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PSXE Poll Update: Gamers Divided On Human Revolution

Well, it doesn't get much less definitive than this.

One of the biggest releases of August is Deus Ex: Human Revolution and with all the hype surrounding this promising title, we wanted to know how many readers were sold. As it turns out, while many said they'd either nab it on day one or purchase the game at a later date, more than half of the poll participants weren't convinced. Many were on the fence while others just asked, "What's Deus Ex ?" That's understandable as the franchise was never really huge on consoles, and relatively speaking, it's kinda old. But we believe this new entry has a lot going for it and if the developers succeeded, we're all in for one hell of a treat.

This time, we want to know what you think about the PlayStation Vita's estimated launch date. Recently, we heard Sony's Kaz Hirai saying the new portable wouldn't arrive in time for the holiday rush; we expect it to drop some time early next year. But is that a mistake? Should they really have tried to get it out for Christmas? And do you think the unit will be a success, regardless of when it launches?

Related Game(s): Deus Ex: Human Revolution

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Fox hounder
Fox hounder
12 years ago

I've got no problem waiting for what could be the best portable device ever made, and maybe the delay will result in more launch titles.

12 years ago

Now that I think about it more the Vita launching next year isn't so bad. I am angry though because I was expecting to play/use it soon. Its still a day one purchase though. Gotta have Uncharted: Golden Abyss!
Anyways, this gives me more time to save up that hefty price of $250. That's about 4 new games and most gamers are looking forward to playing at least 4 or more games this fall. Use that money you were gonna use for Vita on some of those cool new incoming games. Plus, you'll have that cash and those gift cards from Christmas to use on your new Vita!

Last edited by Danny007 on 8/7/2011 10:17:17 PM

12 years ago

I'm interested in Deus, looks like it's got some Metal Gear meets Matrix thing going on. The only thing that bugs me is the main guy's voice acting, that's gonna be painful to listen to.

While I think waiting to have better launch titles for Vita is a smart move, not launching it around Xmas is not. I think initial sales will be less with the new date because people will be all spent money-wise by the time Vita arrives in 2012. The hardcore can't-waiters will still get it of course, but not the "wow cool new device" people. They will be okay waiting on a price drop.

12 years ago

i agree with you on the vita. waiting on titles is a good thing, but not luanching at christmas time is not. it would have been preferable to have luanched this year. i would have loved to see nintendo and sony face off this christmas becuase i think nintendo is vulnerable in the handheld sector for the first time i can recall. i think the vita will beat the 3ds in japan. the original psp is doing that at times already. it's the other markets such as the na market that concern me.

12 years ago

It always seems strange that in staggered hardware launches, they choose to release in Japan for the holidays rather than the West, though (I've heard) holiday shopping isn't very big in Japan.

Heathens. ;D
Jesus wants us to buy stuff.

12 years ago

I think not launching in 2011 will actually help both the ps3 and the Vita because of the sheer number of must have games coming out this fall. If the Vita released this holiday season I think you'd see many gamers being forced to choose between the two. Pushing the launch date back allows us time to refill our wallets.

12 years ago

I've been a Deus fan ever since JC Denton first appeared in the original 11 years ago. I have high hopes for this new one and it "looks" like Eidos got the formula right for this one considering the praise coming from the reviews and previews thus far. Already preordered and just waiting for it to arrive in the mail. Though I'm not happy with the regenerating health that will be in place for this one. Wish developers would make that an option instead of mandating it every game it seems nowadays.

12 years ago


Your health doesn't regenerate? Get with the times!

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
12 years ago

Deus Ex, I'm saying right now, will be off-the-charts awesome. I wants it, precious, oh yes indeed.

I wasn't expecting to see Vita this year anyway, so I'm not surprised, and hardly disappointed to see it pushed back to next year. The delay has both good and bad points but I'm going to say that it is a good thing. It allows for more day 1 purchases of the device, as people will have gotten all of the big games that they wanted out of the way by February or March and there might be a little bit of a lull around that time.

12 years ago

how can you be on the fence for deus ex?
come on, if this does not get you excited NOTHING will!
multiple paths, multiple styles, more weapons then you can poke a stick at, more args then you can poke a stick at, finally a proper stealth game none of this conviction shi*t, deep compelling storyline, fairly good level design, good graphics, awesome sound, fantastic AI (in fact best AI ive ever seen!!!!!!!), compelling characters, characters who react to how you treat situations, branching storylines.
i mean come on, what more could you ask for!?

as for vita one word.
they lost me as a customer when someone stole my credit card details and purchased things off PSN with it.
so what do they do?
do they notify me?
nope, they ban my account!
not a email, not a phone call, NOTHING!
i had to ring them to see why it was banned and only then did they tell me what had happened.
WHAT THE %$#@#?
eh they will learn, finally got the court papers today.
ill teach them NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you maybe able to buy the US courts, but here there a little more, well, liberal.

Last edited by ___________ on 8/8/2011 4:17:52 AM

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
12 years ago

I think you mean strict… not liberal.

12 years ago

For ________, up is down…black is white…good is bad. Haven't you realized that, yet?

12 years ago

whats the difference?
we forgotten the curse johnny put us through so many years already?
he only lasted so long because he was the lesser of 2 evils!
O, and fane if you dont have anything to construct to the conversation then please dont post.
otherwise ill link to all your posts and insult you and see how it feels when the shoes on the other foot.
god, never have i been in a place that makes me feel im back in kindergarten more then this!

Last edited by ___________ on 8/8/2011 8:48:08 AM

12 years ago

Are you representing youself in court?

If so… then my money's on Sony.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
12 years ago

Liberal would basically mean that they are more open to being bought out. But I didn't realise you were talking politics there… I've given up on that topic altogether. So far as I'm concerned, they're all as bad as each other.

12 years ago

No great divide for me, DE:HR is a already a definite buy!

Actually, I'm glad Vita's delayed, that gives it additional time for more games to release with it.

And much more needed time for me to scrounge up the scratch to get it.

Last edited by BikerSaint on 8/8/2011 6:27:01 AM

12 years ago

Wow, I wish the questions on all the tests I have taken in my life were this easy! 🙂 DE-HR D1P! Easy!

Vita delay = better launch titles and more time for Sony to put the hurt on the rapidly fading Nintendo. This could be the best handheld launch in history. It really doesn't matter when it launches as it will be a huge success!

12 years ago

For me it's just a case of to many games, not enough money and time.

12 years ago

I could only wish that those on the fence experienced Deus Ex back then. My, how you'd all get the hype if you did. That game was unbelievably ahead of it's time. Infact, i think the ideas and gameplay of today have only JUST caught up with it….it came out in 1999.

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