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Crytek UK Still Debating The Return Of TimeSplitters

Okay, so Crysis 2 has been out for a while. It turned out really well , too.

So how's about that new TimeSplitters , Crytek? Remember how you saved Free Radical, the TS developers, after Haze bombed in 2008? They're part of your team now, which is why you're officially called "Crytek UK." So…gonna listen to the fans on this one?

It seems they might. In speaking to NowGamer , company co-founder Avni Yerli says they're still thinking about such a project. Unfortunately, there are no concrete plans as of yet, but Crytek isn't about to abandon TimeSplitters entirely. Said Yerli:

"From our perspective we always had a lot of fun playing Timesplitters – Timesplitters 2 was amazing fun. Crytek and Crytek UK are interested in the IP; we are thinking about it but we’re trying to decide what we could do best with the IP, where we could bring it. There are no concrete plans yet."

Damn straight they were fun. Also, Yerli admits he hadn't thought about the possibility of remaking the first few franchise entries in high definition, but he still thinks it's a "good idea." Personally, I always loved these games; they were lighthearted and enjoyable, and although they weren't much different than other FPSs, they did have their own distinct charm.

Related Game(s): Crysis 2

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13 years ago

That monkey keeps me from every trying this game.

13 years ago

That and the whole art style for me.

13 years ago

I really doubt Crytek would really want to touch the TS franchise again(other than re-releasing the games) because they seem more focus on developing thier technology and putting out new stuff.

Personally speaking, I would like to see Crytek focusing more on their technology given the fact they are well ahead of Valve, iD and Epic.

Lord carlos
Lord carlos
13 years ago

Good tech,rubbish game(crysis 2)bored the sh!t out of me.
Should of stayed on pc,suffered from multi plat development.
Timesplitters on PS2 was ten times more fun.
Gimme dual mini-guns anytime over a lame cloke ability.

13 years ago

Nothing to debate if you ask me. Timesplitters is the best thing they have ever done, It would be at least worth a try with one PS3 outing, it would certainly sell well at least.

13 years ago

I love timesplitters, it was one of the most fantastic games around. The challenge mode was my favorite thing about it. A remake would be amazing.

13 years ago

I miss covering my monkey team mates with proximity mines and sending them towards the enemy base

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

Why not release a Classics HD set to gauge potential interest? I mean, if they're on the fence regarding possible sell-through rates, then that'll give them an indication. Some fans won't buy it if they've already got the original games, but it can also bring new gamers into the fold (I'd be there, I've heard nothing but good about the series).

And didn't it have a different graphical style than the norm? It may just prove that the CryEngine can do more than beautiful realism. I say, give it a shot. But then, I always do…

13 years ago

jesus tap dancing christ just do it already!
either that or haze 2…….
yea, thats what i thought!

13 years ago

Haze 2, I can agree with.

13 years ago

Timesplitters was amazing on ps2! Bring it on already……yeh it would be a good idea to bring out the hd versions of the originals to get people remembering it then WHAM announce ts4!

13 years ago

Timesplitters 1 and 2 are two of the best FPS games ever made. They were different to most shooters as the theme was completely different, there was over 50 characters to play as, including the monkey! All the different modes i.e. challenge mode, co-op, multiplayer made it distinctive.

The main thing that separated it from every other shooter was it's mission editor. It allowed you to create your own multiplayer maps or story missions and i lost hours in that mode alone.

I'm unsure as to whether to want this to come back. When EA got the publishing rights to Future Perfect, when it came out, it seemed a lot of what made it great and distinctive had been lost. And whoever chose to include blood was a bit of a plonker.

So, coming back today, they might strip it of it's fun, charm or even unique quality in favour of what's in today. It needs to retain the almost 90s gunplay and all listed above and only update things that are needed….but we all know stepping out of the CoD zone is not allowed.

Last edited by Lotusflow3r on 6/27/2011 7:05:21 AM

13 years ago

Oh man, Timesplitters 2 was the sh!t! Bring that back in HD atleast.

13 years ago

hopefully they will make this.

13 years ago

They actually planned to bring TS2:HD, even that would make me happy. Virus mode, Chinatown, best FPS I've ever played.

13 years ago

You don't know how right you this sea of dull shooters Timesplitters has NEVER seemed more different or more necessary. TS2 is still my favourite shooter(on console) of all time and is a game series Sony should have made sure was an exclusive as, to me, the series SCREAMS PS.

TS2 was the BEST launch title for a PS console ever.

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