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Saints Row: The Third Is Doing Things GTA Never Dreamed Of

This has nothing to do with quality. I won't suggest for a second that Saints Row: The Third will be superior to the upcoming Grand Theft Auto V . Heck, I doubt THQ's latest will be better than any previous GTA, going all the way back to GTAIII.

But that's not the point. GTA has always been better in just about every possible way – technically and artistically – but Saints Row has always tried to one-up Rockstar's sandbox mega-blockbuster in one particular category: chaos and mayhem. And in terms of unbridled, over-the-top, unabashed, begging to get on the news insanity, Saints Row: The Third appears to be taking the crown. In case you missed it, we direct your attention to an Open World Gameplay Walkthrough .

That's a big ol' purple dildo with which to smack people around. …and those are giant fists that cause humans to explode. Yeah, a tank. Of course. And the object is just to cause as much damage as possible. Then there's a jet equipped with homing missiles. You can just hover and destroy. A couple "unique" vehicles, including one with a cannon that "sucks up" pedestrians and fires them…well, wherever. It's reckless abandon and GTAV won't do this; that game is going to take itself seriously because it aspires to be something amazing.

That's not a knock on Saints Row: The Third ; it's just that the latter obviously aspires to be something else and thus far, it's succeeding.

Related Game(s): Saints Row: The Third

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13 years ago

Meh there's not much new there. San Andres had the dildo, jet and tank. Plus it had a jet pack and an airliner. Still just coping GTA in many aspects.

13 years ago

did gta4 have that stuff tho :S

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

It's hardly the same thing. The focus of the gameplay is completely different; missions with the specific goal of causing as much destruction as possible, exploding humans, PROJECTILE humans…

In terms of theory and concept, they're completely different, despite the similarity in open-ended format.

13 years ago

Exactly! Thank you Ben, thank you.

13 years ago

tbh i enjoyed saints row….its was ok……didnt like gta 4 that much apart from mp.. i just thought it was a step backwards from gta sa

13 years ago

A step backwards as far as mayhem goes, but a step forward gameplay wise and storytelling wise. imo

13 years ago

And a huge step backwards in the size of the map and vehicle choice and side missions. It looked better felt more realistic was pretty awesome but to me it came too short in terms of variety compared to its predecessors.

On the other hand even though Saints Row 2 looked like crap I had tons of fun with it and I expect this new one to do the same. I really love their ideas 😀 that car in the video made me lol.

13 years ago

@ Neo: GTAIV definitely had less to do than some of the prior GTA's, but you also have to take into account that's a brand new engine. When that's factored in, Rock Star has always had meager offerings given a brand new engine.

Of course, the next couple games end up being absolute smashing successes. GTAV, if it follows this pattern, will be absolutely insane.

13 years ago

I played maybe 2 hours of saints row and just couldnt get into it. It felt like a cheap copy of GTA. SR will be a good game if they stop trying to be like GTA!

13 years ago

No, SR will be a good game if people stop comparing it to GTA!
If they wanted it to be like GTA they'd write an *entirely* different story, and aim for the realistic route. There's not *one* single thing in SR that's realistic, or anything like Rockstar would have made it with GTA.

As a matter of fact, you can't get *further* away from GTA with an open world game that has a current day city setting. That's the only real similarity with GTA.

SR is *not* GTA!

Last edited by Beamboom on 7/4/2011 11:31:10 AM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

Beamboom: If you'd like to give me a list of games that are somehow closer related to GTA than Saints Row, I'd be interested in seeing them. 😉

13 years ago

lol – argh! *boiling over*

What other game has a open world, modern day city setting? None! That's the problem. If there were, then I'd list them! I guess I could say Mafia (or whatever that game was called) although it's not the same decade.

But that's not SR's fault!

There are a trillion World War 2 FPS. Are all those a clone of one of them? No! It's the same here: They both are modern day city sandbox games. But within that frame they are two different games!
GTA has style, class, elegance, drama and intelligence.
SR has NONE of that. Zero, zip, nill, completely clean of all that.

Different, I say. Different! 😉

Last edited by Beamboom on 7/4/2011 12:39:00 PM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

I get what you're saying but when there's basically no other game that's closer to GTA, the comparisons will be inevitable, despite what I consider to be very obvious differences. 🙂

13 years ago

Yeah I know – It's *so* frustrating, and there's nothing I can do about it. But at least I try!

This is my Yakuza, I shall defend SR with no reservations 😀

/me winks at Kiryu

Last edited by Beamboom on 7/4/2011 1:33:36 PM

13 years ago

this game looks great !! but ill have to see how it turns out in the reviews and also wait for GTA V to come out, who knows what rockstars preparing now, lets not forget they brought us red dead and LA noire since the last gta, so im really hyped to see the next one ! 🙂

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
13 years ago

"a cannon that "sucks up" pedestrians and fires them…"

The only thing about this game I like is the trailer! I love the trailer. The game its self… not so much.

And if GTA didn't "dream" of it then im sure it wasn't needed in GTA!

Last edited by Killa Tequilla on 7/4/2011 12:13:50 PM

13 years ago

A cannon that sucks up pedestrians and fires them…


They should call it the "Kirby Cannon".

13 years ago

You can jump into the cannon yourself as well, and you (or your buddy if you play it coop) can fire you off like a projectile.

Pure genious – the weapon of the year!

SR3 – it's sooo d1p it hurts! 🙂

13 years ago

Word, Ridgen.
I actually bought the ps3 in order to play gtaiv as soon as possible. And I concluded just like you do here. It all had become *too* realistic, with much of the classic gta fun gone. Shooting doves instead of finding the infamous "hidden packages"? wtf is up with that? This was not the GTA I had waited for.

Luckily SR2 came and saved the day with the most fun coop play I've had so far.

Last edited by Beamboom on 7/4/2011 1:27:06 PM

13 years ago

lol, its saints row, that game wont get any play on my system, GTA V will bury it,
saints row is always several steps behind GTA.
And over the top mayhem is running around with a dildo?
lol k some game developers need to grow up.
i guess THQ philosophy is y compete, lets just make some more retarded sh!t.
(They didn't learn anything from duke nukem i guess)

lol, i can already see a big "Beef" Between these 2 games, much like San andreas was to driver 3. just when driver thought it had something unique and cool, San Andreas buried it and even called it out ingame.

13 years ago

There's nothing I want more than GTA to return to it's roots with GtaV.

But don't judge the entire SR by one single piece of info: The dildos. Do you like MGS? What if I told you that game sucked because of that stupid ape? Would that be fair? Would that even be relevant for what the game is about?

And comparing Duke with SR is… Well… I let Gamerankings do the talking:

SR2 83.30%, 45 Reviews
DNF 49.98%, 24 Reviews

Nuff said.

13 years ago

You want complete mayhem? Pick up saints row. You want realistic life and mayhem? Pick up GTA easy as that.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

Ha! I get that this is so immature, but I can't help but be impressed. GTA's on a completely different route, and this is more like ratcheting up all the madness of San Andreas a million-fold. I may have to pick this up.

13 years ago

I could not get into the GTA or Saints Row games, although I didn't really give them much of a chance. My 15 year old younger brother loves the games though.

Last edited by NLCanada on 7/4/2011 1:43:08 PM

13 years ago

yo NLCanada your a leaf fan eh ? me to

Last edited by TheCanadianGuy on 7/4/2011 1:58:56 PM

13 years ago

Sorry for your luck, fellas.

I have no favorite NHL team, and I never have had one. I think I'll become a Jets fan. 😉

I used to like the Whalers… remember them?!?!

13 years ago

GO LEAFS GO!!! BLUE & WHITE FOREVER!!! i can't wait till we play the jets so we can kick their ass!
yeah i remember them way back

Last edited by TheCanadianGuy on 7/4/2011 3:15:04 PM

13 years ago

Wow, this it's pretty amazing that you managed to turn this into a mini Leafs thread! Go Leafs Go! Glad they didn't get Richards after what the Rangers are going to pay him. Three months 'til the regular season starts up again!!

13 years ago

NICE! another hockey fan GO LEAFS GO!! nice trade yesterday with nashville eh! what a steal for franson to bad had to take on that brutal contract for matt though

13 years ago

nothing will ever compete with GTA R* are the master of open world games always have been always will be. other devs have made some fine open world games. but nothing on the scale of a R* game. not just GTA but also red dead & bully.

13 years ago

So, a suck cannon eh? Sounds a lot like GTA mixed with Ratchet and Clank.


13 years ago

Highlander: You know you can create a female avatar in SR, right? And make her however you like? Also, there's clothing stores all around town with all sorts of clothes – you can even decide color and custom details? And tattoo parlours? And hair dressers? Yeah. Just sayin'…

… I think you'd like it, actually! 😉 :p

Last edited by Beamboom on 7/4/2011 2:00:52 PM

13 years ago

LOL! Only I would come up with a classy brunette destroying the place with the suck canon…

Oh, wait….


13 years ago

Actually, there's classy clothes in there too, not just tacky stuff. Evening gowns, classy jewellery, you'd easily be the princess of Stillwater! And no moral police to spoil the fun. 😉

You should have seen my coop buddy and I in sr2. Seriously, we spent just as much time in the clothing stores as we did missioning. 😀

/me tries to lure everyone into the SR trap. 🙂

Last edited by Beamboom on 7/4/2011 2:21:05 PM

13 years ago

Ive never play the previus 2, but base on the demo they are showing, I think it will be alot of crazy fun. I might give it a try this time around.

13 years ago

This is like Cod Mw3 Vs Bf3 battle now but instead its the battle of the sand-box game. Both games are great in their on way and have their own unique style to it. Though imo Gta4 was a let down in the series its why I liked sr2 better cause it had so many things you were able to do and the customization was way better than Gta4 offered. Sr3 will be a great game for sure as long as it sticks to its roots with great fun and mayhem.

Last edited by Bloodysilence19 on 7/4/2011 2:05:12 PM

13 years ago

The Canadian Guy'

Born and raised a Leafs fan.

13 years ago

kool man same here. by the way if your new here maybe you didn't know but when your replying to a comment you don't need to leave it at the bottom you just click the reply tag under the original comment like i am right now & it'll show up right under it. it wasn't to long ago i was the new guy around here & someone told me that xD

Last edited by TheCanadianGuy on 7/4/2011 3:21:03 PM

13 years ago

GTA was fun when I was younger. I don't see me getting back into it though. Never played Saints Row. So in that case, Never will.

13 years ago

Im glad that GTAV is taking itself seriously, that way we get one great serious open world game,
and then SR the third; one bat shiit crazy open world game!

13 years ago


You had me at "big ol' purple dildo with which to smack people around…"

13 years ago

Haha, I watched the cinematic trailer first, and then the game play footage, and it was hard to even take the over-the-top story serious after seeing 30 seconds of the game.

13 years ago

I tried playing GTA IV, but after an hour it got immensely boring. And the driving mechanics was the worst of it. But playing Saints Row 2, wow.. it was actually fun! And there were fun things to do in the game to move ahead in the story. And if you wanted to just mess around, blow everything up? You could. I liked being able to find the different gangs and destroy any that came my way.

In my opinion, GTA IV got rid of any fun it had in the series. And I will be buying Saints Row 3 because it looks even better than the second one.

13 years ago

the game GTAIV should of been!
so wish this was out now, im bored to death!

13 years ago

personally sr2 kept my attention till the end gta4 didnt. sr2 had better side missions n u didnt have to spend half ur time with "friends" to keep them haha. i enjoyed the more realistic approch to gta4 love it. Now throw in some of sr fun factors and that wud be the perfect sandbox

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