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Deep Silver To Distribute Catherine In PAL Territories

Well, that was fast. Remember that story about how Atlus couldn't release Catherine in Europe without a publishing partner for the region?

Well, it has been announced that Deep Silver has entered a publishing agreement with Atlus to distribute the erotic/horror puzzler in PAL territories. Both parties are intrigued by the unique and interesting, and both are happy to give European gamers the opportunity to try something fresh. Said Klemens Kundratitz, Deep Silver CEO:

"We are very proud to be able to publish Catherine in all PAL territories as a Deep Silver game. Catherine is something new, fresh and exciting; unlike anything else in the gaming world – a unique mixture of genres. This agreement proves once again that games published under the Deep Silver label are not 'more of the same', 'run of the mill' productions."

Atlus President and CEO Shinichi Suzuki said Deep Silver shares the developer's philosophy that Catherine 's original style makes for a "thought-provoking, entertaining experience that cannot be missed." We don't yet have a European release date for the game, but for now, it's enough to know the promising title is on the way.

Related Game(s): Catherine

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13 years ago

Great stuff!

13 years ago

Hey Lotus, I'm going to the Prince-concert in Oslo tomorrow. 🙂

13 years ago

That's amazing, man.

Ive already seen him on his current tour at his UK date on July 3rd. Right bang at the front in a crowd of 50,000. The pic in my avatar is from that UK date. It prompted the UK press to call him the greatest artist of the last century lol. Seriously, they went overboard on his praise.

You're going to be blown away by the last male superstar left.

Report back to me via forum PM or a reply to a comment when you can!

Last edited by Lotusflow3r on 7/22/2011 12:55:25 PM

13 years ago

Will do!

Because of the attack in/around oslo this weekend it's been postponed to aug 2nd. This will be the fourth Prince concert I'm attending. The first was the SOTT tour.

And he *is* one of the greatest artists of the last century.

Last edited by Beamboom on 7/23/2011 5:18:36 PM

13 years ago

That is phenomenal. I'd give my left arm to have seen him then! I missed out on it all.

Understandable about the postponement, truly tragic events that had happened.

August 2nd isn't long.

Last edited by Lotusflow3r on 7/24/2011 1:57:57 PM

13 years ago

Awesome news, this game has been high on my list for ages now. Its good to know publishers are willing to try knew and unique IP's in this age of multiple iterations of established sellers. Bit worried though after watching both child of eden and shadows of the damned flop, that europe needs to get its head outta the FPS mind lock it's in and give innovation a go and reward it. Let's hope we get lolli-pop chainsaw aswell 🙂

13 years ago

Sensational, I nearly resorted to importing it. Any news on a 'Love is Over' editon XD… But seriously..?

13 years ago

Glad you guys across the pond can enjoy this one as well. Deep Silver is cool for stepping up to publish unique stuff and not more of the same.

And I can't believe there's a guy doing it named Kundratitz. Go get em titz!

13 years ago

we love titz in britain 🙂 that's why our newspapers seem to carry semi-naked women on page 3 instead of real news 🙂

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

Been dancing since I found out last night. Deep Silver just became one of my favourite publishers. This AND Dead Island!

13 years ago

Serious props to "Deep Silver"!

And may all their Deep pockets always be lined with Silver!

13 years ago

woo, that was close almost bought this of ebay last night.
dident end up getting it because im still not sure if ill like it or not.
it does look interesting, but on the other hand i HATE block puzzles.
and from what ive seen its really repetetive.

13 years ago

Really? From the reviews I've read the puzzles seem quite varied. I'm not a big fan of block puzzles, but I'm still getting it because the story looks very interesting.

I'm still importing this. Who knows how long the localization will take. Why wait when you can have it now?

13 years ago

I read the review on IGN too now, and this looks good indeed.

For some strange reason it reminded me of one of my absolute favs on the PSP, "Crash!". The puzzles are quite different of course, but still… Maybe it's the dream/nightmare setting. But the animation of the guy looks similar too.
Anyway, if this is anything like Crash it will be *awesome*.

13 years ago

I *think* you mean "Crush".

If so, I agree. That game got me through the month my PS3 was YLOD'd.

13 years ago

Omg of course. "Crush!" was its name *duh*
Yeah that game is simply fantastic. Lovely merge of 3d and 2d in such a creative way I've not seen before or after.

That's one game I'd love to see a sequel of!

Last edited by Beamboom on 7/24/2011 3:54:52 AM

13 years ago

Okay. You two are making me want to try this Crush game. It looks interesting. I see it's on PSN for $10. Might give it a go before my copy of Catherine arrives.

13 years ago

Well, it's the best of it's kind I have ever played, Cole. If you are even just slightly interested in puzzle games then I can't see how you can go wrong with Crush.
One thing is the game itself, the whole concept of switching between 3D and 2D to solve the puzzles is just pure genius. And it's all wrapped up in a cool story and a great *looking* game, and you got one very entertaining package. Metascore 82%.

13 years ago

SUCCESS! My prayers have been answered!!! XD

I was *this* close to importing it, but decided to leave it for a while…Thank god for my procrastinating ways 🙂

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