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Heavenly Sword Animated Film Hints At Possible Sequel?

Ever since the original impressed a great many, gamers have been pining for a Heavenly Sword sequel.

And while it remains to be seen if such a title will ever see the light of day, interesting news has arisen:

If you check the IMDB database , you will find a listing for "Heavenly Sword," a new animated movie currently set for release in 2012. The film apparently has an estimated $6,000,000 budget (which isn't much) and features director Gun Ho Jang, and actors Thomas Jane, Alfred Molina, and Anna Torv. The latter was the voice of Nariko in the game, but Molina will replace Andy Serkis as King Bohan. Little else is known about the movie.

If we wanted to be optimistic, we could say that such a project might correspond with a new Heavenly Sword title. After all, 2012 is five years after the release of the first game; it might make sense to assume the animated film would hint at a sequel. But maybe that's being too optimistic.

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12 years ago

I hope it is true!! Heavenly sword was fantastic, despite some frequent but small glitches. with ninja theory finally wrapping their heads round this generation of consoles, I'm sure Nariko's 2nd adventure on the PS3 will be an incredible looking and playing adventure.

Oh, and it had better be PS3 exclusive!! Heavenly sword was great for showing off what the ps3 could do, now I'd like to see what it can do when pushed like in Uncharted 3!!

12 years ago


12 years ago

I'm 99.99999% sure it won't be an exclusive.
Ninja Theory uses the Unreal Engine now, so that gives the green light to multi-platform games. This also means the PS3 version will be sucky…which is unacceptable.

12 years ago

A 'Heavenly Sword' sequel would be exclusive. Sony owns the IP, not Ninja Theory.

12 years ago

You sure Dr Rockso? If Sony own it like Ratchet and clank or Resistance, then that would just be freaking fantastic!!

Oh, and Andy Serkis must return in one way or another. I loved the gameplay and tech used in Heavenly Sword, but the glitches kinda ruined it for me, and after getting God of War 3, I just didn't see point in keeping it. I am glad I contributed to it's initial 1 million sales shortly after it's release. 🙂

12 years ago

I'd love to see a HS sequel, but if Ninja Theory is gonna do it, they better shape up and get some serious work done on their old HS engine – Unreal engine NOT acceptable.

12 years ago

With how Ninja Theory spoke of Heavenly Sword, I could not see SCEA giving them another shot at it. I'd say let Santa Monica Studio get their hands on it as they have excellent experience with this kind of games.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
12 years ago

Dr Rockso is 100% correct. Sony likes to make sure that they own the IPs that they publish. Someday it may turn out to be a bad deal for a developer, but that hasn't really happened yet.

12 years ago

oh i hope and pray another heavenly sword would come out i bought the ps3 not just for resitance but for heavenly sword my first game for the console fell in love with it right off the bat.

12 years ago

Yes, I would love a sequel to Heavenly Sword!

But, somehow, I get this feeling if they do it, it'll not only be multi-plat, but it'll also use the dreaded Unreal Engine, because they obviously have that license to use it now. They'll use it for sure if they're going multi-platform, and the engine is expensive, so yet another incentive to use it.

12 years ago

Sony OWNS the IP, no multi-plat with this one!

12 years ago

Sorry, didn't know that!
In that case, if a sequel is to be made, it will not be by Ninja Theory.

12 years ago

I don't think Ninja Theory will ever return for a sequel. In that case, Santa Monica Studios should produce one. 'Heavenly Sword' was heavily inspired by 'God of War' so why not? I'd welcome it.

After four years I'm really anxious to see a sequel.

12 years ago

Heavenly Sword was good game the story and characters were fantastic. The gameplay wasnt exactly great. I think NT should do the sequel because since they are working with Capcom I feel like they are getting more experience for the combat side of things.

12 years ago

If someone will spend $6 million on a movie, why not spend $6 million or even $10 million on a game. Even if they only sell 1.5 million copies, there should still be more than enough revenue to make a profit.

12 years ago

Heavenly Sword I care about. Ninja Theory, I do not.

Anyways, I view this movie as test per se, to see if Heavenly Sword is relevant.

12 years ago

Heavenly Sword was the first game I played to completion and remains to this day one of my favourites. I'd love to see a sequel, and if Ninja Theory isn't back on board for it. Just imagine what the God of War team could do with this IP… oh man, give it to them Sony.

On the topic of the animated film. I'm down for it, but I mirror Highlanders sentiments above. I'd rather see that budget put towards a new game.

12 years ago

I dig animation but this should be a CGI film. I hope it is meant to garner interest in the IP again. Ninja Theory will sh*t themselves if that studio (forget the name) that does the God of War PSP games blasts onto PS3 with it and sells 3 million copies easy. It would too, it sold over a million when like 4 people had a PS3.

12 years ago

I think your talking about Ready at Dawn studios. I agree that if they're spending that much on an animated movie it should be CGI but I'll watch it either way.

Last edited by GuyverLT on 9/13/2011 3:57:48 PM

12 years ago

me too

12 years ago

I loved Heavenly Sword! A sequel or a movie will both be welcome!

12 years ago

Special Agent Olivia Dunham was the voice of Nariko?

Cool. She's gained a lot of cred since Fringe started.

12 years ago

I love Fringe and I love Anna Torv. Great to see she'll be back as Nariko. I still can't find a non-Greatest Hits copy of that game btw. Better ask my friend in FL to check his local Gamestop and get it for me along with the US versions of Heavenly Rain and Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood.

12 years ago

Heavenly Rain = Heavenly Sword (Oh god!)

12 years ago

i just want someone like sony santa monica to show ninja theory how to make great quality games. i wont say anything about the story because thats what they're good at. however, game quality seems like they just dont care. when they did enslaved, they seem like they werent really into the game. it was a great game but the stupid technical glitches were everywhere.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
12 years ago

Is it sad that I REALLY want to see NT back to do a sequel, and would take them before Santa Monica?

Regardless, the movie is interesting, but I wonder if it will be the story retold, or if it'll be more like a prequel as well… Oh, and I hope that they don't use the style of animation that was included in those clips that were included in the game, because I really wasn't a fan of that. Then again, they weren't overly detailed so… it could be good. Colour this a rental for me.

12 years ago

after all the rumours of sony SM doing this im almost convinced of it.
though id like to see a vita ps3 cross platform title like they have going with ruin.
now that would be cool!
O, and we need more of the last battle types in there.
i still cant believe no game has matched the scale and enemies on screen of HS!
a endless landscape, and so many enemies on screen and not a single dropped frame!
that was really a game ahead of its time.

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