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Far Cry 3 Will Take At Least 15-20 Hours To Complete

While many complain about the short length of shooter campaigns, Far Cry 2 was a definite exception.

That sucker was pretty damn long. Maybe too long…? Well, although Ubisoft has stated in the past that Far Cry 3 will be "ten times bigger" than its predecessor, lead designer Jamie Keen told The Average Gamer that it'll take around 15-20 hours to complete. That's still way longer than most any other FPS in existence, but a tad shorter than FC2. Said Keen:

"If you just follow the narrative section, mission to mission, somewhere between 15 and 20 hours. That’s really ballpark though. If you just decide to go off and run around and explore the world then it’s pretty much indefinite until you run out of steam."

As for that "ten times" the size comment, made earlier by narrative director Jason VandenBerghe, he was referring to the scale of the environment, not the length. Are fans satisfied with the 15-20 hour estimation? Obviously, it will probably be more if you wander around a lot and besides, we're talking about an open-world adventure.

Let's not forget that part. Far Cry is anything but an on-rails shooter.

Related Game(s): Far Cry 3

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12 years ago

Yeah, exactly. The on-rails linearity of many of the most popular shooters arent nearly as compelling to me. Those types tend to be the more twitch intensive shooting gallery fests, typically intense large scale military warfare types. The very idea of endlessly spawning frontline infantry in games like CoD and KZ2 is something I've hated. On the other end of the spectrum there are the Far Crys, Halos, and Crysis's that are less about tunneled progress and more about gaining tactical positioning, stealth, and alerted awareness circumstances that I find to be so much more engaging. I regress a little with Halo. When it first hit the scene it definitely felt more open than most shooters, but today, while it's still a bit more open than the average CoD or KZ, its pailing against the likes of Far Cry and Crysis in spaciousness; though, Reach deserves props for some very nice and very open levels, making vehicles all that more interesting.
Basically, my point is that I generally really prefer the more open FPS types to the leanier shooting gallery fests.

12 years ago

I totally agree, I got the exact same preferences when it comes to shooters.
Crysis 2 was one of my best fps experiences in a long, long time and Far Cry 3 is already on my d1p list.

12 years ago

Glad you agree. I liked Crysis 2 pretty well. I felt its PC roots were still telling as I kept feeling the tech was being makeshifted to work for consoles. Maybe it was all in my head. Not to say it didn't look impressive, because it did. But sometimes i felt definant lag or sluggishness in the controls.I look forward to playing Crysis 2 on PC, where, for me, itll perform, look, and play better. I suspect ill hold it with higher esteem at that point.

12 years ago

Absolutely. It's cool if you're in the mood to, as you say, "tunnel," through a war story but personally I like these open world shooters more because I feel like I'm in a real conflict where I decide the direction instead of a scripted movie.

12 years ago

Yep, world. I look forward to renting MW3 and have 5-6 hours of bombastic fun. Itd do more for me than either Jerry Bruckenheimer or michael bay could in the same amount of time =p

12 years ago

That's precisely why I recently bought Homefront, beat it, then sold it. It was a nice little war story and there's no need to make more or less of it than that.

Fox hounder
Fox hounder
12 years ago

This game is sounding more awesome all the time. I desperately need to get Far Cry 2

12 years ago

I appreciate the fact that there will still be games that will have relatively long campaigns. They don't all need to be that long, esp if there is no story to carry it, but it's mo def nice to see someone still putting in the effort.

Stay classy PSX…

12 years ago

FC2 was really good, the only thing i dislike was when I needed to drive so long to start a new mission

12 years ago

Was it the driving distances in itself or the frequent attacks while driving that you disliked?
Personally I think it would not have been the African savannah without some decent distances. But the frequent attacks I could have done without.

But the graphics in this game makes one think how the Fallouts could have looked had they been build on another engine…!

Last edited by Beamboom on 8/25/2011 11:46:09 AM

12 years ago

Sometimes during a mission, I'd just hit those bus station maps to transport to a different area.
Then I'd go ambush a enemy technical for a new ride & gun.

Last edited by BikerSaint on 8/25/2011 11:48:08 AM

12 years ago

Beanboom, I think it was the distances and the fact that everytime you go from one point to another you found a lot of enemies.

Biker, I used to do that too 😉

Don't misunderstand me, I enjoyed FC2 a lot.

12 years ago

My problem is that those distances can't be cut by going overland hardly ever. If something is on the other side of the map it might take a half hour or more just to get there because I have to drive the road. That SUCKS when you need to save.

12 years ago

MW3 will take at least 15-20 minutes to complete…

Sorry I had to do it, that was the first thing that came to mind when I read the title. Don't be mad at me for going off topic.

12 years ago

You made me giggle.

12 years ago

20 minutes is the average play length I've put into any Cod game in a sitting.

12 years ago


12 years ago

The FarCry2 "Flamethrower" FTW

12 years ago

I know you love your fire, but it might not be as prominent on this tropical island.

12 years ago

It was a little useless but the expanding fire was a nice addition

12 years ago

Not altogether useless, you could toss a molotov from cover and burn up a whole outpost, then go in to clear out the bad guys in the confusion.

12 years ago

Oh yeah the missions best solved with fire were the most fun! How the npcs reacted to the fire, the fire itself and how it spread, the whole package was just super fun. They can't possibly have excluded this in FC3, it's one of the core elements of FC2!

Last edited by Beamboom on 8/26/2011 4:16:04 AM

12 years ago

Far Cry 2 was awesome yet I never finished. I loved it but it seemed like a chore to me. I swear every mission made me drive clear across the map to get to the objective. I do remember being amazed about the fact that I could burn down a jungle if I chose to though.

12 years ago


12 years ago

I jumped ship on the series after Crytek left. The original Far Cry is still a beautiful game, I didn't like the look of the sequel.

12 years ago

Far cry 2 was a horrible game, so many flaws, i think imma pass on this one

12 years ago

Maybe you could list them so we know, if it helps the devs have (like so many other ones) made clear they heard the complains about FC2 and are working to deal with them in FC3.

12 years ago

maybe not flaws in the engine but just overall bone head decisions they made with the game. Long boring drives, checkpoints with extremely fast unrealistic spawning enemies, guns that jam way more than they should (i can understand realism but come on now)…stop me if you've heard this before which im sure you have.

Overall it made for a rather boring game imo. Far Cry was better before ubisoft got its hands on it

Last edited by aaronisbla on 8/26/2011 3:47:31 AM

12 years ago

I think FC3 looks great, 2 is fun and I like most things about it but the long drives, gun jamming, and the environment bug me. No offense to Africa, but games there can't succeed (RE5). It just isn't a good place for anything game related. FC2 is still a sweet game though, and much better than your average run of the mill FPS.

Now, that tropical setting looks pleasing all around.

I don't even class these as First Person Shooters because there isn't a massive focus on that. You decide how you approach things (unless you are ambushed or whatever), you have a great big world to wander in, side quests to take on, and access to gear that takes effort instead of just picking it up on the fly.

FC is one of the reasons I'm looking forward to Dead Island, I can see how the two relate, an open world first person zombie survival game is what the zombie sub genre needs.

These are FPA if anything: First Person Adventure

12 years ago

Fpa, now that's a pretty darn good name of a genre. its not a real genre is it? It should be, I can think of several that would fit that label!

12 years ago

Gun jamming was good, It makes the game a little more real, you can't expect a gun to work perfect forever right???

12 years ago

I agree Trophy, it was realistic in that those guns are going to be old and poorly kept plus it kept you going for your new guns at the weapons dealer BUT they jammed wayyyyyy too much. Instead of a time or two during a conflict they often literally jammed every other burst of fire.

12 years ago

if FC3 has the same long boring drives like FC2 did, this will be a pass.

12 years ago

cant freaking wait till this releases, i mean just on screenshots alone its making uncharted 3 look like a freaking SNES game!
i hope they have the fire system back, it was so cool watching a small fire slowly turn into a massive forest fire!
just please for the love of god can we tone down the everyones trying to kill you?
gets really annoying having to drive for 20 tedious minutes just to get to your objective.
but it gets even worse if for every second of those 20 minutes 100 people are trying to blow up your car!
i was constantly having to get out of my car and kill off the attackers, and hopefully my car does not blow up because if it does good luck finding a new one out in the middle of the jungle!
this aint GTA where theres roads everywhere, if your car does blow have fun walking to the objective!

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