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Original Crysis Headed To Consoles?

Crysis 2 was great but many shooter fans wanted to see the original title on consoles as well.

For a while, that really didn't seem like a possibility. However, both the ESRB and the Korean Game Rating Board (as cited by GameSpot ), have given us all hope.

Both sources list the original Crysis for the Xbox 360 and the ESRB's database does mention a PlayStation 3 version as well. For the record, Crytek hasn't said anything about this topic; they've deftly avoided all requests ever since the sequel arrived earlier this year. For our part, we're wondering who would be willing to pay full price for an older FPS, especially after we've seen the follow-up effort. Then again, maybe it wouldn't be priced at $60…maybe it'll even be downloadable.

Anyway, would you be interested in playing the first Crysis ? Do you feel a little short-changed with only having access to the second one?

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Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

Erm… I kinda don't see the point of this, especially considering the number of people that say that the original Crysis has very little substance outside of the graphics. If it were to come in C1/C2 bundle, or at a reduced price point though, I'd be likely to take a look at it.

13 years ago

The first Crysis is an amazing game. Just like the original FarCry it kept me wanting to see what was next and the fire fights were fun as hell.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

I'll take your word for it. But I still wouldn't buy it full price.

13 years ago

Hey, if it didn't have Jack Karver it couldn't have been just like Far Cry.

13 years ago

I would like this. I liked Crysis 2 pretty well. Not quite a favorite FPS of mine, but strong enough to warrant playing through more games as part of the franchise.

And it should be known that I did sort of rush my way through Crysis 2 so I think that did have some bearing on my enjoyment of the title as I'm not as intimately aware of it's finer play details as I am with the other elite FPS games on the market.

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
13 years ago

Im not interested.

13 years ago

Yes, as Lawless said above, make it a C1/C2 bundle deal for cheaper!

And I'll go one step further….for us diehard collectors, Crytek needs to be put it on a Bluray!

13 years ago

Glad to hear lazy gamers…I mean those with only gaming consoles will have the chance to enjoy the original Crysis. I'm a little baffled at the timing. Would have made more sense to release this prior to Crysis2.

13 years ago

Back then they were all "it's impossible to bring Crisis to consoles"

Now they changed their mind it seems. Next thing we know they'll be calling it the best looking game ever.

13 years ago

considering how EA keeps giving the ps3 extra on disk games with every major block buster release perhaps we will see this as a bonus for buying crysis 3 on ps3.

13 years ago

Thank the CryEngine 3 engine – they ported Crysis 1 to it so the 360 and PS3 could actually handle it.

13 years ago

When a developer brags about how a certain system coudn't handle a certain games, what they're actually doing is insulting themselves by admitting their lack of ability to make that happen.

13 years ago

…take note that with certain comments by certain developers such as Crytek, they also tend to shoot themselves in the foot.

13 years ago

Tbh, since this game is all about the graphics, i'd only really want to play it maxed out on PC.

Since i'm playing number 2 atm and even though it looks great, I'm finding it a bit boring for some reason :S.

13 years ago

The original Crysis was a more enjoyable game for me then part two is. Though now that the DirectX 11 patch has been implemented finally, part two looks more like the game it should've been at launch.

13 years ago

getting crysis to work on consoles would be like trying to get GOW3 running on the ps2!
i mean the game had such high ratings 5K PCs at the time could not run it!
it had a minimum RAM requirement quadruple of what the 360 offers!
they would have to cut so much crap it would totally defeat the purpose of the game.
crysis was a graphical powerhouse that was the point of the game.
tone it down for consoles and all you have is a hatchback made by Ferrari.
sure its a perfectly good working car, but whats the point of having a Ferrari as a hatchback, and so slow?
crysis without its bells and whistles is just pointless!
crytek, dont waste your time!
just get us timesplitters 4, or at least a HD collection!

13 years ago

Well it's all about what settings & resolution you're playing the game on. I could play Crysis just fine on my OLD PC with far from the the most high-end expensive stuff just fine at 1024×768 at high settings…

13 years ago

I'd buy it, although not at full price. Never played it on the PC so it would be more or less a new game for me.

13 years ago

Hoepfully the PS3 version will have a steady framerate.

13 years ago

This will be a buy for me. For I didnt have the money or time to play this game on a super rig.

13 years ago

If the original Crysis does end up on the console all I can say is just be prepared for a severly downgraded game because there is no realistically or technically that either the PS3 or 360 could handle the bare minium settings of the PC version.

13 years ago

The original Crysis were released just around the time the ps3 was released, wasn't it? So then, a PC game back then is impossible to play on a ps3 today, now that they are more experienced in programming for the ps3?

13 years ago

@Beamboom, considering most PCs back then couldn't even run the game at max settings, quite possibly.

13 years ago

Meh, not interested.

13 years ago

I'm playing through Crysis 2 at the moment and if i'm brutally honest it's pretty…. AVERAGE! I'm over 2 hours into it and i'm just not feeling it so… Lucky for me it's a love film rental so if the 1st comes to the Ps3, then i'll probably rent it.

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