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Three Cover Athletes For NBA 2K12

Last year, Michael Jordan graced the cover of NBA 2K11 . This year, he'll do it again.

Only for NBA 2K12 , he'll have some help from two other superstars. You might've heard of them.  All three basketball legends won't be on the cover together; 2K Sports will make three separate covers for the game . So when you go to pick up your copy, you might end up with Michael Jordan, Larry Bird, or Magic Johnson on the cover. It'd be pretty amazing if 2K could make it so only East Coast-ers got Larry Bird on the box, West Coast-ers got Magic, and those in the middle of the country got Jordan. But there will be an equal number of covers made for each athlete, so that isn't gonna happen.

But that's okay. These guys weren't region-specific, anyway. Just about every b-ball fan admired them in one way or another. NBA 2K12 will release on October 4 and if you're looking for a fantastic basketball simulator, this is the way to go. EA eventually canceled NBA Elite (the reboot of NBA Live ), so…

Related Game(s): NBA 2K12

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13 years ago

Gotta love the use of NBA greats on a current NBA game.

13 years ago

They should put Lebron on a cover and sell it in the Cleveland area.

Last edited by Underdog15 on 7/21/2011 10:33:32 AM

13 years ago


Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

To make the Cleveland fans happy: LeBron in a Heat jersey ten seconds after the Mavs won the championship.

13 years ago

HA!! I am sure the Cavs fans would love that!

13 years ago


Or maybe a picture of LeBron during "The Decision" telling the world he's taking his talents to south beach. Because thats unfortunately what the NBA has become. I'm glad they're putting MJ, Magic, and Bird on the cover.

13 years ago

Indeed jimmyhandsome.

13 years ago

lol, Ben. As for me, I'd rather have a picture of me taken losing a championship game than of me ending a season off the playoffs charts. lol

13 years ago

The Heat are winning it all next year, plus they're going to have the best record in the league. My sweetie pie D-Wade deserves it.

13 years ago

Most Clevelanders are over Lebron, I know I am. Yes the hatred is still there but we are healing fine, the wound will only reopen when he wins a championship.

13 years ago

Vertigo – They should have won it THIS year!!

13 years ago

The Heat aren't winning anything next year…just saying. Of course that's just wishful thinking, since Kobe is old and the Lakers are questionable champions….I'm OKC all the way. I like the Heat though, but wow…Wade and Lebron on one team…unfair. They made it to the finals their first year with such a weak supporting cast (in the east though…lol. On 2Kll, I'm OKC and my friend is the Heat…guess who wins?;)

13 years ago

I know Bosh isn't really a superstar, but he isn't exactly a weak supporting cast member. Everyone underestimates him. But he always posts decent numbers consistantly.

Admittedly, I don't know anyone else on their team. lol

Last edited by Underdog15 on 7/21/2011 12:40:00 PM

13 years ago

Yeah, but I never said Bosh was part of that cast. Bosh is very good…lacks defense, but he has a more reliabe jumpshot than the Heat true superstars.

So I'm guessing you just became a Heat fan this year…lol Don't even know your own supporting cast…lmao that's if you are a fan I'm saying.

13 years ago

nah, I'm a Raptor's fan… and even then, I don't dig basektball too much. It's my dad's favorite sport, but I could take it or leave it. But I am a fan of the Raptors, primarilly. Hense my knowledge of Bosh. lol. We don't have a very great winning record, ourselves.

I only followed the Heat as far as the highlights on SportsCentre allowed.

As for my cynacism about the Heat being good for making championship finals, I was secretly hoping the Heat would win just because I'm sick of Cav's fans crying. (No offense Cloudou. ;p I can imagine how I'd feel if Halladay had left the Jays in the same fashion.)

IMHO, when a contract is over, a pro athlete should be entitled to do whatever the hell he wants. I have a beef with pro athletes who try to force trades and get all complainy to move the hands of general managers. But in my opinion, if you stick out the end of your contract, then do whatever the hell you want. He wanted to go to the Heat, and he was honest about why he wanted to.

People complain that the way he did it was childish, or whatever… I don't buy that. He's a pro athlete. Not many pro athletes have an abundance of intelligence. Some do… it's why he'll never be as great as MJ, LB, or KAJ… In the end, he was relatively straightforward… I believe he genuinely meant what he said about still liking Cleveland, and quite frankly, given the opportunity, I would have done the exact same thing.

Roy Halliday basically did the same thing when he left the Jays for the Phillies. He was far more tactful and smart about it, but it was the same thing. Jays fans still love him. Bosh did the same thing to Raptors fans. Most of us still like him ok. I dunno… I just think Cleveland fans put WAY too much stock into one player. He was their god, then the second he left them, they began criticising him with the same attacks they had previously valiantly defended him against.

Anyways, as strange as it was for you to laugh at me on the condition of me being a heat fan (and it is the first time I've ever heard a conditional laugh), that should explain why I know about Bosh and why I said what I did about Lebron.

Last edited by Underdog15 on 7/21/2011 2:35:42 PM

13 years ago

Oh no!! FM23 is ruining this thread with his LA Lakers propaganda!! 😉

13 years ago

@maxpontiac…What laker proganda? lol Don't put me out there like that cuz

@undergog..I could care less if you like the Heat or not, you just remind me of my brother…not really knowledgable of the game, but he considers the Heats to be the best team ever because that what he hears, but he doesn't even no know who James Jones is.

13 years ago

No worries, friend. I assure you I know much more about sports than you or your brother. Even if you have a solid understanding of who a particular player is, that definitely does not mean you know anything about the game. My phys ed degree, coaching resume (I am a member of the National Coaching Association of Canada), athletic resume, instructional resume, and long list of athletic awards and accomplishments back that up.

Betcha I could not only school you at basketball, one-on-one myself or 5-on-5 with any group of friends you might have been lucky enough to incur, but I betcha given 3 years with a team, I'd get a coach of the year award, too. (I did it in 2 years coaching soccer. Basketball is much less tactical.)

While admittedly I said it wasn't my favorite sport, it is my dad's, and I not only grew up playing it, but I grew up watching it (and Michael Jordan and the Bulls!). My dad was also a good coach and has won championships.

Last edited by Underdog15 on 7/22/2011 9:54:25 AM

13 years ago

I never got into Basketball videogames other than NBA JAM. The gameplay just doesn't transfer very well IMO.

13 years ago

Try 2kll, best ball game ever. A significance different over 2k10 or any game before it that I remember. I use to be like you until my friend showed me 2kll. It still does a bunch of unnatural crap, but it's the most releastic basketball game I've played on the ps3

13 years ago

NBA Jam and Tecmo Superbowl were the only sports games I ever cared for.

13 years ago

NHL '94 for me. I also dug '98 on PC. Didn't get into any FIFA games until PS2 era.

Oh yeah… anyone remember that Super Dodgeball game for NES?

13 years ago

I remember dodgeball

mike rlz
mike rlz
13 years ago

Meh… I just can't wait for NHL 12

13 years ago

i go for new orleans, but not really, i actually go for chris paul, so wherever he goes, ill go, i live in australia so i have no hometown preferences, but i wish he went to OKC, i love durant aswell

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