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Will Ninja Theory Finally Break Through With DMC?

As much as I despise the look of the new Dante, I know the game will kick ass if the gameplay is classic Devil May Cry .

It'll also be interesting to see if this new project turns out to be Ninja Theory's breakthrough. In my eyes, they've been on the cusp twice this generation: first with Heavenly Sword , which was a great game but earned the ire of some critics for featuring overly simplistic combat and a too-short campaign (which isn't true at all, by the way), and then with Enslaved: Odyssey to the West . It was another great game in our eyes, but suffered a graphical setback; many blamed this on the team's switch to a multiplatform game and the use of the Unreal engine. There were also a few minor gameplay flaws.

The bottom line is that we're looking at two games that could've ranked among the elite AAA titles of this generation; they just fell a little shy. If anything, though, they proved that Ninja Theory has the chops to provide gamers with a world-class experience, and maybe this Devil May Cry reboot is just what the doctor ordered. Evidently, they're working closely with Capcom and of course, they get the benefit of the DMC cache; action gamers are quite familiar with this series. If the studio can just manage to tie all the necessary factors together, we could be looking at a definite winner, and one worthy of top scores.

It's a little ironic that Ninja Theory boss Tameem Antoniades said the current AAA-driven market is crippling innovation . DMC doesn't need to be innovative; it just needs to cater to the established fanbase. And if the developer does its job, we could be seeing some 9s…

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12 years ago

What I see is that NT knows how to write a good story. If they do that for DMC then yeah, it could be very good. Unfortunately though, it sounds like Capcom has it's mits in the project and they just don't make good games anymore.

12 years ago

Good story? Did you play and finish Enslaved? Bah, the ending was contrived and dull, and the premise of my daddy and all my people got wiped out by machines was seen from a mile away. I did like the gameplay, but it still felt like a chore chugging through to the end.

I did enjoy HS much more, but tbh I really don't remember that story in its entirety except for the sword taking over its user and Nariko having to save her people, since it has been over 4 years since I've touched it. I do however remember the ending. Always the reason I wondered how there would be a sequel. Maybe a prequel, but a sequel would have us playing (for the sake of spoilers) differently.

Last edited by ColTater on 9/8/2011 11:13:05 AM

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
12 years ago

I have indeed loved both of NT's previous games, though I can't deny that they've felt a bit lacking in certain areas, which puts me in agreeance with the idea that they're barely short of achieving great success, and I firmly believe that DmC may just be the game to get them there. Especially since Capcom is helping them out on the combat front, which is almost certainly where they've been lacking. I don't think that it will get them the fan feedback that they desire though, thanks to the changes to Dante, but the critics, I feel, will largely be behind them.

12 years ago

you know I'm looking forward to it, but I think the change in Dante might be what sinks this game in the sales. Unless somehow the controversy propels it into the limelight.

12 years ago


12 years ago

Dead Island review? 😛

12 years ago

and interview?

12 years ago

I hope this game really shines, but on that poop engine and based on Enslaved I'm skeptical about the visuals. I know it will be fun though, and fast paced enough with a good story. The break out hit NT needs? Probably not. That can only come with Heavenly Sword 2.

12 years ago

Well, I'm excited for this. Really am. I will dearly enjoy this, as I have faith in NT.

12 years ago

Looks arent everything. Im on board as long as its the same wise cracking s*it talking dante we know and love, gameplay and combat is fun and addicting as previous titles as the boss fights. And story is good then i get it why not. Im curious on how virgil will play out.

Last edited by JackDillinger89 on 9/7/2011 10:31:16 PM

12 years ago

good player bad luck, i don't know what is it their games are great but i don't like playing them

but dmc? i doubt it, if they live up to people's dmc expectations, they'll say they bring nothing new
if they push dmc beyond fans' expectations, people will they change too much.
trailer is hella boring. it's just a different game w/ a tacked on label, nothing more.

bayonetta on the other hand..
can we talk about bayonetta? 😛

12 years ago

no we can't, the DmC combat footage beats Bayonaise footage hands down.

12 years ago

besides the cheesy storyline and horrible ps3 porting, i cant see how some can hate the action in that game, miles better than whats been shown in DmC so far

12 years ago

I think Bayonetta was a good game, but not as good as DMC 3. Bayonetta did have QTE's, which gets you more involved in the action (in a gimicky kind of way however) but the overall fighting system I think was much better in DMC 3. I liked being able to choose your styles depending on what was more important to you. It just felt that there were more options, which were equally useful.

With Bayonetta you can keep a safe distance while using the large sweeping sword attack and that worked fine for almost the entirety of the game, which got tiresome after awhile. The damage output is so high with the attack that it seems like the best option most of the time.

12 years ago

World, but my hand IS up. See *Temjin's hand is raised*

12 years ago

no, i don't think they will

12 years ago

I don't know really, see I like Ninja Theory, I thought Enslaved was an excellent title. But, like I said before, I just cannot accept what they're doing to the DMC series. The DMC series did not even have a conclusion, so the fact that they're now trying to overwrite it just makes playing the series irrelevant now too.

I don't think I would even be too angry if they actually did DMC5, the guys at Ninja Theory are definatly talented but this is just not something I can celebrate with them. I'd welcome a new Enslaved anyday though.

12 years ago

thats exactly what worries me!
DMC has always been about its complex over the top combat system, the one thing NT has been lacking in previous games.
HS and enslaved had the most basic simplistic mundane combat system possible!
not exactly what you would expect in a DMC game.
thats the biggest thing that worries me, besides the whole western developer doing eastern game thing.
NT have never been known for doing amazing complex combat systems, in fact the combat has been the weakest part of both there games!
its like asking GG to do a AC game.
AC is known for a complex indepth storyline, but, well, GG has got to be the worst studio when it comes to story telling!
i cant see this being DMC, all i can see it being is a darker emo version of enslaved and HS.

12 years ago

What I know of Ninja Theory is that I love their games. Also, I tend to hate Ninja Theory while playing their games. Some of their design decisions come across in frustration. I blame myself for this of course since I am going for the platinum. The final boss fight in Heavenly Sword was very frustrating! Also, running after/from the bull in Enslaved was very tough. Other than that I really enjoyed both games. I wish Heavenly Sword would get a trophy patch :(.

The new DMC will be a very good game. I am surprised with the image change though. Why do developers change the look of their characters? I never understood this. inFAMOUS 2 did the same thing, it just doesn't make any sense to me. It completely destroys the continuity between titles.

12 years ago

After watching those gameplay vids, I actually think that Ninja Theory can pull it off.

Yeah maybe on the technical side it will suck such as poor frame rate which is so far so good but we'll see, and screen-tearing which is always right beside their games.

But they have what it takes to make a AAA game.

12 years ago

I think the gameplay will be intense but after seeing Dante's new design and hearing this will run on the Unreal Engine instead of the MT framework, I'll grab the HD collection instead and wait for this to go on sale for 10 bucks. Not too interested at the moment.

12 years ago

I still don't see how 2.5 million games and positive reviews warrants a reboot for a franchise that appeared to be healthy. Especially one that launched early for this gen.
But anyway, as much as I don't like the look of this new DmC, I do hope my impressions are wrong about this one. I misled myself with R3(almost done, chapter 18), and I've been enjoying a game that I didn't intend on enjoying as much as I do.

12 years ago

I know I'll get down-voted for this, but I really didn't enjoy Enslaved…at all.
I had such high hopes for it, because I really loved Heavenly Sword.

But Enslaved was just too herky-jerky on Monkey's movement (I blame the Unreal engine and its crap performance on PS3). Also, the game doesn't flow very well. Each level feels like a challenge stage, where you evaluate the entire "room" and you make you way through it. After that, you go to the next level…
I just couldn't finish that game… which says a lot, cuz I make it a point to finish every game I start. And if anyone checks my PSN account, they'd see I play A LOT of games. (almost Level 12)

Anyways, enough of my Enslaved rant. My hopes are high, again, with their next project, DMC. But I feel a little burned by Enslaved, so I'll take a wait-for-reviews-first approach to this one.

12 years ago

IMO Enslaved was far, far from as good as Heavenly Sword. It was just barely good enough for me to finish it, but with graphics that were not even close to Heavenly Sword's level (despite being a much later game), a boring story and characters that again were not even close to as good as Heavenly Sword I don't have very high hopes for yet another multi-plat performance by these guys…

They obviously have the potential, but unless they go back to PS3 exclusivity and improve on the HS engine, I just don't see it happening.

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