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Uncharted 3 Beta Passes 1 Million, New Updates Coming

If you've participated in the Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception beta, you weren't alone. You really weren't alone.

This past Tuesday, the multiplayer play test was opened up to everyone on the PlayStation Network, and will remain free until July 14. Unsurprisingly, a great many people jumped in to try out the action; one day after the beta went public, Naughty Dog welcomed its one millionth tester . Obviously, that number will just keep growing for the next few days, but you better hurry if you want to qualify for various rewards that will be active in the retail version. Such rewards include a PSN Beta Tester Avatar, in-game cash, and the Treasure Hunter's Starter Pack.

And by the way, starting on July 10, Naughty Dog will be "updating the available gametypes" according to the schedule they've already released. The never-before-seen Yemen map will show up, as well as your first chance to play Co-op Adventure. Lastly, when you've gotten your fill, make sure to leave your comments and criticism in the Multiplayer Beta feedback forum .

Related Game(s): Uncharted 3

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Claire C
Claire C
13 years ago

I already deleted the beta. After a few hours I thought, yep, I sure am gonna buy this. No need to keep playin. That's cool they're still updating it though. =)

13 years ago

I thought the same because I'm level 36 and they will erase everything once UC3 hits the shelves…

I've tried the beta and it's cool, but there's no point in playing it anymore, my progress will be for nothing… right?

Last edited by McClane on 7/10/2011 2:25:22 AM

13 years ago

Betas are marketing tools now.

13 years ago

betas like this arent even really betas anymore….more demos

13 years ago

Not in this particular instance. This is a beta indeed. They even try out different game types to give them a "real life" spin and see how the servers handle it.

A beta is not supposed to be a buggy nightmare. It's supposed to be the final strech, testing things they could not test in a closed environment.
This *is* beta testing.

however, they are clever, so this is *also* a marketing tool, with those different video feeds. That's marketing.

Last edited by Beamboom on 7/9/2011 9:58:52 AM

13 years ago

Hated the Co-op Hunter mode. If I wanted to shoot other people I would just play the competitive mode.

13 years ago

Yep, that wasn't a co-op mode at all, it was a free-for all with no rules or structure. Heck, at least in the various deathmatch modes you know what you're supposed to do.

karneli lll
karneli lll
13 years ago

The only thing i dont like is the matchmaking. It always puts me against people who are on level 30 or higher(im on 6)and it becomes a game of endless spawning, hardcore is the only place im able to enjoy,some of those kickbacks are unfair.

13 years ago

The matchmaking overall is my main complaint too – one thing is the poor matching (ref your level issue), another thing is the incredibly long time it uses to do those poor matches. And when you combine those two elements things are really looking bad. 😀

But this is what beta testing is for! I am 100% sure that every match making decision is logged and analysed, both regarding time and composition, and tweaks will be done accordingly.

This kind of functionality *have* to be tested in a real life environment, this is why beta testing is so incredibly important.

13 years ago

Use the power plays, the game itself tries to balance the match that way….

If you're losing by a vast difference, the game will give you, the losing team, double damage, for instance…

By the way, UC2 did even worse match makings, from level 1 to level 20, Ihad to fight level 40's and higher, not exactly fair if you asl me…

But they really need to fix the speed of the characters though… press L3 to run??? Really???

Last edited by McClane on 7/10/2011 2:32:21 AM

13 years ago

matching making always team me up with white people 😛 im like where my niggas at lol

13 years ago

Haha yeah…& comments like that make sure you won't stick around for much long LOL!

13 years ago

Haha! Actually I've often wished I was of african heritage. I just envy the kind of community/bonds you guys seem to share. It's cool.

13 years ago

I'm really liking the beta. All though some things that are small but will effect the gameplay were noticed by me, a lot and made me frustrated. i loved it.
I know when i open up that Uncharted 3: Drakes Deception and pop it in it will be nothing but perfection.

But sadly i won't be home in time befire the beta closes so i will mis the new map But i know that im already expecting after U2. U3 will be amazing. it has to be. Naughty Dog are one of the best game delelopers out there.

Looking forward to November.
MGS HD collection and Uncharted 3 is mine!

13 years ago

Playing the uncharted 3 beta I couldn't help but think it's lost some of its charisma and orginality..I mean the maps in UC2 beta, village and plaza, were just incredible. These two new ones, while still great…just feel abit off for me. Can't put my finger on it.

I mean UC2multi was practically SP because it added nothing but human opponents into the mix, UC3 has all these power-ups etc. Just doesn't feel uncharted at the moment. But I never bought uncharted for the multiplayer.

Nevertheless, I shall do my bit and express my thoughts on the feedback forumn, as I did spend 350 hours on Uncharted 2 multiplayer, and 170 hours on single player; it's my most played (and loved) game. I swear I've played the sanctuary chapter about 50 times now's just so damn good. I love the atmosphere, the music, mood, suspense, all moulds together perfectly in that chapter. That and the nepal section is like the magnum opus of this generation 😛

13 years ago

im missing the vertical the uncharted 2 maps had.
these feel really small in comparison too.
decent, but the uncharted 2 MP maps felt allot better.

13 years ago

i think the beta is decent. the clunky character movement takes some getting used to. feels a lot heavier. i sure hope that is not an indication of how drake will move in uc3's sp campign.

the graphics in the beta almost look like they are missing a layer of texture detail, too. something looks off.

13 years ago

Am I the only one who liked Hunter Mode? 😮

It's a cross of Coop Arena and Plunder, which I like over Plunder. BTW I H8 plunder. -.-

13 years ago

I'm enjoying the beta thus far, but I've reached a point where I might be done, it's making me want to play the WHOLE game 🙂 I am glad I put a Preorder down for this bad boy 🙂

13 years ago

I hope they explain the creepy crawler thing in the single player. beta=8/10

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