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Will Uncharted 3 Be The 3D Game We’ve Been Waiting For?

3D is a new technology for video games and quite a few already support the "extra dimension."

However, unlike high resolution, which is quite simply a boon for the entire industry and video viewing in general, there are many who have questioned the effectiveness of 3D. Certain titles seem to tackle the tech better than others and while such games are indeed mesmerizing, it seems most gamers don't consider 3D to be an essential option.

However, according to Naughty Dog, if you have access to a 3D HDTV, you'll definitely want to take advantage of the feature in Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception . In fact, studio boss Evan Wells told Game Informer that 3D will be "the best way to play the game." He went into some detail concerning the design and development process, too:

"The game designers have to be conscious of it when they’re scripting their cameras to show where Drake has to go next when he’s climbing up a pole or we’re showing off a vista. The designers have to go in there to set the 3D convergence points. You have to make sure you’re transitioning smoothly between convergence points because if you do it too suddenly or rapidly it can cause eye strain. We have to render our cutscenes in 3D and 2D so it doubles the amount of space we’ve got on the disc for video so it’s mandated that we go to a dual-layer disc this time. It really did have a ripple effect across every aspect of development, but in the end, I still fully think it’s been a great addition to the game and will be the best way to play the game."

We don't doubt Naughty Dog's ability but in my experience, 3D isn't necessarily the "next-level" advancement some gamers had expected it to be. It's cool and all but a lot of times, I'd just rather play most any game in regular beautiful "2D" high resolution. Also, let's not forget that 3D viewing has been proven to cause headaches and vision issues for some people, especially children.

All in all, though, I'll be interested to see what Drake's Deception looks like in 3D. How about you?

Related Game(s): Uncharted 3

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13 years ago

While I do admit 3D is a cool way to watch SOME movies, I don't kno about games… I think I rather stick to regular 2D… But then again I haven't played a game in 3D so I can't really judge

13 years ago

The opposite is true

13 years ago

I believe so, I think I read somewhere they play Uncharted 3 with 3D on and it look amazing. BTW, I don't even want to try the Beta because I want going in fresh lol. It's a very tough challenge to be sure, but I know it will be worth it when Nov 11, 2011 come!

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

Bud, you'll be ten days late by then.

13 years ago

LOL you are right. I got 1 extra 1 in there 😛

13 years ago

Is 3D not dead yet? In movies it's already seeing a decline in sales, but there it's at least accessible. I don't personally know anyone who has a 3D tv, I imagine they're in a minority?

If enough people are already starting turning off the idea of 3D in movies, despite the fact the studios keep churning out more and more 3D films, then I see that same negativity shifting to gaming even if 3D tv owners say it's fantastic.

I'll never play Uncharted 3 in 3D, I know that it'll be a great game in 2D and that's it's selling point, not the 3D.

13 years ago

Not sure if 3D is in a real decline, or if people just don't want to pay the extra price for 3D (but would still like the 3D technology).

Case in point, theatre movies usually make more money from their 2D version (when offered in both 2D and 3D versions).
However, with Transformers 3, the 3D version raked in 60% of their profits. So, this would suggest it's not that the technology demand is in decline but, rather, that the average person doesn't deem 3D is worth its value for most applications.
If the movie/game is good in 3D, then people will pay the money to have it.

13 years ago

I have one.

Anyways, I believe that no matter how good 3D gets, it will never be good enough for some people.

All that's needed for 3D to take off is for it's price point to be affordable.

Last edited by maxpontiac on 7/5/2011 11:01:33 AM

13 years ago

@maxpontiac Amen, some people will NEVER be happy with 3D because its not this stuff flying off the screen in your face. As someone else stated, thats the gimmicky part of 3D. True 3D is all about having that depth, and Uncharted 3 HAS it! The beta is amazing in 3D and we're still a ways off before the game ships.

13 years ago

The guys at Gametrailers have been very impressed with the 3D in Uncharted 3 saying that it makes it look even more incredible than ever and even helps you play the game. It even won the award for best 3D game at E3. If Uncharted 3 is really as good as every one says it is in 3D, then I'm going to want to get one myself.

13 years ago

Say what you want about 3D. It does enhance the gaming experience. I've turned three people on to the technology in the past month, including my little brother this past weekend. Walmart has a Vizio 47" set for $900. Its passive tech, the effect was just as good as my active shutter Bravia. Call it a gimmick, but it sure looks nice!

13 years ago

hell if you want a good 3d tv best buy has a 43" samsung 3d tv for $500

13 years ago

dude, i just bought a 32 inch 1080p 3DTV for my room… 3d is very impressive, but dammit the games i play in 2D look AMAZING!!

13 years ago

Well, since I'm gonna buy a 3DTV next week, I sure as hell hope that this the best 3D experience. ALTHOUGH the 3D movies in cinema aren't much different from the regular version for me.

13 years ago

Uncharted 3 ,The Avatar for the 3D tv's

13 years ago

I'd love to have a 3D tv, but sadly, I have other things to pay for. Like a mortgage. 🙁

13 years ago

lol, not really, im a huge drake fan, but the problem is still the price of the technology and the fact i have to wear an extra pair of glasses.

not happening

13 years ago

These TV's are very affordable now. Best buy and Fred Meyer both had 55" samsung or panasonic TV's bundled with a 3D blu-ray player, 3d starter package (movie, 2 Pairs of glasses) for $1500. That's a steal I wish I hadn't passed up on.

13 years ago

@Mamills Even if you have glasses already that should not effect the experience at all. My wife is in the same boat (and boy is she blind without her glasses), but the glasses are not near OVERLY big, but they fit extremely well on TOP of her glasses with no issues. Dont be so quick to dismiss 3D due to something so trivial.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

Probably. By all means, sources say that it's the best 3D experience in gaming yet. I'll be playing it in 2D though. I simply don't see any real future in 3D.

13 years ago

3D… Well I know I an't jumping on the "bandwagon" any time soon. Movies I see being cool to watch in 3D but as of today 3D hasn't showed much for gaming.
I'm sure Sony will deliver great 3D games with good 3D quality in the coming up years.

What I would like to see is 3D coming to the point where it's what you do without thinking about it. I'm sure 3D televisions won't always force you to wear glasses. in the coming up couple of years we won't need them to view 3D. and for the PS4 it would be standard. 3D televisions will be much better and NO GLASSES. I know I won't be getting one until they get rid of them glasses.

Does the 360 have 3D? I don't think so.

The Wii won't be able to handle 3D it doesn't even have HD.

The next gen will be great for 3D. Well at least for PlayStation 3 owners. 🙂

Eros Twixfreak
Eros Twixfreak
13 years ago

Apparently MS said the xbox 360 does 3D as well. According to them they are just holding back to see how the market really responds to 3D. I remember reading that somewhere.

13 years ago

And the 360 DOES have 3D (tested myself) but only on a few select games and the method is a bit more of "bruting" or splitting the resolution in half and doubling the image. I played Crysis 2 on 360 in 3D and it wasnt bad, but the graphics sure do look worse than the average 2D game on the 360 (But the game is STILL definitely enjoyable in the third dimension)

13 years ago

3D TVs will be cheaper too! 🙂

13 years ago

I'm all for 3D, but being out of work now, my wallet's isn't.

I figure I'll probably have to wait till the 2nd gen of 3DTV's are out.
And hopefully I'll get added benefits of it being cheaper, newer better tech, with no glasses needed.

13 years ago

i've been mostly unimpressed with the 3d i've seen so far. maybe we will see better results next gen when the consoles have the horespower to pull it off correctly.

13 years ago

The only thing that has disappointed me thus far with the 3D is the ghosting effect…Not sure if its my TV, my glasses, or the game itself but that is the only thing that detracts from the overall finese of 3D. Only have this issue with games and not movies though. Of course its not the second coming of Jesus or anything like that but 3D is a great supplement to gaming (long as it doesnt convert to a neccessity)

13 years ago

I think 3D is best with games over movies, just because of the control issue. In a game you can create around a 3d idea, while in a movie you only have what you have to work with.

With that said ND has done everything right and it's obvious they push themselves and technology to "Uncharted" heights, ha! Seriously though they do a great job and just like with ps move, if 3D didn't work the way the expected it too in their game it wouldn't be in it!

13 years ago

Cool. Well, I don't have a 3DTV so it doesn't matter to me. Though, I suspect the coming generation will be custom engineered with 3D in mind. So by then, when I can actually buy a 3DTV at a reasonable price, I'll be happy to engage the 3D realm of gaming with open arms.

13 years ago

after playing the beta i can honestly say nope.
its better then SOCOM 4 and KZ3, but miles behind motorstorm pacific 3D rift.
it has some pop out, but not much.
that and the darkness issue is whats spoiling 3D for me.
the darkness is like, well, i feel like ive got 5 pairs of freaking sunglasses on my face thats how dark it makes the game look!
effects too, i was expecting the games to be like movies.
heaps of added depth, and heaps of sh*t flying out the screen.
though sadly im yet to see any of that.
if anyone wants to see how 3D games should be, go watch resident evil afterlife 3D.
literally ducked for cover, and shat my pants when she threw those axes!
saw 3D was pretty good too, though a little too gory.
nothing compares to avatar obviously, but sadly i cant play that because it only works on panny TVs.

13 years ago

Im still not sure what you're referring to when you say the darkness. The tint of the glasses when they are activated? It does not affect the game much at all since you can adjust the 3D brightness in most games. Unless you have an issue with your TV (not trying to imply anything) the "darkness" of 3D is not an issue at all.

I do admit Motorstorm Pacific Rift is amazing in 3D but in my opinion Socom 4 and Super Stardust HD are the cream of the crop hands down!

Last edited by Snorge on 7/6/2011 9:25:10 AM

13 years ago

Avatar works on any 3d tv. It's only sold with the panny 3d pack though. It will play in any 3d player though. I'm a huge fan of 3D. As someone else said. It does enhance the experience. It does add depth. No things aren't popping out at you ALL the time, but it does still happen. That's really considered "Bad 3d" or "Gimmicky 3D" anyway. Proper 3D shows actuall depth IN the tv. Not all games look great in 3D I must admit. But there some jewels to be seen. Killzone 3 looks amazing. Super Stardust HD 3D is completely awesome looking in 3D. The Uncharted 3 beta has a bit of ghosting but still looks fantastic!!! I'm sure the end product will be jaw dropping, especially the single player. I think some people expectations of the technology are a bit too lofty. Anyways, I'm thoroughly impressed by 3D and can't wait to see what the future holds.

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