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Burnout Crash Confirmed, Slams Into PSN, XBLA This Fall

We first heard about it when the title was listed on the Australian game rating board.

Now, it has been confirmed : Burnout Crash will land on the PlayStation Network and Xbox Live Arcade this fall. Gamers will have to cause as much damage as possible; we'll bash into vehicles and buildings and in general, cause a great deal of chaos and mayhem. Yep, sounds entertaining. Featuring three game modes, six distinct locations, and that Autolog feature EA has fallen in love with after Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit , Criterion's latest should appeal to the vehicle carnage-lover in all of us. By the way, the XBLA version will support Kinect and that will let two teams utilize "gesture controls" in what is being called a "party battle." No word on PlayStation Move functionality, so it probably doesn't exist.

You know, just about anything with "Burnout" in the title is usually well worth playing. We doubt Crash will be any different.

Related Game(s): Burnout Crash

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13 years ago

As a long time Burnout fan, I'll definitely be getting this one! The one thing missing from Paradise, was well, CRASH MODE!! Sure there was "ShowTime" but I miss the old crash challenges of the PS2 titles. This could be just the thing to scratch that itch!

13 years ago

Two Words from the original ratings system filing will either convince you this is something to get or avoid: Lobster. Monsters.

13 years ago

Neither give me hope. Burnout with monster sized lobsters? Run for the hills!

13 years ago

avoid lol. Sorry but this is just a little lame for a follow up of burnout paradise. why dont the just mix everything together from all the burnouts and put it all into a Paradise like game and have something good again? And I mean everything lol.

13 years ago

personally I think this series has devolved over the last few games. when they stopped doing crash, it was the beginning of the end imo.

Paradise, although was amazing should of had that crash mode, but it didn't, and I assume that was down to political correctness seeing as Burnout started as a simulator to show off crash physics.. it was the very heart of Burnout.

If you think of what we got in Burnout 1 and 2..imagine that on the PS3.360? it would be amazing!

oh but we cant have people driving in to other computer controlled AI cars for fun, that's terrible.. no, I will just go back to killing loads of human controlled mock soldiers online with a knife and AK47 instead, because that's so much better :-/

so, here we are with a cartoon top down version, great. I doubt I will bother with it. its like Red Faction.. when they change the games core.. they loose the very heart of its being.

13 years ago

This is not Burnout, this looks like a flash game with a brand name tagged on. 🙁

Bring on Burnout Paradise 2!

13 years ago

Yes That is exactly what I said when I saw the image "This is not Burnout". This is somthing that is really beginning to piss me off. This is not why people buy a PS3, why play crap like this when there is Burnout: Parasdise. I don't want to be harsh on amatuer/developers developers but it's just like film now, anyone with a camera planks their footage nationwide thanks the garbage source of Youtube and I am just sick of it. We need a system like GW to censor rubbish like this…

13 years ago

The picture reminds me greatly of the original Grand Theft Auto games, they were top down as well.

13 years ago

@Landy; True, but GTA was more directly top down wasn't it? like 90 degrees straight down on the characters head. Also, I remember it as less bright and colorful than this.
At least that's how I picture it in my mind…

BTW! I did not find that sale you mentioned on Burnout Paradise in the European store 🙁 That suxxx.

Last edited by Beamboom on 7/8/2011 11:38:13 AM

13 years ago

Oh that does suck. Sorry about that. Perhaps they'll offer it next month in Europe?

13 years ago

No idea! I would guess so? Either that, or it's already been here and is over. Annoying…

Last edited by Beamboom on 7/8/2011 2:36:33 PM

13 years ago

exactly what I was thinking…

13 years ago

they go on hiatus from there most popular series, then return with this?
come on criterion wheres the true next gen burnout game?
i want a fully fledged burnout game,a worthy sequel to the best arcade game released on current systems!

13 years ago

I doubt it's even Criterion who's developed this one. It's just one of those things we have to get used to in todays digital distribution stores.

The mobile games stores are *filled* with well known brand names stapled on small, quickly made games. I guess that the digital distribution markets just have to mature a bit.

13 years ago

no it is, its on the ratings report.

13 years ago

It's not Criterion who developed this one. Oddly enough, I believe it's a Norwegian developer…

13 years ago

well, according to the ratings board and IGN it is criterion who are doing this.

13 years ago

looking at the screenshot made me laugh… this is not new burnout for this gen consoles, this is GTA 0.5 on Commodore 64…

13 years ago

At least on Commodore Amiga. 🙂 It could have been an Amiga game actually, the screenshot looks very Amiga'ish.

Saddest thing is that if this had been released where it belongs (handhelds) it would probably have been priced 1/10th of the pricetag it will get on PSN.

Last edited by Beamboom on 7/8/2011 6:57:30 AM

13 years ago

I'm really hoping that this is a smoke screen to divert peoples attention away from the next, real Criterion project: "Burnout Paradise 2: Rolling Stock"!!!

I know Highlander will get this reference!! Or should it be Ro-lling Stock 😉

13 years ago

Roll baby roll…

13 years ago

No thanks I'll stick with Paradise if it's all the same to them, they can keep this one to themselves.

13 years ago

Criterion was too busy with NFS to give a poop. Buut we'll see if and/or when they start on a new Burnout project. A guy can dream can't he?

13 years ago

This article made me want to play Burnout Paradise…
thanks Ben!

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