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Saints Row: The Third Pornstar Talent: Sasha Grey

The pornstar for Saints Row 2 was Tera Patrick. Obviously, the third entry needs some adult entertainment star power, too.

The only difference is that this one is basically retired: it's Sasha Grey, winner of six Adult Video News awards (what the hell is that?), including "The Jenna Jameson Crossover Star of the Year Award." As noted at CVG , Grey plays Viola DeWynter in Saints Row: The Third . And you know, this sounds like a big role, because Viola and her twin sister Kiki "are the masterminds" behind the Syndicate's financial empire. We'll be interested to see if Grey has the chops to handle the voice acting…just bear in mind that Saints Row is all about tongue-in-cheek craziness.

Go right ahead and create a tongue-in-cheek pun. Feel free. We're sure she'll never see them and even if she does…eh, it's all in good fun. Saints Row: The Third is set to launch in November.

Related Game(s): Saints Row: The Third

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13 years ago

Oooooooh… That's one spicy meat-a-ball!!

Sorry, couldn't help myself. 🙂

Saints Row has taken over GTA for fun, over the top, crazy open world games. So glad, cos I did not find watching tv in a video game to be overly fun or rewarding. Why put stuff in a game like watching tv when anyone can do it in real life? I play games to escape reality, not be reminded of it!!

Thank God for Saints Row 3, Dr Genki and the Man Cannon!! Dual wielding dildos, sewerage dump trucks, hovercrafts and Stealth fighter jets. Now THAT sounds like a fun game!!!

Last edited by Dancemachine55 on 7/21/2011 10:00:52 PM

13 years ago

SR is way more fun than GTA is now.

13 years ago

Indeed, SR is appealing to me more than GTA. Looks a lot more fun as well.

13 years ago

All hail the Saints! 🙂

I'm *so* looking forward to this title. Gonna be wonderful to see the Saints Row merchandise ingame. We really did end up as stars in SR2 so this will be a wonderful continuum!

Last edited by Beamboom on 7/22/2011 5:22:10 AM

13 years ago

I 100% agree with your assessment of the GTA franchise. GTA IV felt more like real life than a game. For me, it became a chore to play.

Thank goodness for Saints Row bringing fun to our open-world experience.

13 years ago

I don't get it. To me GTA4 was a much, much needed dose of semi serious(and, honestly, a game with that many comedy characters from Brucie to Roman and all in between cannot be called po-faced)after the excesses of SA. R* made a masterpiece that, sadly, a lot of people didn't ant and if so fair enough but they'd done all that with GTA and were right to leave the gonzo, OTT stuff to SR as it was getting tired.

Had R* gone ahead and left all that stuff and more in for GTA4 they'd have been murdered for that too but all I see for a braver and more coherent script and pacing is people moaning that there weren't bicycles and planes and they were boring in SA anyway. Maybe it's just because I felt GTA:SA was the weakest GTA ever and was often puzzled by the love for it at the time(though always understanding the quality underpinning it I just felt it was one racial stereotype too far in every direction, that the writing was sloppy, pacing terrible and the stuff you could do, while expansive, just wasn't as much fun as it used to be in VC or GTA3. I think Chinatown Wars is a much better game than SA myself and when people started lauding SR2 the other year I began to wonder just how far out of step with GTA fans I'd become with so many saying it was a btter game than GTA4. I still don't see any reason to get excited by a series that just apes the weakest elements of GTA at it's worst and gets away with it.

I often say I'm puzzled by the Portal love in(it's OK but not classic as it's one gimmick and too easy with zero replay value)but it's nothing to the head scratching Saints Row gives me these days and I'm flabbergasted that anyone is excited for the third instalment yet it seems i'm almost alone in hating the series these days. I don't ant to attack anyone with a purple dildo and because it's such a blatantly predictably SR thing to do even the humour falls flat for me-it's all too one dimensional and to cap it all-the game play sucks while, for the VERY first time in GTA4 they actually had so,me really solid gunplay and cover going on.

Yeah, I know Kate tried her best to kill GTA4 but you can ignore her and celebrate when she dies too so I don't get why the most playable(no standing up in the street for shoot outs!)GTA to date is below SR2 and 3 in the public's perception. I'll NEVER understand it!

I mean,knock yourselves out and it;'s great to see, even if I don't care for it, a dev doing well with something that isn't your usual military FPS these days but, while I am happy you guys are happy I'll still be stuck on the outside wondering just what makes it more fun than GTA4 which just seems a better game to me in almost any conceivable way. SA was as far as GTA could safely go without becoming a total parody of HTA itself and as SR was already doing that I fail to see where they could have gone with GTA4 and fail to see how what they DID do manages to accrue the hate it does. Is it because the press masturbated too many tens on it? Cos I DO understand it didn't deserve ANY ten/ten scores and it's annoying when a game gets so many but beyond that I thought it was just a better made, better playing and better scripted and more adult GTA than SA ever hoped to be. If THAT deserved the hate then colour me even more confuzzled!

Anyhoo-moan over and enjoy puzzling me more with your love of SR! Hell, I even thought the MP and DLC for GTA4 was amazing and more interesting than RDR which everyone creams over.

13 years ago


GTA 4 got boring for me fast, there wasn't much stuff to do, didn't really care for the story that much. All I wanted was fun and it fell short on what I wanted, that was basically it.

Last edited by Clamedeus on 7/23/2011 5:35:33 AM

13 years ago

Too bad the craziness of saints row 3 won't be first thing she's had in her cheeks.

13 years ago

ya, she probably thinks she starring in Saints Ho's 3 hahaha

13 years ago

lol omg

13 years ago

Stay classy.

mike rlz
mike rlz
13 years ago

She already did a movie, why not a video game?

Claire C
Claire C
13 years ago

I liked the movie.

13 years ago

Was it a big popular movie? Her name rings a bell, but not in the porn recognition sense. 😛

Claire C
Claire C
13 years ago

The Girlfriend Experience. Was very good, very interesting.

13 years ago

I saw that movie, didn't recognize her with her clothes on.

13 years ago

Yeah I've seen her smoke some pole. I'm not really into gangs but having started SR2 recently I've got to say I'm interested in the third entry. Mayhaps it will go on my Xmas list 🙂

13 years ago

" yeah, I've seen her smoke some pole " LOL, that never gets old.

" I'm not really in to gangs " THAT WHAT SHE SAID !

EDIT : actually, that's prolly why she joined the game. She prolly heard gangs and said " let's do it "

Godbless porn stars. Its a dirty job, but someones gotta do it.

Last edited by Dreno on 7/21/2011 10:53:20 PM

13 years ago

haha, man you made me laugh. We are so disrespectful.

13 years ago

I thought she retired porn.?

13 years ago

Indeed, as it says so in the article.

13 years ago


13 years ago

Even if she has a large part in this, it'll be small potatoes for her. She was tremendous in the film The Girlfriend Experience.

I'm really not too interested in The Saint's Row series as a whole though. This kindof marketing ploy doesn't sway me much, Sasha Grey is a unique personality though, she certainly is not a bimbo. She's a strong willed, intelligent woman and has crossed over to many different streams of entertainment while still doing porn at the sametime. Sasha Grey seems to have more class than Saint's itself.

13 years ago

Sasha Grey was definitely one of my top fav porn stars ;D LOL…she'll be back >o

13 years ago

…as a bbw, ha!

13 years ago

last thing this game needed, now its all set!
oh, except a fully licensed playboy issues……… best part of mafia 2!
no wonder some of my friends have spent a suspiciously lenghty amount of time just getting past one level…….

13 years ago

*rubs eyes*
Ben! Oh Ben! You wrote a SR article without mentioning that other sandbox game!

/me hands out a rose

Lord carlos
Lord carlos
13 years ago

She has some serious oral skills & i'm not talking voice overs.

13 years ago

HEY! She's a nice lady!!!

13 years ago

awesome picture! very HOT

13 years ago

Sooo, it appears to me that the picture posted is nsfw. Ahem, look carefully.

Last edited by Phoelix on 7/22/2011 8:11:15 AM

13 years ago

Shhh… when it is small you can't notice.

13 years ago


Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago


Such garments are even worn on red carpets these days.

13 years ago

@Beamboom,(NSFW) Not Suitable For Work.

Last edited by JMO_INDY on 7/22/2011 10:38:23 AM

13 years ago

Ahh – lol – thanks Indy 😀

13 years ago

haha awesome! other game websites would be to shook to show a picture like that

13 years ago

hard to see the nipple unless you expand

13 years ago

Not a problem!

13 years ago

Sex sells.

13 years ago

Sasha Grey sells.

13 years ago

the game is super corny and that's what makes it fun i guess.

13 years ago

She really retired from Porn? I hope it's not to try and become a serious actress because she was awful in Entourage!

13 years ago

Reminds me of an interesting but OT story where I was going to explain inFamous to my nephew. So I was going to start with Sasha, so I went ahead and googled 'infamous Sasha'.

Lo and behold, the first thing that popped up was a nice large picture of a topless Sasha Grey. That is also when my sister walked in. So lets just say that she didn't speak to me for a few days and I didn't see my nephew again till Christmas…

On topic it is good to see Sasha using her oral abilities for something new. I wonder if they will use a lifelike character for her. It would be very easy since you have plenty of photographic references for her.

13 years ago

Has your sister never seen boobs? Or maybe she doesn't want her son interested in them… lol

13 years ago

I am pretty sure it is the later. She is still convinced that I am trying to show the boy porn all the time… Which I do not.

13 years ago

damn she needs to chill the **** out. was the kid young ?
LOL underdog

Last edited by TheCanadianGuy on 7/22/2011 1:59:33 PM

13 years ago

Tenish at the time.

13 years ago

just explain the inFamous thing to her, show her the google result as evidence and explain it wasn't your intention

13 years ago

the kid probably has playboys hidden in his room anyway i did at 10 xD!
but yea just explain the sasha infamous character mix up it was a honest mistake.

Last edited by TheCanadianGuy on 7/22/2011 9:08:01 PM

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