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Uncharted 3 Multiplayer Beta Is PS3’s Biggest So Far

Betas are getting more and more popular with every passing year.

And after the play test for Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception ended, Sony revealed the numbers : as it turns out, the beta was the biggest on the PlayStation 3 to date. Around 1.53 million players participated in the multiplayer fun and the stats are pretty impressive. There were 362 total years of match time, 48 billion shots were fired, and there were 1.9 million kills. You know, that works out to about 1,200 kills per player, so it's clear that most beta testers spent a great deal of time with this one. Were you part of one of those 22 million matches?

Fans of the multiplayer in Uncharted 2: Among Thieves have complained about the tweaks found in Uncharted 3 , but it seems like the majority of beta participants really enjoyed their time. It also helped that Sony's Welcome Back program let plenty of members assume the Plus status for a month, thereby letting just about everyone into the beta early.

Related Game(s): Uncharted 3

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13 years ago

I think it was pretty wise for them not to delay the beta so everyone got to freely experience Uncharted 3 and the perks of being a Plus member should help keep more people supporting Sony after it's hack attack.

Last edited by VampDeLeon on 7/15/2011 9:26:35 PM

13 years ago

The most fun I've had with a multiplayer beta.

Being able to climb around buildings and find the perfect sniping point put this game far above what Gears 3 multiplayer offered.

Don't get me wrong, I loved Gears 3 beta and have prerodered Gears 3, but Uncharted 3 was pleasantly different.

Now, if PS3 had X-game chat, I'd be able to convince my friends to finally ditch their 360's and play online for free. Seriously!! Cross game chat and party chat is the only thing holding them back!! Unbelievable, right?!?!

13 years ago

Pretty sure they got party chat, just not over games.

13 years ago

you would have thought psn would have added cross game chat by now. i guess they just don't have the bandwidth for it. i know psn not having cross game chat is one of the reasons sony is so far behind in na. it's frequently brought to me by friends as one of the reasons they won't play their online games on a ps3, or even get a ps3. it's so hard to get a game together on psn is what i get told. if i were sony i would add that feature asap and pack a mic with every ps3. some here(ofcourse its a person who isn't an online gamer) have told me i'm overestimating the importance of cross game chat and people using headsets, but i have to disagree. i certainly can see how psn can be a turn off to people that are used to live becuase of the lack of those features.

as for uc3 multiplayer beta. i did not think the graphics were that great. it almost looks like a layer of texture detail is missing or something. they should have polished up more becuase beta's are almost considered demos in this era of gaming. also, matchmaking is just too slow. i can see that being turn off to some. nd. why no dedicated servers? if warhawk can afford them surely a high profile game like uc3 can.

Shepherd Book
Shepherd Book
13 years ago

I loved the beta. My son, his friends and I had a blast.

13 years ago

I played it once, it was neat but not really my thing. My plus status is gone now too, boo. Oh well at least I can put my CC info back up and begin buying things again (didn't wanna get auto-charged).

13 years ago

I loved the beta! I dont do Multiplayer very often but this was sick. Especially the co-op

13 years ago

The beta was really fun and I managed to get four more friends out of it. The story co-op was the highlight for me. Climbing up the side of the wall and shooting up while the enemies were shooting down it? Wow.

13 years ago

Haha me too! I made four friends from playing in the beta too. Had such a blast.

13 years ago

Looking at the stats, it tells me the players suck. 48 billion shots fired and only 1.9 million deaths??!! 24,000 to 1?!

13 years ago

Just because i'm not very accurate doesn't mean i'm not good.

karneli lll
karneli lll
13 years ago

I think i emptied 2 clips before making a single kill,im am a lousy shot but i had a lot of fun.

13 years ago

one shot ≠ one kill, missing, you're not always shooting at someone (i.e. in the air after winning an objective), using turrets, being bad, etc. Also, some of the 1.9 million deaths were self- inflicted, like jumping off those damn trucks..

I wish they would say what the combined accuracy of everyone was, too.

13 years ago

The beta was great did better than i expected. I tried out the co-op story mode for the first time last night it was actually alot more fun than uc2 co-op mode was. Just hoping they fix the clip killing and reduce the shots it takes to kill someone, get the hit detection fix so heads-hot actually work and grenades that actually work 5 feet away not just ko the person to his knees. Other than that Nd is looking at another goty contender for sure.

13 years ago

Yeah, these non-lethal rifles need to go!lol

13 years ago

I miss it already… 🙁

13 years ago

I played it for a little bit, it was cool but MP was never the reason I played Uncharted.

Also it's 1.2 kills per person, not 1200

13 years ago

I think it should be 1.9 BILLION kills, which does equate to 1,200 kills per player. Which is ALOT in such a short period of time. I have to think that it includes AI kills from Co-op as well.

13 years ago

it was ok, i enjoyed the closed KZ3 beta in december allot more.
MAG was allot of fun too, despite the GOD DAM LAG!
i wish $ony would stop being so god dam tight a$$ed and give us dedicated servers!
come on, if the worlds smallest publisher can afford them then surely the worlds largest can!
sick of playing MP games and having to put up with so much lag!
worst instance ive seen is in this, i was sprinting down to get some ammo as i was out, then someone came around the corner blew me up with his shotgun i ran another 20KMs before i died.
CONE ON $ONY, GIVE US OUR GOD DAM DEDICATED SERVERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

shame allot of people ended up loosing there stats a few days before it ended, not happy jan!

13 years ago

I was probably responsible for 1.1M out of the 1.9 million kills.

13 years ago

Loved it so much i think im having withdraw symptoms not getting to play it anymore. i was an avid player of the Unhcarted 2 multiplayer and much of what i saw really impressed me.

final note, the Yemen map is possibly the best multiplayer map ive ever seen.

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