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So, Are PS3 Fans Jealous Of That Halo Reclaimer Trilogy?

Halo was the only reason I got an Xbox back in 2001, and I've played every installment since, including that fancy expansion, ODST .

And now that the Reclaimer Trilogy has been outed by 343 Industries, I'm just wondering what the PlayStation 3 fans think…jealous much? Or do they have enough exclusives on their plate already? Personally, I'm only jealous of Gears and Alan Wake ; I can live without Halo , as I think it has long since been eclipsed by other shooters.

But not everyone feels that way, and Halo remains a massive franchise for Microsoft. You can bet they'll promote it like mad; when we get within 6 months of the first entry's launch, it'll be like CoD-type hype. At that point, all the 360 followers will be crowing about the return of their beloved franchise, while I assume PS3 fans will just rip off a list of awesome exclusives 360 owners can never play.

But come on, level with us. Don't you feel even a sliver of envy? Just a drop? I mean, even if you really don't like Halo , you have to admit that this Reclaimer Trilogy is a serious boon for Microsoft. We're all assuming the titles in question will be stellar, of course (we don't want to consider what might happen if they're not), and that's enough to be just a teensy bit jealous, right? …right?

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12 years ago

Well I've never had the chance to play Halo only heard mixed opinions of the franchise. It being fantastic and it being overrated and boring. I guess I can't have a fair say in this.. I would like to try it if it was a multi platform game.. so I tiny bit jealous yes. However there are so many great ps3 exclusives which makes xbox gamers jealous of us ps3 owners. It's always like that with console exclusive games..that's why it's better to have every console- if you can afford it, so you don't miss out on anything.

12 years ago

I don't think 360 owners are jealous… I think they actively maintain an air of oblivion to exist in an alternate reality where PS3 exclusives don't exist.

12 years ago

Halo what?

Jealous? Are you kidding me? Halo is a good multi-player shooter. But you know, that's all it is. In this day and age of muylti-player shooters, it still carries weight thanks to it's heritage, but it's just another shooter now. Don't get me wrong I played the original on a friends Xbox fora while, but the swearing racists misogynistic children absolutely killed it for me, as did all the more experienced players that killed the noob time after time after time after time after time… In short, I didn't enjoy the online very much, but the game was pretty solid in it's own right.

So, Meh…

Last edited by TheHighlander on 8/29/2011 10:29:08 AM

12 years ago

I honestly havnt touched any of the halos since 1, except for the mp. I gotta say Halo was and is still a very very good shooter from a campaign point of view.

12 years ago

That's what I'm saying, I liked the game play and the campaign mode was good, but I didn't get to play enough of it, but I quickly grew to despise the online element.

12 years ago

Hey look everyone, I criticism Halo and get more downvotes than I do when I say piracy is theft.


Note, I don't actually care about downvotes, I just find it amusing.

12 years ago

… But piracy *is* theft. Who would disagree with that? 😉

12 years ago

Yep, I get some thumb down just because I've said Killzone and Resistance are better than Halo

12 years ago

I, of course, think the PS3 is a far superior system to the 360 on every front. And since I think X-game chat is vastly over-hyped (I hated talking to people and hearing their game's sound effects while trying to focus on my game, and I've never needed to talk to someone to form a party), I don't feel like I even want a 360.

However, anyone who pretends the 360 offers nothing is a fool.

I've played much 360 over the years and have played Gears of War 1 and 2, all Halo's, and Alan Wake. While I see the appeal of Gears, it's just another game I disliked. I like Halo well enough as a multiplayer game. I would definitely prefer to play that instead of the stupid lame-o CoD games my friends refuse to leave.

But if I'm actually honest, I think it would be cool to have Halo on PS3, but I wonder how much I would play it. I have Halo 1 and 2 on PC. I've beaten both on PC as well as 360, and I played online too. But I haven't even considered firing them back up over the last couple years. They are there, installed, and ready for me if I wanted, but it's just not that fantastic that I would keep going back to it.

Alan Wake? Yeah. I'm jealous of that.

So yeah… Gears: Hate it. Halo: Like it lots, but it's not exactly a system seller for me. Alan Wake: Gives it to meeee!

Any other 360 game I like a lot is also a multiplat, like Assassin's Creed. So I'm not missing out on much. But I am jealous of Alan Wake. Halo multiplayer would be fun, as long as I could also get a guarantee my friends would play it as opposed to CoD. If not, it's a big ol' meh for me.

Last edited by Underdog15 on 8/29/2011 10:33:32 AM

12 years ago

I would also love to get Alan Wake.

Remedy made several mistakes in my estimation.
They failed to understand their target audience was really on the PS3. If the game had to be exclusive, it should have been exclusive to the PS3.

They went up against Red Dead Redemption. In hindsight all i can say is OOPS!

Being that it was exclusive to the xbox it needed to have multi player. I say that tongue in cheek, but if you are only on the Xbox, you better darn well have multiplayer. 360 owners need that feature in all their games to justify 60.00 a year for online. They can't see paying for a game with a short campaign and no multiplayer.

Hopefully they will "Remedy" their mistake and put the sequel on the PS3.

Last edited by MyWorstNightmar on 8/29/2011 1:10:28 PM

12 years ago

I have both a 360 and a PS3 and have for a loooong time now. That being said, I will not be picking this up. I don't remember the last time I bought a 360 game, and it might have actually been Alan Wake.

So, jealous? No, more like done, over, and bored to tears with shiny green space marines.

12 years ago

I know what you mean. It's happening to me too.

12 years ago

Nope, not jealous on any measure either.

Last edited by Xombito on 8/29/2011 10:39:44 AM

mk ultra
mk ultra
12 years ago

So Microsoft is banking on Halo 5 and 6 being a success before the forth ones even done. They are definitely running short of exclusive first party ideas.

Warrior Poet
Warrior Poet
12 years ago

Halo is Microsoft's Zelda or Final Fantasy. It's their face. Of course the Halo games really don't measure up to Zelda, but they're iconic and do their jobs very well.

12 years ago

I have played Halo 3 and Reach (1 and 2 only played for a couple of hours) and never got into it.

I really don't understand what is all the hype about. IMO, nowadays, Halo is just another FPS videogame overpassed by a bunch of other titles with better story and better gameplay.

Halo's MP is a lot of fun… but nothing that gamers can't have in another games.

It's kind of sad to see that the 360 only have Halo, Forza and Gears as the flagship exclusives. I really want to use my 360 more than once a year.

12 years ago


12 years ago

For me, PS3 exclusives like Killzone and Resistance completely outshines Halo.

I have a Xbox and I've player Gears and Alan Wake but they're nothing special compared to PS3 exclusives.

12 years ago

Indeed. It's why there isn't a 360 in my house.

12 years ago

yes yes indeed

12 years ago

The PS3 has plenty of good exclusives too, though not as good FPS's. So I don't think PS3 users should be jealous.

On the other hand, Halo is what it is today bacause of Bungie.

With Bungie out of the picture, I don't know how good the new trilogy will be. I'm giving them the benefit of doubt but I'm not expecting much out of an unproven developer (434 Industries, What do they do?).

What I'm jelaous of is Gears of War. I would love to play it online for free on PSN. I hope Gears 4 will be multiplat.

12 years ago

From what I've heard, 343 has a LOT of guys from Bungie who didn't want to leave Halo so yeah…

12 years ago

I have read about that too but I'm still waiting to see what happens. It's not like they are going to say that the new team isn't up to par.

12 years ago

I have a ps3 and a 360 and I think my 360 is jealous of my ps3. Anyone who owns a ps3 knows there are so many exclusives coming out that this want even bother them.

12 years ago

Jealous? NO WAY! 🙂 my PS3 collection is growing while my 360 collection has stopped short. The last game I have bought for the 360 is Gears 3 and now just waiting to see what my last game for the 360 will be like.
As great as this would be in my collection, I won't be buying it. I have given up on everything 360 this year as the PS3 line up just looks so much better…

12 years ago

I enjoy Halo, though I don't love it. Gears of War is the big 360 series that convinced me to finally break down and pick up the console one boring and lonely winter a couple years back. The very first Halo was a groundbreaking game, the sequels have all been enjoyable, and I still love the sci-fi setting (though here's hoping they have cooler alien foes in the next trilogy). But other shooters have caught up or passed Halo at this point, I think.

12 years ago

I gotta say I am *much* more jealous about some PC games lately, especially The Witcher 2 and the upcoming Old Republic.

Last edited by Beamboom on 8/29/2011 11:02:04 AM

Fox hounder
Fox hounder
12 years ago

Yeah Old Republic looks awesome, i'm surprised that it is not at least coming to the 360, seeing as how the Knights Of The Old Republic was on the original Xbox.

Last edited by Fox hounder on 8/29/2011 11:33:02 AM

12 years ago

My guess is that it's all because of a need for keyboard to play the game. For instance I assume it's text chat in vicinity/guild/faction/trade channels.

I would not be surprised if it was just that simple… And that only makes it more bitter.

Last edited by Beamboom on 8/29/2011 2:59:02 PM

Fox hounder
Fox hounder
12 years ago

I didn't think of the keyboard, i'd say your right. Still though, it sucks.

12 years ago

Yeah it sucks hayballs. Especially since it's just to plug a usb keyboard into the ps3.

Last edited by Beamboom on 8/30/2011 8:07:30 AM

12 years ago

I wouldn't want the whole halo franchise since 1 and 2 imo were the only ones that was worth playing. I just think MS needs to kill this name off, cause i hate when pubs try to rely to much on the same game to push units. Though Sony has the variety of exclusives for the ps3, i just don't want them to cont relying on sequels and sequels to sell units. UC is the best of the best for ps3 but i would like to see the series to stop at uc3 for now, and have nd start to work on a new project. GG is the same, KZ should've of ended at 3 be done and have GG work on new project.

12 years ago

Not Jealous as like you yourself Ben I got the Xbox originally when the PS3 was delayed here in the UK and also I too wanted to playe Gears and the Halo's. I was waiting till like MGS4 came out but they anounced they were stopping doing the backwards compatable PS3's so I bought one with 2 games, F1 Championship Edition and Motorstorm. I then went to Game and picked myself up a copy of Resistance Fall Of Man.

Not looked back since.

I use my Xbox occasioanlly when I feel like Alan Wake. Kinda looking forward to Gears 3 but then once that has been played I know I'll be back on my PS3 a lot. Speaking of which I am on it now on Deus Ex Human Revolution, what a great game this really is.

Just a shame the PS3 is not getting Cross Game Chat.

12 years ago

Regarding Cross game chat. Let it go, it was never going to happen, as I've been saying for years now, it can't happen (and Sony finally confirmed this).

Just let it go and pick up a phone….

12 years ago

I love Halo but if i didn't have a 360 the franchise i'd be most jealous of would be Gears of War. Gears 3 is looking insane.

The Dead or Alive love that Xbox has been getting in the past would have been enough to convert me though as i love my fighters.

12 years ago

no, i am not jealous. i do wonder if the xbox brand would have been nearly as big without that franchise though. about the only thing i envy from the 360 is its somewhat better multiplats and cross game chat.

12 years ago

Without that Halo game, the Xbox would have gone the way of the dreamcast.

Russell Burrows
Russell Burrows
12 years ago

In 2001 at an arcade I rented an Xbox to play Halo.

Same opinion for Alan Asleep and Gears of Yawn I and II.

12 years ago

So, Are PS3 Fans Jealous Of That Halo Reclaimer Trilogy?…

No!!! 🙂



12 years ago

They took Resident Evil, Final Fantasy, and now Metal Gear from us. I don't want Halo, but it'd be nice to have something to laugh at them about.

12 years ago

and GTA, Devil May Cry, Silent Hill…

Warrior Poet
Warrior Poet
12 years ago

They didn't take anything. Those games are all still on PS3! Sure, they're not exclusive…and while exclusivity is nice, the quality of the games depends most on the developers and not the platform.

12 years ago

Correct me if I'm wrong but aren't Final Fantasy 13 and Resident Evil 5 the worst in their respective series?

Warrior Poet
Warrior Poet
12 years ago

I'm not an RE fan, but FFXIII definitely isn't the worst. That would be FFII or FFIII depending on how masochistic you are or how much Kanji you know 😛

Lord carlos
Lord carlos
12 years ago

Halo 1 & 2 are good games,halo 3 well i was too drunk to look at the screen anymore but i got 3 hrs in and its was pretty blah anyway so to answer the question….no not jealous.

12 years ago

Microsoft had to get Halo back. They have nothing else. And, no, I am not jealous, I have Uncharted, I'll be playing the hell out of Gears 3 and Battlefield and MW3 will be taking up the rest of my time.

What's this… Halo, you speak of?

12 years ago

LOL Halo, I remember back in the day one friend put Halo 2, he was playing the campaign and I ended sleeping.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
12 years ago

Aw, should've played co-op. I had fun beating Halo 2 with a friend. 😉

12 years ago

He just owned one controller, perhaps it would be fun but on these days there sure are better options.

The Doom
The Doom
12 years ago

The only reason why there are Halo fanboys is because they jack off thinking about the Master Chief, Chief Sargent Johnson, and the Arbiter having a gay orgy. Fu**ing fa**ots.

Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 8/29/2011 8:30:15 PM

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