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inFamous 2 Hero Edition: Get All The Bonuses Free

If you haven't picked up inFamous 2 just yet, then shame on you.

But you can redeem yourself by snagging the Hero Edition, which is loaded with plenty of bonus and collectible goodies. We realize you don't want to pay the $99.99 price tag but you know what? You don't have to

As a reader has excitedly pointed out, you can purchase the inFamous 2 Hero Edition from GameStop right now for only $59.99! That's right, you get all that extra stuff for free if you act quickly; besides the super fun game, this special deluxe set features the following extras:

It's not often you can pick up any sort of collector's set for the price of the standard game, so we suggest you take advantage. It also makes for a great gift and of course, the recipient doesn't need to know how much you saved… He just knows you're generous.

Related Game(s): inFamous 2

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13 years ago

GAMESTOP finally doing justice with game pricings!!!! They are having a massive sale in the Canadian store go and grab the deals now!!!!

13 years ago

Sorry wrong post 😛

Last edited by Sancho on 7/12/2011 7:08:17 AM

13 years ago

I *could* of course now point out that the bonuses are not for free, just included at no extra cost when you _buy_ the game.

… But I won't. That's how generous I am. 😉

Last edited by Beamboom on 7/9/2011 11:30:31 AM

13 years ago

Well unless this is a permanent price drop… then yeah you get bonus stuff for free. Unless they're selling Infamous 2 game only for $20. I doubt that….

13 years ago

Hehe – I will not start that discussion again about the contradiction of having to pay to get something for "free". it's a good deal though! 🙂

Oh dang I can't help myself, here we go again:
It's not free. It's included. If it had been free I should have been able to get it for free. I can't. I have to buy the game. So it's included, not free.

Last edited by Beamboom on 7/9/2011 3:37:29 PM

13 years ago

If you were planning on buying it for 59.99 anyhow… then its a bonus* at no charge. No charge = free.

13 years ago

"Costing nothing; gratuitous: a free meal."

One of the definitions of free. The one pertaining to this matter. Seeing as how the list price on Amazon is 94.99, that makes the extras free*

13 years ago

Hehe – oh lordy, I just know this aint getting nowhere. 😀

This is not "costing nothing". Cant you see? Tell me how to get these items without it costing me anything.
It's not a "free meal" when you have to pay at the door upon entering. That's simply not free. That's meal "included in the cover charge".

But I understand how you think: It's no additional cost to get these items, therefore they are "free". Just like "Buy two – get an extra cookie for free".
It just… You still pay for the cookies, just less than usual. Just like in this case.

Last edited by Beamboom on 7/10/2011 9:47:34 AM

13 years ago

Well ain't isn't a word…. although it's becoming more complacent with the less educated people of the world. So I can see how you'd come to the conclusion that getting something free isn't free when it in fact cost you nothing extra….

13 years ago

lol – no need to start being insulting over this, is it? I could of course start writing my native language instead, would you be educated enough to understand that, you think? 😀

Hvis så, så må jeg si du imponerer stort. Men du er jo bare en dum amerikaner som ikke forstår hva "gratis" betyr engang, så sjansen for det er minimal. Utifra det du skriver er du sannsynligvis ikke oppmerksom på at det funnes en verden utenfor ditt lands grenser i det hele tatt.

Yeah, I did hide a typo in there for you to display your educated brilliance for all.

Last edited by Beamboom on 7/11/2011 2:58:38 PM

13 years ago

Yes, I'm simply a "dumb American". Not only is what you said outright name calling you had to hide behind a language barrier to do so. It's okay though 😉 people do that when they realize they're wrong and can't do anything about it. Merely a defense mechanism and I'll forgive you for it. At least I had the elegance to make it subtle.

This is an English speaking site, for English speaking individuals thank you. So putting up insults in a foreign language is a poor attempt to feel better about being wrong. That's like a child mumbling under his breath because he thinks you can't hear him.

One last example…..
You're buying a burger at a food place. Today they're offering a special that with that burger you were already buying, you get fries for FREE. Same deal with this package.

Thanks for playing XD

13 years ago

And of course, like a schmuck, I preordered mine and payed full price.

13 years ago

You just paid the premium to get it first. Nothing wrong with that.

13 years ago

Dang… Too bad I already own it. I would love to have that soundtrack and statue, as well as the in-game powers. Oh well…

13 years ago

HOLY CRAP!!! I didn't expect I would finally get inFamous 2 today, but it looks like I am. Thank You Gamestop.

13 years ago

Looks like I preorder the Hero Edition for nothing, you guys get to buy it for cheaper price too. Argh

13 years ago

Damn, Gaemstop just trying to get rid of them really. I might just buy this and sell inFamous 2 to someone since I already own it…looking at $45 profit, $15 dollar lost…lol

13 years ago

I literally just bought Infamous 2 last night at Gamestop. It was on sale for 50 but they never even told me about the Hero Edition.

13 years ago

I got the Hero Edition on day one and have no regrets. This is the perfect excuse to go and pick it up. Hell, I'm half tempted to trade in the copy I already have plus another game or two just to get a second sling pack. 😛 Amazon had the KZ3 Helghast edition on sale for $60 recently with the little figurine and Helghast helmet. I REALLY wanted to get it, but I have to save my money 🙁

13 years ago

Yes! thanks for the heads up ben, i was waiting for this to go on sale somewhere so i could pick it up regular price

13 years ago

I kinda glad I waited to buy my copy because I've been playing a rented copy from Blockbuster the last couple of days.

I want 2 use the Lighting Katana. Me gonna go all Badass Electric Samurai on the ice men and swamp creatures now LOL

Last edited by GuyverLT on 7/9/2011 6:34:42 PM

13 years ago

Bleh. I don't want all their stupid figurines and bags. Just the game thank you very much.

13 years ago

Then don't buy it.

mk ultra
mk ultra
13 years ago

Thank you to whoever the reader was who found this. I think this is the first time I'm actually happy I procrastinated on a game I was going to get.

13 years ago

This is what it should of released as.

$59.99!! is a steal!!!!

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