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PSXE Poll Update: Catherine Maintains Its Niche Status

Yeah, not everyone is going to want this game, despite any acquired critical acclaim.

The majority of our readers simply say Catherine , which releases this week, just isn't their cup of tea. This sort of proves the game's "niche" status, in that only a small group of gamers is really going to love the setting and style. Not many titles can be described as "cinematic erotic/horror anime puzzler." At the same time, we did have a fair number of readers say they'd nab it on day one and in fact, a great many others who say they'll wait and see. This proves we have an open-minded readership when it comes to refreshing, potentially innovative projects. Me, I remain cautiously optimistic. I've never been an anime fan but if the story is great and the gameplay is fun, I'll definitely recommend it.

This week, we want an update on your gaming status. Which of the three major systems do you own? All of 'em? Just the PS3? Can you possibly be a PSXE reader and not own a PlayStation 3? Well, maybe. But we'd like to know where the readers stand at this moment in the generation; do they feel the need to have multiple systems? I do. …sort of.

Related Game(s): Catherine

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13 years ago

Just waiting on my "love is Over" package to arrive on my doorstep Tuesday.

13 years ago

I'm quite Jealous, I hope we get such an special edition in Europe.

As for the game I think it is oen of the most innovative and interesting games this year. It's really the only title which seems fresh. Sure I want Uncharted 3 and Resistance 3, but I feel I can wait for it.

Catherine seems to be one fo them few gaems where your decisions and actions hae consequences (Like Heavy Rain or Shadow of Memories), if you ask me this is the future of video game story telling, have a story with different branches. It does what film simply cannot and If more games pay attention to an interactive story I reckon video games may become the most engaging media out there.

13 years ago

I've owned every combo listed there except "Just a Wii". I've had a PS360, a Wii60, a PSWii and all three consoles at the same time. I had the 360 at launch and also have had just a PS3. Right now I have the PS3 and an Xbox 360 that I bought for my niece and nephew because they want to play Kinect games. Maybe after they destroy the 360, I'll buy them a PS3. You can bet it won't last long when a reckless 8 year-old boy is one of the users. He made mincemeat out of the Wii he got 2 years ago.

13 years ago

I still haven't decided if I should get Catherine day 1 or wait a bit, while I loved the demo it still seems like it should be a $40 game.

No option for multiple PS3s huh? My setups consist of 2 PS3s, a PS2, an Xbox1 fully modded for emulation, a PSP and 2 Dreamcasts. I'd get a 360 to play Lost Odyssey but they aren't worth what they cost and I can't risk pre-squat version bursting into flames. I'd only get a Wii for Zelda and that just isn't enough reason.

13 years ago

I want your xbox world, I've only got emulation options on my phone.

But anyways, I don't remember what I voted in the poll. But ill be getting catherine, the demo was sweet. But I'm gonna wait for a price drop.

The systems I own are as follows : my pride and joy is my ps3. My girls got a wii. We've got a ps-duece. I have a ds lite and she a dsi-xl. Were saving up for a refurbed 360 as I just done have the money to dump into a new one.

I don't feel that I need to have multiple systems, I just enjoy it. More variety.

13 years ago

I agree. Where is the option for more then one PS3?!

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

Even if you had 11 PS3s and nothing else, the answer would still be, "Just the PlayStation 3." 😉

13 years ago


Why wouldn't you pay full price for this? From what I've heard the single player mode clocks in at about 15 hours.. That's longer than most current releases.. And there's co-op and versus multiplayer modes, so you can't say it has no replay value.

13 years ago

@ Cole concerning the good/bad meter in the demo I'm pretty sure it has atleast 2 endings

13 years ago

I don't do multiplayer, and while I love a good story the game is a pretty basic puzzler even if those puzzles keep getting harder.

13 years ago

Its too bad many aren't willing to give Catherine a chance. No matter how unique and different a game may be people always settle for the same. You wonder why Japanese games are dying?

I have a PS3 and a Wii. Only really use the PS3. Never really wanted a 360 or just that my bias wont let me.

13 years ago

Three years ago I would say you are being biased, but get a 360 only if you enjoy dudebro gaming crap like this:

13 years ago

The purchase bonuses and demo have cemented my view of wanting to buying this game.

13 years ago

There is no "Neither" option? I've been console-less for the past 7 months.

13 years ago

And I play more on my PC than anything else, but that's not an option either.

13 years ago

7 months? Yet you come to PSXE?

You know the website you visit is top notch when people not involved in the theme (PS3) still come here.

13 years ago

JMO is plenty involved with the topic, but due to circumstances way beyond his control he's PS3-less right now.

13 years ago

Thank you Highlander. Just because I'm console less right now doesn't mean I'm not an involved gamer. As Highlander was saying, it wasn't in my control to have my PS3 stolen from me.

13 years ago

i tried the demo for Catherine, iif it was'nt for the puzzles i'd ptobly buy it. maby not on release day, but sometime down the road.

i own a PS3 & Xbox 360, but my 360 is just a dust collector.

13 years ago

There's a legend even those Japanese kids complained about the difficult, like u serious bro those hardcore gaming machines? this scared me a lot.

Looks like this version is already patched to hardcore human level, so when it gets 19.99 you should try it just for the history.

if the plot end being good of course 🙂

13 years ago

I really enjoyed the catherine demo i thought it was unique but i will probably wait a little before i buy it.

The only system i own is a PS3 and wii but i gave it to my sister to play because i only play zelda anyway. The exclusive lineup the PS3 has i never seen the sense in buying a xbox 360 to sit around collecting dust when there is only like a few games i would play anyway.

13 years ago

I liked everything about Catherine except the block puzzles and I love puzzle games (I currently have 35 puzzle games on my PS3). Even on easy, the lack of precision combined with the sensation of being rushed made it not fun for me. I will wait to see if there's enough other gameplay to warrant a purchase because I dig the weirdness.

PS3, PSP, PS2, and GBA currently; only the PS3 gets regular use, though. I'd have my PS2 connected, but there's no place for it to sit ATM. I'd buy a Nintendo console, but they've never quite sold me on one; M$ gets a penny of my money shortly after hell freezes.

Last edited by Fane1024 on 7/25/2011 12:17:00 AM

13 years ago

I actually missed the last poll but I have my copy preordered, only full game purchase in awhile. It looks astounding to me and a truly great game. Mystery, horror, engrossing, storydriven an actual adult game not adult things for titillation.
It seems to be getting more attention than a niche title in my view too. This is a huge contingent of the Persona teams first HD title we're talking here, it's an event in itself just that fact, let alone how innovative the game itself is.

13 years ago

happily waiting for tuesday

13 years ago

I played the demo of Catherine and kept getting stabbed with a fork or something in the second block puzzle. I'm not sure what to think of the game. Some parts were cool, but I haven't decided one way or the other on a purchase. I'll wait on the review and play the demo again after reading it.

The only console I own is a PS3. I have no desire to buy what Nintendo and MS are offering this gen.

13 years ago

I am getting Catherine as soon as my budget allows me. I've spent so much on gaming the past few months and I haven't finished them all yet, so that's a chance for me to save. But I'm definitely going to get the game. I played the demo and enjoyed it for all its worth, and that includes the puzzles.

As for the new poll, I only have a PS3. I have no interest at the moment to get a 360 or a Wii. The only other consoles I currently have are the PSP, PS2, and a Dreamcast (still in great condition!).

13 years ago

I;m all for interesting games, just not erotic ones. Sorry, I'm not going there.

I own all 3 of the consoles listed. I have to say the Wii is the first system I ever owned where I feel I probably could've gone without having ever owned it. Granted, I like having some VC stuff there. And there's some family activities to do on it. But if I didn't have others to play the system with I may have very well have sold it. That's not to say the system didn't have some reasonably appealing games from Nintendo's core franchises.
360 and PS3 are my home base. Both consoles have offered me many hours of quality gaming entertainment.

13 years ago

For the new poll,
As a gaming collector, I own all three, plus another 33 systems & hand-held's right now.
Here's what I've got so far(FYI, the numbers to the right of each system, are the amount of games I own for each collection).

3DO 45
Nintendo64 79
PC 1
WII 14(Black new 2010 model W/Motion+)
XBOX 264
360 116
PS1 554
2 PS2's (Phat & White Slim) 425
PS3 320GB Move Bundle 135

OnLive (Streaming)
TELESTAR ALPHA (4 Self contained games)
ZONE 60 (60 Self contained 8bit retro games)

2 GB COLOR's 24
Nintendo DS 9
5 PSP's 69Games,18 Movies/TV, 6 Music= 88
PSP GO (White)
As for the current gen I use my new PS3 mostly, and so far I'm loving that Move controller.

I use my 360 for mostly for older cheap used games. I also use my 360 for Netflix, basically cause it lists when a movie's about to expire right away unlike the PS3 & Wii.

As for my Wii, it's become a dust magnet because no matter how far down I turn the Wiimote's sensitivity, I still spin around like crazy ballerina on meth while just trying to do a slow turn.
And because of that, I wish all Wii games would've given me the option to use a regular controller that I bought especially for it.
I hate really that eff'ing Wiimote!

Last edited by BikerSaint on 7/25/2011 1:43:39 AM

13 years ago

Holy shit Biker..wish you were my dad.

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
13 years ago

BikerSain im very very short on RPGs. I have /and played 0. Maybe you can help me out? You have 135!!!!!!!!

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

It's always fun when Biker posts his collection. One of these days, he should post a pic of all his stuff in the forums. 😉

13 years ago


How about we all post a picture of our collections of games? Kind of a "This is Your Life" – gamer edition wher we could literally put all our PS (all PS consoles) and non PS games together for a picture. Kind of show off our collection a bit. That could be a short segment on the PSX video show, perhaps a couple of submissions each show?

And of course we'd want to show any Collector's edition extras we have, right?

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

I say post whatever you want in the forums. A Collection thread already exists, I think, but you could make a new one.

13 years ago

We really need more people over at the forums. That'd make it more fun.

So: Come one, come all! 🙂

13 years ago


Sorry but I'm not an RPG guy, so I'm probably the very last guy you would want to pick & choose any RPG's for you.
I think you'd be much better off asking World or Highlander since they both know & love RPG's.

I tried once before to take pics, but for some reason my Easyshare camera took horrible pics & they didn't come out good enough to see.

Part of the reason is probably since I don't have enough room for all my games in one room, I've I had to resort to lining them on shelving units running all the way down my hallway wall & there's not enough distance to get decent enough clarity or lighting of them.

See my message to Ben above. But if someone does start a collections picture thread, I'll try to figure some other way out & post them if I can.

Ben & Highlander,
FYI, I had listed all my games already in various console forum threads according to console, but my more current collections seriously need to be updated.

The only problem there, is since the forum caps the limit for the number of characters you can type, I have to keep breaking down my 1 post into many separate segments for each of my larger collections.
And it really is a royal pain in the arse to keep trying to cut, copy, & paste it again & again & again, all just till it fits right within that specified limit.
So if the forum web guy could find the means to take that character limit cap off, I'd be more than happy to post my whole updated collection using only one post for each one.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

Provided it comes at a decent time… I'll be getting Catherine Day 1. It'll be difficult, I added Dead Island and MGS collection to my Day 1 list, and I those will be difficult enough to fit into my budget, but I really want it.

The PS3 is enough for me, but if I had more free time and money, I'd probably pick up a 360. Eh, who am I kidding, it doesn't offer enough.

13 years ago

id say thats mostly because of the block puzzles.
certainly from everyone ive spoken to, allot of people love puzzles but they LOATHE block puzzles!
im really interested in it, but ill wait till it releases here that way if i dont like it i can always take it back.

as for what systems i own.
well, everything!
i use to do repairs as a weekend job for a little extra cash, so ive got allot of old systems still sitting in the basement cant bring myself to throw them away.
still got the very first PC i bought, and my first laptop a old crappy toshiba.
amazing how far things have come today!
even mobiles, ive got a old motorolla that does not look like a phone, more like freaking brick!
surprised it did not come with its own powerstation!

O, btw anyone tried there resistance 3 beta code from SOCOM 4 yet?
been trying mine all day and i cant redeem it, insomniac did say it goes live today.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

Since when? The beta is supposed to start until the first week of August.

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
13 years ago

I played the Resistance 3 beta like days ago.

Don't play it _______ just wait for the final product.

13 years ago

its on the my resistance webpage.
i think what happened was they went live a few people downloaded it then insomniac disabled them.
they were suppose to go back live today, but i cant activate mine.

13 years ago

I have a PS3 and PSP, though my PS3 is backwards compatible, so that spans pretty much all PS1/PS2 games too, upscaled for a HD TV 🙂

I also have Dreamcast, a little console that has a place in my heart, there has still been nothing like Shenmue, one day there will be again though 🙂

13 years ago

"Cinematic erotic/horror anime puzzler"


Last edited by Kevin555 on 7/25/2011 6:00:05 AM

13 years ago

Got both the PS3 and 360. 3ds and psp.

But it has been a few months since I was able to give my 360 any love at all XD. Recently games tend to come out with smoother framerate or slightly improved graphics on ps3 (finally :D).

But I am keeping it around because I love the games on demand feature, and because there are going to be new Halos 😀 and the new Gears too. And hey maybe the new fable will be nice even if Fable3 really let me down.

13 years ago

Have two PS3's in the house, third one is coming next month. I did have two 360's in the house about 2 years ago, but I have moved on.

When it comes to almost all Japanese games outside of Japan, they are ALL niche products.

13 years ago

PS3+PC combo are the best!

13 years ago

That is a good combination, though my PC is no longer powerful enough to keep up except for turn based games like Civ 4 or games like it.

Other than that…

PS3, PS2, PS1, PSP, PSP, PSP, PC, PC, DS, GameBoy Advance, Atari VCS/2600…

Not sure about Catherine still, it's a great looking game, oddly enough I don't think it's up my alley though.

Last edited by TheHighlander on 7/25/2011 10:32:33 AM

13 years ago

Anyone know if the Catherine demo is on the european PSN store? I've searched but can't find it anywhere!

It's really annoying with these differences in shop and Home content! Isn't ps3 supposed to be zone free? *argh*

Last edited by Beamboom on 7/25/2011 10:03:36 AM

13 years ago

Nope, it's not there. Why don't you create a US account and download it? It's free ,after all.

I've already got my 'love is over' edition paid and pre-ordered. It should arrive in about two weeks from now.

If you're reading this , Catherine… I can't wait to see you too..

13 years ago

Yeah I know, it's just… It's simple, sure, but that's also what makes it so silly.
It should not be necessary to do. Why restrict this demo to the US gamers in the first place. What's to lose from making it available for all, even if there was no euro distributor? Worst case scenario is that some europeans imported the game.

I don't understand stuff like that.

Last edited by Beamboom on 7/25/2011 2:27:44 PM

13 years ago

For thous thinking of waiting on this. Remember that this is a Atlus game. It may only get this initial printing. So it may get hard to find the longer you wait, and/or more expensive.

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