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Hey Capcom, Bring Back Onimusha

Devil May Cry is a great franchise and I'll assume – just for the sake of being optimistic – that Resident Evil 6 is on the way…sans the old-fashioned tank controls. For the record, I didn't mind RE5 (had some fun with it) but certain mechanics just don't age very well.

However, I still miss the Onimusha series. The original title was one of the first great games on the PS2, and that sparked an awesome series that continued to satisfy my action craving for years. Oddly enough, it utilized a similar control scheme to Resident Evil ; you know, you have to turn in a particular direction first and then move? But for some reason, it didn't pose much of a problem for me and besides, didn't they get rid of that old control format at some point?  I believe I remember playing one of the later titles and going, "oooooh, they changed it."  But I might be thinking about something else.

Japanese developers are having a hard time making games for the Western crowd but if I remember correctly, the Onimusha titles sold very well here, which is part of the reason we received so many installments. Action is action, even if there's a significant Japanese tone to it and besides, how many other action games feature a samurai? And don't mention Dynasty Warriors ; that's a completely different form of gameplay. I actually think Capcom accumulated enough franchise fans to risk a new title for current consoles, because every time these games are mentioned, the majority of people are going: "hell yeah, I'd buy a new Onimusha !"

At any rate, I hope Capcom doesn't leave one of its more popular franchises in the past forever. And by the way, I still maintain that Onimusha 3 had one of the best introduction CG sequences in the history of gaming, perhaps second only to Final Fantasy VIII .

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13 years ago

Yeah and Exclusively to the PS3 and with Samanosuke as the Hero Again please!
Onimusha 3 my Favorite Story and Game!

I like Onimusha more than Biohazard.

Last edited by Kiryu on 7/9/2011 10:56:56 AM

13 years ago

If you played Dawn of Dreams you know what happened to Samonosuke.

13 years ago

You know that it won't be exclusive, but I been wanting another Onimusha game every since the PS3 launch.

13 years ago

I loved Dawn of Dreams the most!

13 years ago

I'd dig a new onimusha. I think Oni3 improved the control system. It also had some hugely impressive 3D graphics for it's time. Not too mention one of the coolest and highly impressive CG intros of all time. It was the first title in the series too ditch the 2D backdrop also. Don't know if the whole guest star French guy was all that necessary, different nonetheless.

Come on Capcom at least bring us a HD port of the series.

13 years ago

And don't forget a true successor to Okami.

13 years ago

i think onimusha was first game that sold over 1 million copies on the ps2. it had prerendered backgrounds with resident evil tank like controls. they were pretty good games. i think i recall capcom luaghing about the idea of revisting onimusha. they pointed out each successive installment sold less copies than the previous.

i actually liked another series from capcom, too. that was dino crisis. i loved dino crisis 2 at the time. you could run while you shoot, and it had some great upgradable weapons. regina looked great taking on dinos. it was way too short, though. they kind of flew off the rails with 3rd dino crisis game which was xbox exclusive. dinos in space? i remember being really dissapointed it was xbox exclusive. dc2 had a cliffhanger ending that unfortunately i never got to see resolved.

it would probably be a lot easier to revive dino crisis than onimusha since dino crisis is centered around gunplay.

13 years ago

U have a good memory. Onimusha was ps2s first million seller. Did u know the game was originally designed for PSX?
and yeah, Capcom not too many years ago shot down hopes for a sequel with a condemning statement.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 7/9/2011 11:42:46 AM

13 years ago

Yeah i agree on Dino Crisis, that was a classic series from Capcom. But like you said the series turned rotten when DC3 had dino's in spaceships, i mean wtf were they thinking? Plus i am pretty sure they ditched the red head, Regina too.

I would also like to see them bring back Clock Tower as well. If anyone remembers it you will know it was about being chased by a freak with a giant pair of scissors.

That was classic, soil your Y-fronts scare moments.

13 years ago

Her name was actually Regina?

13 years ago

yes, that's her actual name.

13 years ago

I agree with you all. The original Clock tower and the 1st two Dino Crisis titles were amazing. I actually STILL replay DC2 on my PC. I just love it that much.

13 years ago

Didn't we already agree NOT to talk of THAT DC3 they "made"? I certainly don't think we SHOULD remember it-it makes the mess that was RE5 look like RE4's perfect sequel by comparison!!

DC3 is a JOKE release and would be out of place for Capcom even on their awful (outside of their fighting games, good engine for them, and MH they've been pretty weak for me)current form so I'm happy to forget AND forgive should they ever show us a new, decent DC game. Hell, even a remakes, with updated controls etc as well as the obvious graphical update would be amazing considering what games looked like the last time a decent one got made-a pure HD port wouldn't be enough, though, it needs to be fully remodelled and so on and not just hit with an HD stick. It would be easy to make the series shine with the power we have in gaming consoles and PC these days compared to PSX.

As long as they stayed true to normal Onimusha standards, and not the latter day messwe had, that would be great too-natch.

13 years ago

The ending to Dawn of Dreams had some of the prettiest CG graphics I've ever seen. Comparable to FF12 even. I would totally play a new Onimusha.

13 years ago

Agree 100%!!!

Onimusha is one of my fave series alongside, Silent Hill & Devil May Cry. I thought Dawn of Dreams was too much of a grind for an Onimusha game & wasn't a fan of any of the new characters. But from Warlords, Samurai Destiny & Demon Seige, they were all brilliant. Hell, i even enjoyed that cute little Onimusha multiplayer game, Onimusha Blade Warriors.

Onimusha 3 with Jean Reno & that epic intro movie was incredible, but Onimusha 2 was my personal fave of the series.

BTW, in Onimusha Warlords did anyone see the uncut Japanese transformation scene? That was some wierd wasp, insect hentai wierdness happening there.

Anyway, bring back Onimusha, it's way over due. If not a next gen game then atleast an HD remake of the series.

Last edited by Kevin555 on 7/9/2011 12:21:51 PM

13 years ago

Dawn of Dreams was fun as hell we you played it with a friend, heh they even had street fighter costumes as alternate skins.

Last edited by GuyverLT on 7/9/2011 5:56:10 PM

13 years ago

I said this a year or two ago, when Capcom announced MvC3, and again when they announced SFxTekken and vice versa.

I'm a huge fan of the series, yes, some of the games weren't as good as others, but the plot is awesome, the action is typically great, weapons, challenges etc… were all extremely entertaining. Samanosuke's story is far from over!!!

13 years ago

Considering they wanted 3 to be the final installment which also ended it on a huge high, and then were forced to do a fourth which didn't fare as well and hurt the story and franchise more than anything, despite it still being a decent game….Then it would again be going against the supposed high end with the 3rd installment.

As much as i'd love to see it, i prefer artistic integrity more.
I know this logic should mostly apply to more film or literature fields as games are more flexible in their evolution, but i see Ominusha as an exception (along with many others that are prone to milking) and thus this is my opinion.

13 years ago

I'd love to play Onimusha on PS3, that would be totally awesome.

13 years ago

Hey Capcom! Bring back Power Stone!…. or at least a HD remake of Power Stone 2 ^-^.

13 years ago

I always wanted a Onimusha for PS3 but at least now that everybody doing it Capcom can bring the trilogy in HD.

13 years ago

no thanks!
seeing crapcom sh*t on 2 of my favorite series was bad enough!
i wish they would just give us a DMC collection, then release new IPs so theres nothing to tarnish.

13 years ago

I'd definitely love to see a new Omnimusha….preferably a PS3 exclusive. 😮

13 years ago

nice artical I hope capcom is aware that this franchise was the first uncharted for me. it was that great to be on the ps2. I really hope they do a nother one.

13 years ago

I'm glad I'm not the only one who just loved Onimusha to death..Man those games were my favorite..Although I didn't like Onimusha 2 as much. The gameplay was there but the story wasn't what I expected. Although I did like using Jubei

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