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Grasshopper, Digital Reality Charging Up Sine Mora

Yay! A side-scrolling shoot-'em-up! The only place you can find such adventures these days is online in the digital realm.

And Grasshopper Manufacture and Digital Reality are teaming up to deliver a very artistic and downright zany title to the PlayStation Network, Xbox Live, and PC. It's called Sine Mora and it's slated to arrive some time this winter. If you're wondering, the title translates literally to "without delay." …cool.

It's Grasshopper's first collaborative effort with Hungarian developer Digital Reality. The game is being described as traditional genre gameplay enhanced by "time manipulation mechanics." It'll also support 3D for everyone with such capability. Grasshopper is working on Lollipop Chainsaw for consoles, while Digital Reality is cranking on another downloadable title, Skydrift , a combat/racing game. And here's the Sine Mora trailer.