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Insomniac: Resistance 3 Demo Uses “Really Old Code”

You'll be able to find a playable Resistance 3 demo if you purchase a copy of "Battle: Los Angeles" on Blu-Ray.

Now, for some reason, that demo landed on the Asian PlayStation Store and a few gamers got their hands on it before Sony took down the sample. Those few who got a chance to play it expressed their disappointment with the apparently lackluster graphics, but developer Insomniac was quick to issue an explanation in the NeoGAF forum ; here's what Community/Marketing Manager James Stevenson had to say:

"Keep in mind this is linear, moody, environmental story piece. It's also really old code as it had to get on the Battle: LA Blu-ray months ago. I still think if you turn up the sound and turn off the lights, you'll have a good time and get a great feel for the tone of R3."

Tim Salvitti added that the build in question "is a couple of months old" and since the time it was issued, the team has "added a lot more polish and tweaks to the entire game." Well, this can happen when you release a demo so early; Resistance 3 won't be on store shelves until September 6. It isn't a good idea to pass final judgment until then.

Related Game(s): Resistance 3

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13 years ago

I just hope it doesn't get panned with bad press like the Duke Nukem Forever demo did for being super old. A few months old isn't much though. I'm looking forward to scrutinizing this demo in depth.

13 years ago

"A few months old isn't much though" -> my thought exactly.
Also, one might wonder if the ingame footage we saw a while ago, was that of the same code? Cause many of us commented how the graphics looked dated there.

Still, the game may be fun regardless, it's not all about the graphics. It's just, in this particular genre it's *deadly* competition this year…

Last edited by Beamboom on 6/10/2011 11:59:16 PM

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

You have to remember that everything for the last six months or so on Resistance 3 has been about adding polish as the game is finished. Considering that polishing is all that they're doing, then yeah, a few months could be a considerable amount of time in bringing everything about the game up to scratch.

13 years ago

Yes, but despite the obvious associations with the word "polish" I believe it typically has less to do with visuals directly, and more to do with tweaking of the finer things, like weight/response of different vehicles, speed of animations/movement, damage stats, balancing issues like that.

The engine is there, the artwork is more or less done, the storyline and interface is obviously there… So I do not expect to see *huge* differences.
But storyline coop (yay!) is also there so there has to be more against it than just graphics to stop me from getting this one.

Last edited by Beamboom on 6/11/2011 3:51:48 AM

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

You're probably right about that, but you also can't deny the bump that some games manage to get in the graphics department once the developers manage to nail out all of the other flaws, and after two previous games, Insomniac should have had their settings more or less worked out. QA testing is incredibly important, so that may be taking up a large part of their resources also. Guess we'll find out sooner or later either way.

13 years ago

Now that you mention it, you are right. Two examples comes to mind: The demo/beta of Mass Effect 2 and Crysis 2. In both cases the final product had a noticeably better flow.
Although it has to be said, in this case the video we've seen the problem was more the overall generic impression than any particular detail.

Last edited by Beamboom on 6/11/2011 8:34:01 AM

Red 5
Red 5
13 years ago


Yeah, right. After seeing that CRAP f game that was Resistance 2, I don't care anymore about Resistance franchise. About the code, I think isn't only about "Old Code" but also about the kind of game they are making.
Red 5.

Last edited by Red 5 on 6/10/2011 10:06:59 PM

13 years ago

Resistance is a good series. Shouldn't you be somewhere else and all excited about the new Halo trilogy?

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
13 years ago

He never said anything about Halo.

13 years ago

You have to read between the lines.

13 years ago

Don't just assume that he's a Halo fanboy, that just makes you look like a fanboy yourself, which,lets be honest, after that comment you most probably are. I really didn't like the last resistance, it was so average and, believe it or not, I don't like Halo. I mean Killzone is so far ahead of Resistance, I'm surprised that anyone even cares about this game anymore. The first one was good, I'll give you that, but in terms of graphics, the whole series hasn't been groundbreaking at all, so I don't see why people are assuming that this one will have amazing graphics.

13 years ago

Resistance hasn't been able to fully convert me. I liked the first game pretty well. I thought it felt a bit drawn out, and lacked any real oomph to get me excited for wanting more. Though, all in all it was worth my time and had some super neat weapons. But I think the whole mid 1900's setting just wasn't doing it for me. R2 sort of took a step forward for me, but then took a step back. It had some truly chaotic intense action packed moments of awesome'ness in that Chicago plaza level, but so much of the rest of it just felt ho-hum. And with all of Insomniac's bragging about the tech going into their new PS3 engine, the visuals were something of a let down. Plus the art design went from having an eerie-brown/grey/yellow vibe that added a good level of moodiness, morphing instead into this hyper colorized cartoon'ish vibe that didn't do it for me. Throw in a mixture of half baked or underdeveloped boss fights, and even levels, and it just left me looking to the other more elite and interesting FPS offerings.

13 years ago

Still getting the game regardless.

13 years ago


You know what, EVERY single demo ive ever played prior to a games release, they always say "this uses old code, the game is SO much better now" but you know what, honestly, it never is.

The full game has always been pretty much the same as the demo.

13 years ago

Well looking at the gameplay videos previewed on here, RE3 doesn't look impressive visually at all and the gameplay looks generic so that demo might just be accurate. This is one PS3 exclusive I won't be buying the first day because for some reason I don't really feel hyped up for this game…at all. Might just be another KZ3 experience…fun single player with a forgettable story and soley based on MP action.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

The graphics of Resistance were never a highlight, except to emphasise what the PS3 could be capable of from day 1. So any issues witht them and I'm not worried. The level design has actually been solid between both iterations, and the third is looking better yet, and the weapons are what make it so cool. When it comes to Resistance, I don't care what anyone says. The first is awesome, the second not as good, Retribution one of the best PSP games, and the continuation of the series can't be a bad thing. This is the only game/series in which I have blind faith, as it was also my first.

13 years ago

Ah yes Retribution on the psp, now that was indeed a fun psp game. There's plenty of fun psp games. Can't wait to see what awaits the Vita over the next couple of years!

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

I just hope that Nihilistic do a better job with the Vita Resistance than they did with PSMove Heroes. Semi-related, I picked up Killzone Liberation today for $6. I think I'll play it while I'm on WKC2 in leiu of FFIV, just so that I'm not trying to follow to RPGs.

But yeah, can't wait to see what else is planned for Vita.

13 years ago

Killzone Liberation for $6?? On a webshop, psn or local store?

One thing I regret is that I've traded in *so* many great games that I've later wanted to play again. Including Liberation.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

EB Games. They're having this massive sale at the moment, and it was halfprice. I just couldn't resist.

13 years ago

Considering that polishing is all that they're doing, then yeah, a few months could be a considerable <a href="">converse one star</a> amount of time in bringing everything about the game up to scratch.

Looking Glass
Looking Glass
13 years ago

I for one and perfectly willing to give Insomniac the benefit of the doubt.

13 years ago

this is why developers dont give us more demos!
people need to learn what the word demo, and beta mean!
the games still got a few months till it comes out, you got no idea how much can change in that amount of time!
hell look at the leaked crysis 2 game that was code from january 18th, only 2 months to release and the amount of fixes, graphical improvements and such was unbelievable!
this is why we always have to wait till a games near done before we can get a sample because they know if they let it out for taste too early allot of people will say its so unpolished and not buy it.
of course its unpolished thats the freaking point of a demo/beta!

13 years ago

It's a huge difference between beta and demo – or at least it *should* be.
A demo is supposed to be a demonstration of the game. A taste of the final product. A beta is a test of unfinished code. A beta is almost expected to be unstable, a demo should not be.

But you are right in that Crysis 2 received a very unfair treatment for that beta (it was a beta wasn't it?), and I believe that was catastrophic for the final sales of Crysis 2 on the PS3. It saddened me to see it drop off the ps3 charts *so* fast compared to the xbox chart. It did not deserve that.

13 years ago

demos are not off final code allot of the time though, look at the GOW 3 demo sony released was from the same code they had going around in december with the GOW collection.
gone are the days where demos are taken from release code, developers dont have the time to wait till retail code to try prepare a demo, polish it up and put it through certification.
so much easier to use beta code, and while thats getting put through certification polish the final game.
people are constantly bi***ing that demos get released so late, its ready to show off at pax, E3, ect ect why not make it public.
but then when they do get there hands on a demo they bi*** to the high heavens because its buggy.
look at the KZ2 demo, it had a bug in there where natko i think it was would not move so you could not progress.
several weeks later the game releases and every bug i noticed in the demo, except the freezing on saves, was gone!
bugs get squashed at such a fast rate within the last month of development which is when demos are normally taken so its inevitable a demos going to have a few rough edges.
you would not expect a prototype to be perfect now would you?
if i had a penny for everytime i played a buggy demo, then played the final game and 99% of the bugs had been squashed id be the richest man alive!

13 years ago

this game remains on my "wait and see" list. I'm willing to reserve judgement for the final game's release.

13 years ago

It would be dumb to judge the game for that demo.

13 years ago

and yet people always do it

13 years ago

Not all games wind up the same as their older demos.

Take inFamous 1 for instance.
IMO the demo felt sort of ho-hum to me, but the game itself would up being one of the best I've ever played in over 30+ years of gaming.

13 years ago

I didn't like the inFAMOUS demo until my third playthrough. Then, I got into it. Sucker Punch earned the extra patience with the excellence of the Sly games.

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