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Kojima Tweets Japanese/US MGS HD Collection Details

It's just another one of those must-have collections for any veteran gamer's library.

And there are a few fresh details for the Metal Gear Solid HD Collection , as revealed by boss man Hideo Kojima at his Twitter page . As it turns out, there will be some differences between the Japanese and "overseas" release of the compilation. Firstly, while we'll get the HD overhaul of Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker , Japanese fans will receive a download code for the original Metal Gear Solid on the PSN. Secondly, we'll receive emulated MSX versions of Metal Gear 1 and Metal Gear 2 ; the origins of the franchise play awfully differently, but they're also old . Give 'em a break.

Oh, and don't forget that both versions will basically deliver Metal Gear Solid: Subsistence rather than the original MGS3; the re-release offered user-controllable camera angles, which was a huge blessing. Kojima did mention something about MGS2 HD also being based on "subsistence" but we're not really sure what that means. Oh, and if you want to check out the Trophy images Kojima Tweeted, check the link above…yeah, Trophies. Gotta get those.

Related Game(s): Metal Gear Solid: HD Collection

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12 years ago

Man, could november become anymore crowded?

Anyway, this collection looks uber sweet.
I'll have to get it, being a MGS fan and all.

Chelsea United
Chelsea United
12 years ago

Where is our MGS? 🙁 that was my favourite game…. so can we at least buy the HD remake of it or is it only available in Japan?

Lord carlos
Lord carlos
12 years ago

Hellz yeah
I'm onboard
Any mgs4 trophy patch news?
2 years overdue
End transmission.

12 years ago

when kojima was asked about a mgs4 throphy patch he asked which do you think gamers prefer. him working on new games or going back and putting trophies in mgs4. that sounded like a no to me.

trophies for mgs4 would have been great. it would have added some replay value to a really short game.

i can't wait for mgs hd collection. i've yet to play peacewalker. i'm a little saddedned it's appearing on the 360 as well, but i did hear the silent hill hd collection is ps3 exclusive. so much for kojima finding a way to keep mgs ps3 exclusive though.

this is off topic kind of but does regard hd collections. does anybody know if na will get a boxed release of the resident evil hd games? i'm getting conflicting info. this site has an article saying yes but everywhere else i look it sounds like it is a digital release only. does anyone know for sure? i called gamespot and they said no too.

Last edited by Excelsior1 on 8/12/2011 11:01:38 AM

Fox hounder
Fox hounder
12 years ago

@Excelsior 1. I looked on the web for an article about kojima doing trophies for MGS4. He said he would like to do a "complete version" (directors cut) with trophies and 3d, but said he didn't have the time for it, he did however hint at someone in his company doing it. And MGS4 might be a short game, but if you strive to unlock all of the emblems you could easily invest 40 to 50 hours in MGS4. And finally. The reason the hd collection is on 360 is because Rising is coming to 360, as i have said before, hd collections are used to do promote the next game in the series and ready the fans. It wouldn't make sense to make the hd collection exclusive when Rising is multiplat.

Last edited by Fox hounder on 8/12/2011 11:40:13 AM

12 years ago

MGS4 isn't a short game if you strive to unlock everything, and do all the emblems and such.

12 years ago


thank you for the info. rising being on 360 says a lot about konami taking it multiplat in itself. i know ps3 fans like to say this really isn't a mgs game but the writing is on the wall so to speak imo. raiden isn't part of peacewalker is he? so why is the 360 getting it same day as the ps3 if they don't have plans to go multiplat? if there is a mgs5 i willing to bet hard money it appears on microsoft's system as well. let's see there will be 4 mgs games on 360 now (not counting mg games). that says a lot. konami isn't going to ignore over half of the hd market with this series imo. i would buy into the hd collection as a promotion for mgs rising if it were more closely timed with rising's release and if peacewalker was not thown in.

ofcourse i would be thrilled if i am wrong about this.

i want to clear about mgs4. i love it, and i've played through it at least 20 times. it's a great game with or without trophies.

Last edited by Excelsior1 on 8/12/2011 12:18:01 PM

Fox hounder
Fox hounder
12 years ago

There are two reasons PW is part of the hd collection, 1. PW sold less than MG Acid (a lousy spinoff) on psp, they are trying to make more money off of it, and 2. It's so that the collection would be three games instead of two. I consider Rising to be an MGS game, however its a SPINOFF, and its not directed by kojima, nobody should care that Rising is multiplat based off that last reason alone. And hd collections sometimes come out a year before the next release, look at Sly cooper, we got the hd collection this year and Sly 4 comes out next year, Rising is set for 2012 ( I.E next year).

Last edited by Fox hounder on 8/12/2011 12:30:22 PM

Lord carlos
Lord carlos
12 years ago

Oh well time to let go off that dream!
Theirs nothing sadder than a sad sith lord.
(starts force choking everybody within 300ft)

12 years ago


The Resident Evil Games will be for separate downloads only at $20.00 each.

12 years ago

I'm all over this…..gotta respect the classics!!!

12 years ago

I wished they threw in portable ops in the package. Is MGS2 going to be the Substance version? It's good to have MG1 & 2. Still going to keep my MGS3 Subsistence PS2 game.

12 years ago

Can't wait for this. My only problem is that it's releasing the SAME day as Modern Warfare 3 so it's going to be hell to grab this. Ugh.

Just a thought, if Metal Gear 1 & 2 will release on the Xbox 360 as well, wouldn't that mean they'll have achievements? Does that mean we may actually see trophies for these two versions as well? I know, I know, unlikely but you never know.

Last edited by DrRockso87 on 8/12/2011 11:07:44 AM

Fox hounder
Fox hounder
12 years ago

I'm glad the msx MG1 & MG2 SS games are included, and i think he ment MGS2 will be substance ( the directors cut).

12 years ago

Maybe it's just me but I'm hype about getting the Metal Gear 1 & 2. I played the hell out of those when I was a kid. They're really giving us a lot of content with this collection

Claire C
Claire C
12 years ago

I can't wait to play MGS3. I'm so sad I missed it. :_(

12 years ago

Look at the bright side. You get to experience one of the best games of the previous gen for the first time. I already know what's going to happen when I play it.

Claire C
Claire C
12 years ago


The correct order would be to play MGS3 first, right?

12 years ago

Yes, followed by Peace Walker. Portable Ops fits somewhere in there too. But that one was sort of a spin off/story chapter combo. It adds to the whole series but isn't really necessary if that makes any sense?

12 years ago

Portable Ops is kind of a spinoff? I don't have a PSP (and don't tend to) so that's why I want to be able to play that game.

12 years ago

Portable Ops is after MGS3. Peace Walker is After Portable Ops.
MGS3 => MGS Portable Ops => MGS Peace Walker => Metal Gear => Metal Gear 2 => MGS => MGS 2 => MGS 4

12 years ago

I didn't know substance had a controllable camera angle! That makes an epic difference. Did the substance version MGS2 have a similar feature? And we get Metal Gear 1 and 2! I'm looking forward to those ones. I've only seen some of them on youtube and it's clear that Kojima has always been ahead of his time.

Fox hounder
Fox hounder
12 years ago

Unfortunately MGS2 substance has a fixed camera, although it's not as bad as MGS3 Snake Eater's birds eye camera.

Claire C
Claire C
12 years ago

MGS3 Subsistence has a more traditional 3rd person camera instead of the more top down view. Much, much better from what I've read.

Fox hounder
Fox hounder
12 years ago

Indeed. Come to think of it, MGS3 Subsistence had the option of the birds eye camera, as well as having the third person camera.

Last edited by Fox hounder on 8/12/2011 1:15:43 PM

Claire C
Claire C
12 years ago

Yup =)

12 years ago

yes, 10x better when the player can control the camera. you can switch between bird's eye and player controlled camera simply by clicking the right anolog stick in mgs 3 substance. i have no idea why mgs solid resisted a tradiditional 3d player controlled camera for so long. i 've heard kojima say 3d games made him dizzy. i know he's considered a god, but come on get with the times. to his credit he did.

Last edited by Excelsior1 on 8/12/2011 1:27:11 PM

12 years ago

@Fox Hounder: Hitting R3 that is 🙂

Fox hounder
Fox hounder
12 years ago

@totozero18. you are correct.

12 years ago

I have always liked metal gear so it's a must buy for me especially with trophies. Anyone who hasn't played metal gear yet needs to get this collection

Claire C
Claire C
12 years ago

I thought MGS2 was Substance, not Subsistence. o.O

Fox hounder
Fox hounder
12 years ago

Yeah it is, i think it was a translation error, or kojima got confused, lol.

12 years ago

I already have the MGS Essential Collection for PS2, but I am sooooooo getting this!

Last edited by 556pineapple on 8/12/2011 2:06:44 PM

12 years ago

only thing stopping me from getting this game is the price…. 49.99 just for peace walker? (I have perfectly working versions of mgs2 substance and mgs3 subsistence for my ps2)… so yeah ill wait til this drops to 20 bucks

12 years ago

Read that guys? a download code for the japs.
Blasphemy! That means you'll have to buy it new to get the code first.

Better cancel your pre-orders because konami is evil now too.

12 years ago

I just realized I havent preordered this. It's a must have collection and Im still hoping for a MGS4 trophy patch.

12 years ago


Subsistance version of MGS3!!! Yes!!! OMG!!! I've been hoping it was that version and not the standard MGS Snake Eater the whole time since this collection has been announced!!!

The only thing that's keeping me from squeeling like a little girl getting her own pony for christmas is the lack of an MGS original HD or remake in that collection. Ahhhh…. one can dream.

This "Subsistance" thing for MGS2 sounds a lot like free roam camera implemented into Sons of Liberty. If that's true…. "Squeeeeeeeeeeee!!!"

12 years ago

YES, the MGS essential collection for PS2 was missing the MG1 and MG2 games, now I can finally have the whole series, playable on PS3 no less!

12 years ago

You do know that Twin Snakes exists for Gamecube right? It's not in HD, but it looks lots better than the original.

12 years ago

no thanks i already got them running on my emulator.
anyone else see the origins page on the ps blog yesterday?
i was really looking forward to getting those, but they look CRAP!
i cant believe $ony have done it again!
every collection series has looked significantly better then the old versions, except the ones $ony have done!
look at the tomb raider, or PoP, or splinter cell series.
they looked fantastic!
GOW collections though, TBH its hard to tell the difference!
yea there psp games, but whats the point of going through all that time and effort getting it to run on the ps3, in 3D, @ 60FPS and full HD, if its going to look that crap?

12 years ago

I'm hopeful that Subsistence influence on MGS2 means that chapter will get the Subsistence camera manipulation option. As Ben notes, that was a HUGE step forward for the series. Pretty much the same system was used in MGS 4.

For the record, I'm way more excited about getting Peace Walker HD for the PS3. I eagerly bought it when it came out for PSP but I just couldn't stand playing a MGS with one analog stick, and on such a comparatively small screen. I couldn't get into it and now it sits on my shelf. Really looking forward to playing through that one on my trusty PS3, I liked a lot of the ideas in the portable version.

The X Factor 9
The X Factor 9
12 years ago

Peace Walker is worth the price of admission alone. The game is MEANT to be played online with others. I don't know many other people with PSP's, nevermind, Peace Walker, to play with. Some of the levels can be VERY difficult to play alone.

I still want to know if they updated the control scheme to these "remakes". If they're going to "remake the game in HD" I hope we get updated MGS4 controls.

The controls in MGS4 were such a blessing. To this day it is my favorite game of all-time.

As to being on Xbox too…who cares? It's a good thing more gamers get to play these "classic" games. Note how MGS4 isn't on the 360, nor are there plans to port the game over.

12 years ago

Awesome, I've been waiting for a remake of the MSX first 2 games but ill take an emulated version for now 😛

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