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Street Fighter’s Future May Include Customizable Characters

Ooh…totally customizable characters. We figured the Street Fighter fans would want to hear about this.

We've always been able to slap new costumes on our fighters and sometimes, we're even allowed to make our own character from scratch (ala Soul Calibur IV ). But that's all cosmetic. What about being able to customize the skillsets and fighting styles? What about taking that to the nth degree?

Check out how Yoshinori Ono replied to GamePro when asked if he had any "lofty goals for the series:"

"What I’d love to do someday, if possible, is taking these characters — like Ryu, Chun-Li, Abel, and Juri — and having a game where users could customize them to a high degree. I’m not talking about their costumes or something like that, but actually customizing what moves they use — the timing of them, their strengths, their weaknesses — so that my Ryu could be completely different from your Ryu. In addition to our skill sets being different, our characters themselves would be different."

Ono went on to compare this idea to "something like F-1 Racing," where you have rules and regulations for your car, but you can still have different mechanical parts. Therefore, it all boils down to skill and in a fighting game, Ono thinks that "would be really awesome." Well, we're willing to bet fans of the genre agree.

Can you imagine how much time a hardcore player would spend on his favorite character? Tweaking and fiddling? Wow .

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13 years ago

Absolutely nothing wrong with huge amounts of options. Love this idea!

13 years ago

Holy Bison would this be awesome! One of the things I miss in SFIV is that some moves that were really good in past SF games weren't as good as SFIV. Bison's Psycho Crusher for example is one of his less useful moves.

This would really allow a player's own individuality and style show through.

Hell it's one of the reasons I love SF so much, the player's playstyle really shows. It's not so much about memorized combos as it is about strategy and reaction.

Would love to see this implemented in SFV for ps4.

13 years ago

This guy is… crazy. It's understandable if it's just supers or ultras, but… entire skill sets and frame data?

Last edited by WolfCrimson on 6/21/2011 11:45:53 AM

13 years ago

BTW this is a bad thing, not a good thing.

13 years ago

You know how when you customize your character in an rpg and sometimes they give you a chart to work with?

Yeah it's the same concept. Let's say you increase Ryu's fireball damage, the chart will skew in such a way that speed for the fireball animation will be slower compared to someone who makes Ryu's fireball weaker (his will come out faster)

It's not a crazy idea, rpgs have used this kind of idea for awhile.

13 years ago

While what you explained was never said, it makes sense that they might make it like that. However, fighting games are nothing like RPGs. There is always a "strongest" build of a move, which could easily bring about overpowered versions of characters. An example would be Ryu's fireball. Having a very fast weak fireball is infinitely times better than having a slow powerful fireball.

Also, competitive play would be shot to pieces if actual frame data can be tweaked. Punishing whiffs, footsies, finding gaps in pressure, frame advantage, the so-called "zoning", ALL of it would just go to hell.
It'd really detrimental to tournament and fighting game scenes.

Also: Have a look at what the official sF community has to say about this:

Last edited by WolfCrimson on 6/21/2011 12:20:12 PM

13 years ago

I thought SF's future included bankruptcy. I'll have to double check my notes.

13 years ago

Your notes are off

SF is the best selling fighter this gen (in the same realm as SCIV)

13 years ago

My notes indicate that Capcom has lost its way. If you like SF, you'd better buy it while it's being milked.

13 years ago

No thanks Capcom. I'm certain Capcom would find some way of nickel and diming us for every customization possible

Also, the game would be a lot harder to balance, if they care about balance anyways. A fighter's community lives and dies off balance sometimes

Last edited by aaronisbla on 6/21/2011 1:29:37 PM

13 years ago

Play. Create. Share.

The best settings to cheat with would be up on the net in no time.

13 years ago

Back in the day, we called that "cheesing".

A common tactic in a fighting game. :p

13 years ago

We just called it cheating, even though it technically isn't. Occasionally "being cheap" but the fact that I can't take a fighting game online and have ANY fun at all just isn't fair.

13 years ago

So long as Capcom continue to do arcade releases of Street Fighter there is no way realistically that such features would make it into the games. Why? To simpily put it arcade operators are really the final word in what/whatnot that goes into a game because they are the main buyers…translation, arcade operators hold sway over games such as VF, Tekken and even Street Fighter

Last edited by A2K78 on 6/21/2011 5:26:31 PM

13 years ago

In theory, if this kind of thing was only available in a separate mode (both on and offline) I wouldn't have a problem with it, sounds interesting as a concept and would like to try it out. That said, if its in a separate mode entirely it gives players the opportunity to go with it or just ignore it, best of both worlds.

13 years ago

Street Fighter EX 3 Has a similar mode. You get a character and you can give him any moves in the game. You just couldn't change his appearance.

Also Fighter Maker did this to ridiculous detail on the PS1.

I can see this being it own online mode. Such as Created characters can only fight other created characters.

13 years ago

how would that work anyway?
just customizing there looks, or there moves also?
if its just skins, then whats the point?
if you can customize there fighting style, special moves and such that would be something worthwhile i guess.
dont think its worth the extra work required to get it working but eh.
developers are always looking for new things to bring to there games, that way when people say there milking it they can point to these new so called "features".

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