/2011 10:49:37 PM

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
12 years ago

Ha, thanks World. The lack of CGI does suck, but I suppose it could work. The vids and screenshots of XIII-2 look good so far, so I'm not too worried about a drop in the visual quality.

I remember reading that a while back too. I believe he mentioned something about a 360 version not even being worked on until the PS3 version was 100% complete, were it to happen.

12 years ago

@ World and Lawless

Thanks. Well regardless, we know that CGI takes up more memory so maybe more memory can be devoted to other things that improve the experience… hopefully.

12 years ago

CGI used to be a reason to brag about FF. Now it's gone?

pathetic. I'll still get it, but I'm not excited for the game at all, now. It will be a late bargain bin purchase.

12 years ago

This is especially sad when you compare it to the Pixar-quality CG in vsXIII.

This will be a great way to show the real difference in what the PS3 can do and what the 360 can do.


12 years ago

CGI removed?

There are already CGI movies, we have seen them in the trailers?

12 years ago

Insert new Vader "NOOOOOOOO!"

Removing CGI? Really? ::headdesk:: I hope it's only on the M$ version.

12 years ago

Yep…it's Kingdom Hearts except set in a "FFXIII" universe and a "darker" setting.

I……….am completely fine with it. In fact I am quite ready for it. I'm STILL D**N surprised how many people actually thought this was going to be a regular Final Fantasy since the trailer showed at E3 2006.

I mean come on…SERIOUSLY guys…how does "CHIEF DIRECTOR: TETSUYA NOMURA" & "BEING DEVELOPED BY THE KINGDOM HEARTS TEAM" (or something along those lines) not tell you that this isn't going to be your regular "Final Fantasy?"

They are just using the "Final Fantasy" name so people can have interest in it. You won't garner much interest or recognition if you come up with a completely new IP?

How many people do you see talking about Army Corps of Hell?

Calling this game a Final Fantasy was just a clever business strategy, and you'll get used to it.

…I'm still excited for it!

12 years ago

Well we should realize that Final Fantasy Versus XIII has been known as an action-Jrpg for quite some time. We already know to what to expect to a point but I've said it once and I say it again. Action-rpgs can be done very well. In fact by what I've research thus far on FFvs13 the only thing that really seperates it from a traditional final fantasy rpg is the battle system.

Nomura said it himself. "there's tons of exploration, 7 kingdoms, world map, towns, NPC interaction and replay value." If I remember correctly, Nomura said that there is so much to discover in FFvs13 that the player simply cannot experience everything in just one playthrough.

"Like a final fantasy we've never seen before". I'm gonna have to say when Tetsuya Nomura says it, I'm excited but I won't be so naive to think that things can't go wrong so as always, we can only wait and see.

…unfortunately the wait is agonizing.

Last edited by shadowscorpio on 9/21/2011 10:49:08 PM

12 years ago

It excites me to know that this title hasn't fallen into total obscurity. I have undying faith in you Nomura! Bring Final Fantasy into the HD era the way it should be!!

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
12 years ago

I think FFXIII-2 will do that. No more leader dies, game over. Able to change your leader and set ally attack patterns. It actually sounds a lot better than I thought it was going to.

12 years ago

I'm sure XIII-2 will be a much more realized Final Fantasy game than its predecessor was. With that said, I still feel that Versus will be the quintessential FF game that people have wanted for a long time, other than FF VII HD of course 🙂

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
12 years ago

Let's agree to disagree, as I believe that Versus is just going to be far too different.

12 years ago

Fair enough, debating over which game will be better is a futile affair. I wouldn't want this to turn into a Battlefield 3 vs. MW3 dispute.

12 years ago

we do need to say good bye to the old ways… but without ties it's just a new IP. but i think this will be a revolution to the point of it being beyond expectation. perhaps versus is a direct challenge to their other work including 13. *shudder* i am pumped up!

12 years ago

Well, you know. As disappointing as FF13 was for a lot of people, we still need those whom will be labeled as the "anchors". What I mean is that nothing is impossible and SE could definitely do things right for future installments. There are those who were utterly disgusted by what FF13 was, those who were disappointed but found some enjoyment and those who simply liked the game.

What I'm saying is some of us can be the "anchors" that pull back the former FF fans that have just given up on SE when and IF they create something that is worthy of the name "Final Fantasy".

Don't get me wrong. I can critizise FF13 with the best of them but I can say that based on what I've of FF13-2, it will have components and mechanics that FF13 didn't have that should've.

12 years ago

As long as it's not like FF13. We don't need any more of *that*.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
12 years ago

I'm excited. And I'm glad that it's different from FFs of the past, it allows him to branch out and really make the game what he wants it to be.

The combat system is something entirely new, the characters are different from anything before, the world is a near photorealistic melding of reality and fantasy. There's just something about this game that screams awesomesauce.

12 years ago

Can't wait until 13-2 is out, means more info on Versus will come 😀

It's been so long, this thing is going to have to be great, seeing as it was one of the reasons I got a PS3 in the first place.

12 years ago

Just a little refresher. Unfortunately it also reminds us of how long we have to wait for something like this.

12 years ago

Versus XIII and Last Guardian are truly my most anticipated games. I knew it was going to be a long wait when Nomura discussed the clothing design from Roen. I'll be playing XIII-2,Type-0 and Kingdom Hearts 3DS while I wait.

Last edited by bebestorm on 9/22/2011 3:43:46 AM

12 years ago

thats not our fault, you wont show us the bloody thing!
interesting to hear its running on parts of their new luminous engine too.
besides this going MP and being a $E game im sorta kinda getting excited for it.

12 years ago

Dudes and Dudettes, Nomura is at the helm. I'm willing to give that guy a world of trust when he's in charge. The man is a game development genious and he's been around FF a LONG ass time. If anyone knows how to handle the FF series anymore in SE's camp, it's him.

12 years ago

Still waiting with noting substantial to see, so I'll be playing other things. I'm almost entirely indifferent about the outcome of this title at this point.

12 years ago

That statement excites me. I don't think he means it doesn't feel like any other FF. I think he more-so means that it plays like no other FF game, but i mean, wasn't that already clearly obvious?

TBH FFXIII was like no other FF we've seen before, but it was still an awesome game. vXIII has the privilege of being an off-shoot series, so we shouldn't be expecting it to be like the older FFs

12 years ago

I would honestly like to see a return to the settings from FFVII and VIII. The current setting is getting a bit boring and bland. The whole uber-fantasy setting.

FFVII was the best game ever released for several reasons, one of them was the world it was based in.

12 years ago

Well, I guess we'll see. I definitely try to keep an open mind with RPGs, particularly the FF series, but… but… I just can't take any more abuse! *cries deeply*

12 years ago

Just give me a release date and am happy.

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