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Naughty Dog Won’t Ruin Nathan And Elena’s Relationship

I mean, they can't. Naughty Dog won't turn the great relationship between Drake and Elena into cheesy soap opera melodrama.

There's a lot of talk circulating around the Internet concerning the duo's status in Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception . Some say Elena is pregnant while others believe the two are actually married; both events could put a serious crimp in the storyline we're all expecting. But the developer has yet to let us down on the character development front, and I just refuse to believe they'll mess up that very special – even unique – give-and-take between the two original main characters.

Nathan and Elena are two of the biggest reasons why this series has done so well (second to the awesome gameplay, of course). While Sully and Chloe certainly have their places, there's no doubt that we need a primary relationship to drive it all forward: the humorous, slightly romantic, often snarky relationship between the intrepid hero and surprisingly brave and supportive lady friend. It's both lighthearted and special; there's plenty going on beneath the surface and in all honesty, it's this subtlety that makes the chemistry between the two so explosive. Bringing that to the forefront, shoving it in our faces…it just doesn't seem right.

But don't be too worried about it. The writers know what they're doing. I'm sure of it.

Related Game(s): Uncharted 3

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12 years ago

IMO the writers are amazing and Uncharted has my favorite story line apart from MGS so no matter what they do it will be great!

12 years ago

Well, Elena has and always will be my favorite female from uncharted, i liked her way more than chloe for sure, so i hope nothing bad happens between them…lol

12 years ago

I could see nate and elena getting married, but a pregnancy would b far out of the equation. They aren't exactly gonna settle down any time soon. Basically nd is gonna give fans what they want. Any thing like these theories would deviate from what fans come to expect from these two.

12 years ago

I was just playing some Uncharted 2 today and I had actually forgotten how much the characters interact during the gameplay. It's amazing how a few lines here and there can keep things going, most games have cut scenes and then its grinding without interaction. It feels more substantial when they interact while things are happening.

"Here it is Elena, the secret path to Shambala"
"Nate… I don't see it."
"Ah, niether do I."

Classic. I think the formula works and it will stay intact, even if there are big changes it will remain part of the surrounding "stuff" just hanging on the outside of the real drama.

What I wanna know is if Cloud and Tifa are secretly married since it's Strife Delivery Service.

12 years ago

Kitty got wet.

12 years ago

Lol… poor Kitty…

The interaction between the characters is what makes me come back for more… otherwise it becomes a dead island…



12 years ago

Before Elena popped up in Uncharted 2, I was like…WTF…what happened to the female lead?!? Chloe is cool, but she isn't Elena. When she finally popped up…a smile grew on my face. These two make Uncharted classic!

12 years ago

Yep, the looks like the perfect couple to me

12 years ago

I think they should just be engaged. Not married yet.

12 years ago

I think when it's time for a break from the series Elena should get pregnant and then when they come back the kid could be all grown and continue in the steps of his father.

12 years ago

They could name him Drake Drake.

12 years ago

sigh…I saw the name "Nathan" and immediately though resistance…sorry im still in resistance mode lol. trying to unlock a skin for final game mp…r2 Hale. you need to play a few rounds of the beta they say until 10pm pacific tonight when the beta ends

12 years ago

Their relationship and the way they currently interact is integral to some of the humorours writing and while I agree that it shouldn't turn into something based soley on melodrama, there is room for it. The relationship has to develop somehow, and it's usually through character development due to storyline events that shape these. If they need to add in a little melodrama, I don't mind, but it shouldn't be the focal point, that's all.

12 years ago

Uncharted is the perfect mix of everything that makes a game so good.

Polished gameplay
Incredible graphics
Excellent story
Memorable characters
Incredible action sequences

After the big jump in quality between Uncharted 1 and 2, I'm interested in seeing what Naughty Dog can do next. Swaying with a capsizing shipping container looks like a pretty good start. 😛

November cannot come soon enough. Dammit!! I really feel like applying to be a Naughty Dog game tester right now just to experience the magic they create!!

12 years ago

Guys love Elena, and want to be Nathan.

They're the two most realistically portrayed characters in a video game, and the consistant interaction throughout the gameplay is a direction I hope all developers take.

No longer a fan of cutscene, gameplay, cutscene, gameplay. (With the exception of MGS4) The technology is now there to combine both, and Naughty Dog know how to do that incredibly well.

Off topic:
There's a girl I know where I work who, I swear, looks EXACTLY like Elena!! She's really cute and quirky too, haha!!

12 years ago

She could be the Elena to your Drake.

12 years ago

And your work is like the Naughty Dog to your Drake and Elena.

12 years ago

Marry that woman.

12 years ago

LMAO!! She has a boyfriend! And no, it's not me!

She has no idea Uncharted even exists. Just like the real Elena, she loves travelling to exotic places for holidays.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
12 years ago

Punch the boyfriend in the face and run away with her into the sunset… You didn't get the suggestion from me.

12 years ago

LOL! No need for any of that. Found out she's single now! 😀 Ahhhh… hope is a wonderful thing!

12 years ago

Ask her if she wants to see your Phurba Dagger.

12 years ago

This is way off topic and I only ask because I will likely receive an honest answer but I was given a beta code for Assassin's Creed Revelations, I have input it but the amount I need to download is too much for my parents usage (I'm home for a break).

My overall question is can I still give it away and will another be able to use it or has my using it now made that unlikely? It's a shame too cos Ubisoft sent it to me a couple of days ago on my birthday which was pretty cool or a coincidence but hey, free code.

12 years ago

If it's anything like the other PSN codes (which I bet it is), you won't be able to share the same code to another user. If you share it, the other PSN user would get a message that the code has already been claimed and cannot be used again.

There's basically a work around for that, but it's against Sony's terms of agreement, so I wouldn't mention that in here.

12 years ago

And belated Happy Birthday btw. 🙂

12 years ago

Cheers and thanks for the reply. Ah that's a bit of a shame. I shall see if I can get away with using it, feels like a waste otherwise.

12 years ago

I just re-read your message Mell, and I might be wrong to some extent. You need to clarify this though: Did you download the beta from the PS3 in your parents' home and would like to download it onto your own PS3 once you're done with your vacation? Because if so, then I think you should be able to do that.

When you said "parents' usage", it occurred to me that you might be referring to exceeding the download quota that some ISPs impose and hence prevent you from completing the download there.

If you logged in to their PS3 with your PSN account and used your account to download the beta, then you should be able to redownload it once you get home. You just need to go to the Account Management section of your PS3 and go to your download list.

12 years ago

Good because if ND does anything to destroy this relationship I will be a fan no longer.

Last edited by cLoudou on 9/5/2011 12:28:39 AM

12 years ago

If I would be asked to choose one (and only one) developer this console generation as to whom I'd put any sort of blind faith on, it will be Naughty Dog.

Regardless of any news that may come out that could worry some fans, I'd still buy Uncharted 3 first day and let it speak for itself. The first two games are among my faves this generation and it would take lots of things before I lose confidence with Naughty Dog. I am sure they'd handle this relationship twist between Drake and Elena quite well.

12 years ago

elana is knocked up and drake gets killed that much im sure of.
i really hope they add allot more to the plot of this though.
especially in character design, all the enemies in previous games felt really shallow just that they were there for you to chase something.
the mysterious lady in black though actually feels like she belongs there, her and drake have a bit of history.
are we finally going to have a uncharted game with half decent character design, and decent believable story?
who am i kidding?

12 years ago

@ _________

Really?! Wow… Ez there firestarter. They gotta b doing something right to have gotten 30+ goty awards. Overall, character development is solid and while I will say lazarevic wasn't the deepest character, he wasn't bad either. As far as believable goes, its about as believable as the original indy movies. That balance between history and lore is what made uncharted so believable. The historical context is perfect and holds a good enough portion of the story so that world history buffs like me can say, okay I remember Marco polo and his expedition. Okay, i remember shangrila stories from Indian history. Hell even the cintimani stone is a real legend even today.

You should lighten up a bit. The best game of the generation deserves a bit more credit than what ur giving

12 years ago

what do GOTY awards have to do with a great story?
almost every game thats got GOTY has had a mediocre story.
how many GOTY awards did MW get?
you saying that had a amazing story?
thats the exact problem with the game, it leverages itself of real life stories but goes into no depth into them.
there have been so many rumours of what happened to the final fleet of ships.
you find one, so what about the others?
you finally find shangrila, kill a few purple monsters and leave.
no history, no look back on what happened to the place, no look back on how the place got its magical powers.
its just heres this famous place, heres these mutated people, kill them and lets go.
how can you say it had decent character development when your dropped into the game, with chloe and flyn.
both obviously have history with drake but thats never explained in the game.
your dropped with these 2 strangers and there acting like best old friends like you have known them for 20 years!
im sorry, but character development 101 is you have to introduce the characters, give a little background history on them that way the player feels connected and closer to them.
just dropping them in makes them fell like hey did i just miss out on half the game?

12 years ago

Goty has everything to do with a great story so long as its done well. For uncharted. It's story is what made it stand out whereas the reason cod stood out for goty was its online play and its story from what I hear was decent as well. Est probably got its goty based off its story.

Think of uncharted, Hell think of most games as a movie. U only have a certain amount of time u can develop characters before u need to get to the meat of the story

12 years ago

Really??, just one question, what's your favorite game this generation??

12 years ago

right whatever chief.
story has NOTHING to do with GOTY!
as for my favourite game this gen id either be infamous, AC2, portal 2, or deus ex human revolution.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
12 years ago

I don't see how an established long-term relationship after a short term beginning could ruin the relationship between the two of them. If anything, it'll only further emphasise the two's knowledge of each other, thus allowing for an even better back and forth. A pregnancy could be screwy though, and just feels a bit cliched.

Whatever way it goes, it's already been confirmed that the focus this time is solidly on the relationship between Nate and Sully, but I can't imagine them keeping the exact same dynamic between Nate and Elena as the last game. Besides, the end of Among Thieves kind of painted a shift in their interactions… They'll change it, but Amy and the team know that it's a fine line to tread and I have faith that they can pull it off admirably.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
12 years ago

Way too cliched. Then it just gets boring. Subtlety is the finest point of great storytelling; having everything obvious and in our face diminishes interest. I honestly care a lot more about both characters if they remain in their current situation.

12 years ago

They ruined it at the starting of Uncharted 2 but makes sense to bring them back in 3.

12 years ago

I think the start of Uncharted 2 was great, how could this line be possible without it:

Elena fisher, last years model…


12 years ago

i love this and can't see ND ruining any thing with the series it's their baby

Nas Is Like
Nas Is Like
12 years ago

If he did get her pregnant, Drake's adventure in Uncharted 3 would be all about him running away from child support. :p

12 years ago

I don't mind! I want him to get back the sexy brunette 😀 😀 😀

12 years ago

I think things will get a little more emotional, but it'll be real and won't turn soapy.

Amy Hennig is on top of her game right now. Until she blows it (which she won't) I always have faith in her as a storyteller.

12 years ago

Me personally, ND can do what they like with the relationship.

That's would be like telling George Lucas what to write in the Star Wars saga, or JK Rowling what direction to take in the Harry Potter books.

12 years ago

..I could deal with a skin of a pregnant Elena running around in the multiplayer. We did have a Doughnut Drake :p

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