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Uncharted Movie Director: “We’re Starting From Scratch”

Well, it seems the "Uncharted" film has a new director, and the fans might be very happy with the choice.

Neil Burger ("The Illusionist") has replaced David O. Russell and CRAVE talked to Burger about how he'll be approaching Naughty Dog's award-winning franchise. The first question they asked was whether or not the new director will be keeping Russell's work. The answer:

"No, I haven’t seen his screenplay on it. Mainly we’re beginning from scratch and going back to the videogame. Because there’s a lot of cool stuff, actually, from the videogame, if you know it…"

Yeah, we know it. We all know it. Burger goes on to say the game is "one of the most cinematic video games" with "really developed characters." He also compares "Uncharted" to the legendary "Indiana Jones" franchise, and that is an interesting response. And hey, you know how everyone was pushing for Nathan Fillion to land the role of Nathan Drake? Basically because he is Nathan Drake? Has Burger heard about it?

"I’ve seen a little bit of that, yes. That was brought to my attention. So, you know, I think he’s a good actor. I think there’s a lot of really good actors who don’t even look like [Nathan Drake] who could play it! Where we are right now is that we’re literally starting from scratch on the screenplay, and I think that once we finish it, then we’ll go to actors and see who’s available and who’s right for the parts. Whenever that happens."

Okay, so who thinks Burger is already a better pick than Russell?

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13 years ago

Soooo much better than the last guy. I really like his take on the video games. Non-gamers and just all around ignorant people always assume that video games don't have good stories or well developed characters, and i honestly feel sorry for them.

13 years ago

I think the quote about referring to the actual game for material is a win so he's off to a good start.

13 years ago

*Squeals like a schoolgirl*
Sorry, ahem…The Illusionist was a great flick and now I'm a little bit more optimistic about this movie. I wouldn't mind Nathan Fillion being Drake if his schedule permits. But I do have faith with this directors choice for Drake, whoever it is.

13 years ago

While I agree that this director may be better at picking the lead actor than David O. Russell, I can't help but hope that Nathan Fillion gets it.

13 years ago

This guy is already a pimp in my book just for saying that. Russel knew nothing of the game though he claimed to.

But I think it's a mistake to get an actor with a totally different look because it's part of his personality in a way.

13 years ago

What are you talking about, O'Russel was spot on. You don't remember Uncharted as a Crime family with a sense of Justice.

13 years ago

My bad, I must have gone to take a dump during that scene.

13 years ago

Excited again!

13 years ago

It's a good thing he compared Uncharted to Indiana Jones and not to the Godfather. That right there is a sigh of relief. This movie may be years away, but I am officially pumped now.

13 years ago

Nathan Fillion = Born to play this role

Thats why Russel isnt attached to it anymore. God got him off so a new director can come on and make Nathan Fillion happen. Its what GOD wants! lol

Last edited by Lenoxseer on 7/18/2011 10:27:55 PM

13 years ago

This is some good news for sure. Im still optimistic cause after all it is a movie based off a game, we all know how those usually turn out. I did like how he wants to try to make it as true as the UC is and he actually shows some hint that he knows what Uc is. Nathan fillion would be great but its not drake character im concerned about. Its Elena, Sully, and Chloe that has my concern cause not getting the right actors for those characters will screw the movie up.

13 years ago

They should get the voice actress for Elena and chloe to play the role since they already look like them and there also actors on tv.

13 years ago

Yea!! No mafia story!

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

Is it Yea, or No?
Make up your mind!!!

13 years ago

I'm gonna go out on a limb and say this project just picked up a lot more steam thanks to the change to Burger. He sounds like he's played the game, or at very least watched someone play through it. I mean he get's that it's a little bit like Indiana Jones, but without the whole Harrison Ford thing or the taking place around about the time of WWII angle. In other words it's adventure, mixed with a little mythical archeology, character and action, with an added twist of a damsel in distress and an old friend who needs a rescue. If you can't start with that concept and what was done with Uncharted 2 as well, and make a half decent attempt at a movie, then there is something wrong with you. Take note Mr Russell…

13 years ago

I wasn't interested in the direction D. Russell was taking the story at all. I think there's hope for it now that the story in the game will likely be used for the movie.

13 years ago

"Theres a lot of cool stuff…if you know it…" Way to knock your predecessor for not doing his research…I like this guy already.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

If I remember, Russel made the very same claims and we all saw the direction that he ended up wanting to take the film. However, with that abomination already done away with, I'll be watching this one like a hawk. I only wish that he wasn't thinking of adapting the game itself, but rather using the characters as a base and building a whole new story around them. Y'know, like The Fourth Labyrinth and Golden Abyss are doing.

13 years ago

yes, russel did make the exact same claims. i try not to pay much attention to lip service in situations like these. i need to see something more tangible. i've read on a couple of sites that limmitless star bradley cooper is a strong possibility for this film. i think he could pull it off.

i understand fans wanting the movie adapted directly, but i think that is a little too much to hope for. directors want to make the material their own. p w anderson has talked about this extinsively in the re directors commentary. his argument against a straight adaptation was that the public would already know the ending before the the movie was released, and there would be no surprises. it would be like going to see alien for the first time knowing the entire plot and that ripley and her cat would be the only survivors according to anderson. that's not a bad argument when you start to think about it.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

It's not just the ending though, it's the whole experience. And when it comes to Uncharted, the experience is the whole thing. Considering it IS such a cinematic game, I think that a straight adaption is wrong on every level, but making it a new, core entry in the series could be fantastic. Imagine if it were to be Uncharted 4.

Wasn't Bradley Cooper in the A-Team? I'd personally love to see Alan Tudyk or Callum Blue in the role if Fillion isn't available. Both fantastically funny actors, and I feel that both of them could definitely pull off Drake.

13 years ago

i just don't see them casting fillion. they will want a bigger name. yes, cooper was in a-team.

13 years ago

Cooper is a good choice. Unlike Marky Mark, he shares many of Drake's qualities.

I still say Fillion is too old and pudgy (like myself) to free-climb cliff faces, even with the help of movie-magic. I disagree that they need a bigger star for Drake; Sully or the villain could also be the "draw".

Elena must be Emily Rose. ;D

13 years ago

Nathan Fillion or nothing. I'm sorry but I cannot see anyone else taking this role and if the film is made without him as Drake I will not watch it.

13 years ago

Stop video game cruelty, don't hire Mark Wahlberg.

13 years ago

Mark Wahlburg isn't the WORST choice, you can do worse. I just don't think his personality merges well with Nathan Drakes. Too serious and dramatic, or straight out action-oriented.

Marky Mark isn't the first I'd choose though. I'd go either Fillion or Bradley Cooper before I'd go Wahlburg. Those 2 guys can cover the playful fun yet action-focused suave smug charm of Nathan Drake better than Wahlburg.

13 years ago

Wahlberg can act. He acted like a singer/rapper for years. *rimshot*

He's just terribly wrong for Drake.

13 years ago

puts head between legs and kisses a$$ goodbye!
sorry, but i cant see this turning out anything less then DOOM!
hollywood + famous game series = disaster!
if theres one rule thats been proven more then movie video games suck, its video game movies suck!

Last edited by ___________ on 7/19/2011 3:30:31 AM

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

You talk sense. Well, except the fact that this HAS to be at least a smidgeon better than DOOM. Or is that just exceedingly wishful thinking?

13 years ago

probably, but better then doom is not exactly a compliment.
theres some things that should never be turned into movies, video games are one of them!
unless its ME, tis one of the series i think could make a fantastic movie if done well.
or maybe bioshock.

13 years ago

Getting Burger in and dropping O'Russell was a stroke of freaking genius!!!

The fact that Burger acknowledges Nathan Fillion AND is turning to the game for inspiration is a BIG plus in my books.

I'm actually excited for this movie again!!!!! Even if Fillion doesn't get the role, I trust Burger will get someone more than capable to fulfill the role.

13 years ago

Yes! Thank you, Neil Burger!

I know he hasn't confirmed anything, but just to know that he might be considering Fillion is a blessing to me. Wahlberg would never have pulled it off right. It's either Nathan Fillion or Joe Flanigan, I don't think many other actors would be able to play Drake.

Also, I hope Emily Rose who does Elena in the game, will also play her in the movie. I doubt it, but she's so perfect. 😉

13 years ago

To be honest, Fillion is about the only actor out there I might accept for the role of Drake.

13 years ago

"I think there’s a lot of really good actors who don’t even look like [Nathan Drake] who could play it!"

Is he talking about Bradly Cooper? xD

13 years ago

I hope Brad is knockin boots with Jennifer Aniston, somebody's gotta tap that.

13 years ago

I am so thankful.
I would have preferred no movie at all rather than the garbage Mr. Russel was going to do.

13 years ago

something ive noticed from videogame dewelopers and especialy the film producers
they make a movie based of a game or a game based of a movie, but aperently no 1 plays the game or watches the movie before making the adopted game or movie
like in the most recent adoptation
prince of persia sands of time
no one, not ewen a single guy that was intervievd played or in some cases ewen looked up to anything related to the franchise
so if this Neil Burger guy is gona be leading on the production of the movie, he better play all the uncharted games, including the ones in dewelopment
and then play them again until he gets a fu**ing platinum

13 years ago

Been playing uncharted and knew about the uncharted movie last year and then we hear the first director stepping down and now we have director who know that Uncharted is almost like Indiana Jones and good the new director right 'Uncharted is cinematic game
as long Nathan Fillion is Drake it be worth to watch

Warrior Poet
Warrior Poet
13 years ago

What? Sly Cooper is the only one who could ever play Drake properly.

13 years ago

Instant win so far, major step up lol

13 years ago

Neil Burger? Nice.

Wasn't he behind Limtiless(2011)? Yes.

Starring Bradely Cooper? Yes.

Bradley Cooper; perfect role for Nathan Drake. In terms of look, personality, and overall style. YES!

Cooper for Uncharted's Nate Drake. (y)

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