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Resistance 3 Developer Diary Talks Enemy AI, Design

When it comes to shooters, artificial intelligence is a key component.

And that's why it's the focus of the latest Insomniac Developer Diary over at the PlayStation Blog . They talk about enemy design and AI, and they wanted the enemy intelligence to react to the actions of the player.

We also get a great look at some gameplay, which we find plenty impressive. They say they've made it feel as if we're fighting intelligent foes; enemies that aren't braindead and will rush, cover, and flank accordingly. Finally, we get to see some behind-the-scenes artistry and designs, all of which prove that in order to be successful in this creative realm, you had best be pretty darn talented. The video is definitely worth a look-see; it'll get you pumped for R3. Insomniac knows what they're doing, after all.

Remember, this highly anticipated sequel drops on September 6, which is a pretty good launch window. There isn't a huge amount of direct competition, you know?

Related Game(s): Resistance 3

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13 years ago

Already preordered. Can't wait.

13 years ago

Video does look good. Guess I will be killing lots more chimera in sept 🙂

Lord carlos
Lord carlos
13 years ago

Best handgun ever
Magnum with remote bullet detonation

13 years ago

Agreed. Come to think of it, the Bullseye arguably could be the best assault rifle ever.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

September 8th… and wouldn't it stuff ya, it's another Thursday release. Sounds good with the improved AI though. I actually think this is going to be my next new game purchase. 🙁

13 years ago

finally gave some details on the beta too.
July 25th – August 18th 2011.
hope they will be adding something to compensate for the co-op removal.
still cant believe they removed that!
best freaking feature they ever created!
they were the ones to start the co-op MP craze, now heaps of games has it thanks to them!
so they drop it!
what is it with insomniac and cutting fans favorite features?
weapon wheel fans loved in R1 so they removed it for R2.
story co-op fans loved in R1 so they removed it for R2.
MP co-op fans loved from R2 so R3 they removed it.
i thought you were suppose to remove what people dont like, and keep what people like!
not vise verse!

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

People liked Hale in R2, so they removed him from R3. Bloody Insomniac…

I think that they're really trying to recreate the multiplayer segment for the series. They've returned the SP compaign to what people liked from the first after the fans didn't like the second game, even though the critics were alright with the changes.
As for the MP, they've gotten rid of the massive battles, cutting it down to only sixteen players, and a really cool sounding load out system. I suppose that the R2-styled co-op just didn't fit in with their vision. Maybe it'll make a return in R4, if they choose to make another in the series after this one.

13 years ago

totally agree with you about the removal of the co op….just an all around 'wtf' when they announced it. Removing one of the best damn things R2 had made me somewhat worried. Im still getting it day 1, but damn, co op mode was a blast and will be missed

13 years ago

if they match the ai of killzone enemies, than thats all you need
howewer, i stil expect to hawe 50 or so brainded grims running towords us and trying to bite our asses on on co-op
cuz that was fun

13 years ago

I think the graphics in the video still looked like nothing extraordinary, however the game itself I really look forward to.
I'm one of those who prefer storyline co-op to the R2 style co-op (although it'd be cool to have both!), so this will have to be rated below 75% for me not to pick it up.

Last edited by Beamboom on 7/1/2011 9:12:18 AM

13 years ago

The chimera jumping on the grenade pretty much has me sold on the AI. Can't wait for September.

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