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Emily Rose: Uncharted 3 Ending Will Surprise You

Don't worry, no spoilers here. Just a teaser…

We were big fans of the Uncharted 2: Among Thieves ending. It just felt so satisfying and complete. But apparently, that's nothing compared to what Naughty Dog has planned for the Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception climax.

In speaking with TVology , Elena's voice actress talked about a number of subjects, and when asked about the ending of the third Uncharted , she gave quite the intriguing response:

"The final scenes of Uncharted are definitely worth all of the play time and the stuff that we wrapped up before I finished my last part of Haven when I was back home was literally Nolan and I looking at each other like, 'Oh my gosh, are you kidding me? That’s amazing. I did not see that coming.' So more great cliffhangers."

We always love surprises, especially when we're talking about one of the most anticipated games of the year. Personally, I just like to see all our favorite characters from the first two games; you can't really have an Uncharted without Elena, and I'm a big fan of Chloe, too. If there's another title that has a better chance at winning a boatload of awards this year, I don't know what it is.

Related Game(s): Uncharted 3

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12 years ago

UC2's ending was good & it provided us with the greatest line in videogames history.
"you're gonna miss this ass" xD!

Last edited by TheCanadianGuy on 8/22/2011 2:14:06 PM

12 years ago

Please tell me Drake doesn't die.

12 years ago

I think you meant 'die'. Think of the Snake Plissken effect….

12 years ago

Nah. Turns out he doesn't exist. He was just a figment of every other character's imagination all along.

And Eddy Raja is alive and well.

12 years ago

the butler did it!

12 years ago


I'm really diggin' the add of Rinoa to you avi. Very awesome.

On topic, I'm still tryina hunt down the first uncharted. After hearing all the rave about the series so far, consider my interest piqued.

12 years ago

The story continues. Uncharted: The Justin Drake Chronicle.

Nate and Elena's son.

You never know!

12 years ago

Uncharted 3 and cliffhanger in the same sentence?

OK, this means 3 things to me. Uncharted 3 will rock; Uncharted 4 will happen and I can't wait for Uncharted 3 to land, the collectors edition is a must…

12 years ago

I second the motion. I wish I haven't gone bankrupt by the time Uncharted 3 comes out. LOL

12 years ago

i really enjoyed the beta for this game and cant wait to see what happens in the single player. i wish i didnt have a bunch of crap to do right now cuz i want to go play uncharted 2 now! lol cant wait for the vita game also.

12 years ago

Awesome. I expected nothing different.

12 years ago

Emily is such a tease, now I'm all excited.

12 years ago

Guess Im gonna have to get off my ass and finally play Uncharted 2. Maybe then Ill know whats going on in Drake land.

12 years ago

You'll be glad you did.

12 years ago


12 years ago

Maybe the big surprise is that Drake retires to become a clown. You never know…

12 years ago

Now Drake can 1 up the mustache on the scary scale.

12 years ago

Let's hope naughty dog doesn't pull an Indy 4 and introduce aliens at the end… unless it's done right.

12 years ago

we've had mutant-zombie creatures and nigh-invincible yetti impersonators and you're worried about aliens?

12 years ago

Greatness, just please don't make her pregnant. When they bring kids into good things it just ruins it.

12 years ago

only arkham city has a chance to win GOTY. still am rooting for u3, than maybe we get another cool GOTY song for uncharted 😀

12 years ago

That's a fine woman that there is. Emily Rose is it?

12 years ago

i kinda got distracted by the picture to read the article, at least in the beginning, in the middle, and the end.

by the way, is anyone having trouble with uncharted 2 online? i keep getting connection error and already lost 1 level and 160000 money. i'm only having problems with uncharted 2 though. all other games were fine.

12 years ago

you mean elana pregnant and drake being killed?
totally saw that coming!
ill believe it when i see it!
story has always been uncharteds achilles heel.
far too typical hollywood blockbuster far fetched crap!
all flash and no substance, all shirt and no knickers!
a big flashy fireball explosion, instead of a mystery, a well thought out thinker.
transformers instead of inception.
tis why id put 50K on tomb raider being a better game then uncharted will ever be!
tis why im putting my money on revelations being the best game of the year!
simply because ubisoft are one of the few out there that understand story is THE most important thing in games!
good graphics, fun gameplay, great humor, they dont make you remember a game, they dont keep you up at night, they dont make you want to go play it more just to see what happens.
the story does, something FAR too many developers just dont care about!

GG had a interview with the creator of trials HD a arcade platformer on XBLA last week, it was really interesting!
he was asked what makes a great game?
he said exactly what i said above, story because it makes the player come back, it makes the player constantly think about our game.
mystery, without it you forget about the game very quickly and your less likely to go back to it, buy DLC for it, or pick up the sequel, or even just follow the devs to there next game.

12 years ago

You have points.

It's why i grew bored of Uncharted, bad cheesy storytelling akin to a bad Hollywood blockbuster, even though that was it's aim…and many love a cheesy blockbuster and i guess that's why Uncharted is loved too.

I couldn't even get into the gameplay with it being far too linear and all about flash rather than depth.

With all that said though, i respect Uncharted from a technical standpoint.

12 years ago

Cant wait till Tombraider comes out. That game looks sweet.

12 years ago

Once again blank line, have you never heard of Indiana Jones before? That's what the series is based on, and its supposed to be a funny, action-packed adventure. Its not supposed to be some dark, brooding game with themes that are relevant to modern society, and its not supposed to be a really really deep mystery. At the end of the day, its supposed to be a "cheesy" blockbuster, as you put it. And btw, good cheesy blockbusters make you remember them. No I'm not talking about Transformers (and anyone who says this game is supposed to be like Transformers is an idiot), I'm talking about movies like The Last Crusade. Even now, 22 years after release, people remember most of that movie and continue to love to rewatch it.

As far as Tomb Raider goes, what the hell makes you think that's gonna be any deeper than Uncharted? Uncharted 3 is supposed to be about Drake's fears, and Tomb Raider is supposed to be about survival. Those are two fairly personal themes, and both are supposed to be adventures like the Indiana Jones movies. Oh, and if you hadn't noticed, this Tomb Raider reboot is heavily, HEAVILY based on the success of Uncharted, so don't go saying that it'll be completely different and a breath of fresh air.

Revelations having the best story of the year? That may be one of the things I actually agree with you on, but its goin up against LA Noire, inFamous 2 (which had a really good and sad story as far as I'm concerned), and Portal 2. And all 3 of those games didn't end on cliffhangers, something that is obviously gonna happen in Revelations. And usually, a complete game without a cliffhanger has a better story than a game with a cliffhanger, mostly because its complete and has told everything in one installment. This is why I don't believe Dead Space 2 or Revelations will have the best stories this year, but they'll be remembered as having damn good ones at the least. That much I'm sure of.

12 years ago

Lotusflow3r, you have a hatred for anything that's not a fancy shmancy artsy fartsy French film (or a game that's either similar to that or has old mechanics from "back in the day," like DNF), so IMO I don't think your input can even be considered as a worthwhile and unbiased look at these games.

And I can't believe you hate the game's linearity, considering some of your favorite games that you flaunt as being the "best ever" have worse linearity than Uncharted. And as far as flashy gameplay goes, look no further than some of your old favorites, like the Duke for instance. Sure, its gameplay was new at the time, but it had very little depth compared to any RPG of back then, and even of now. So before you go making opinions just to make them "against the man" or popular opinion, or for whatever artsy reason you make them, try to actually have some well-thought-out reasons for making such opinions. Over and out.

Last edited by Lairfan on 8/25/2011 12:51:40 PM

12 years ago

Drake will die.

12 years ago

Really guys? What's with all the "Drake's gonna die" comments? Personally, I think Sully's gonna die. I really don't want him to, but I think that's what's gonna happen.

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