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Defiance: An Ambitious Project That Blends Games And TV

Here's one you probably haven't heard much about:

It's called Defiance , an MMORPG combined with a third-person shooter format, which is slated to launch simultaneously for the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC. According to the Trion Worlds E3 presentation , this game is being created "in conjunction with the SyFy network, which plans to launch a TV series of the same name." Basically, the TV series and the game will continue to adopt storylines and plots from each other, which sounds liked a wicked cool – and highly ambitious – idea.

The solar system is collapsing and in a last-ditch effort, alien societies create arks and fill them with flora, fauna and inhabitants of their home world. The goal is to send these arks out into space and hopefully find an uninhabited yet hospitable planet. They find such a planet, but it ain't inhabited. It's our planet, and humans don't take kindly to the onslaught of arks hurtling towards Earth. Later, humans and aliens must find a way to coexist. …this has a whole lot of potential, yes?

This is a very interesting idea and one we'll have to keep an eye on.

Related Game(s): Defiance

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13 years ago

" but it ain't inhabited." Spelling error.

Anyway this seems… Interesting.. Kinda

13 years ago

They find such a planet, but it ain't inhabited. It's our planet, and humans don't take kindly to the onslaught of arks hurtling towards Earth.

you mean uninhabited?

grammar error lol

13 years ago

I was reading earlier that that all PS3, 360, & PC players will to be able to cross-play with each other on the same servers, although I'm not techie enough to understand how that works.

Maybe Highlander can shed some light for me on just this works.

13 years ago

me too, how could we play with xboxers? Live is a closed system. And if I get do get to kill those buggers where do I sign up?

13 years ago

I don't see how XBL players can coexist in that. XBL requires Microsoft to manage game servers and services like those used for MMOs. That's why Dust isn't coming to XBL.

13 years ago


Well, that's what I was thinking too, but here's the actual article to this that I had sent Ben earlier in the day, and it does say all 3 systems will be able to play together on the same servers…….

See The Future In Defiance Trailer
by Matt Miller on June 09, 2011 at 03:29 PM
Trion's upcoming shooter/MMO is playable on 360, PS3, and PC.

Trion is trying a couple of innovate ideas in its upcoming game, Defiance.

First, the game will have 360, PS3, and PC players together on the same servers, working together to conquer the game's challenges.

The game also ties into an upcoming SyFy network TV show that will roll out along with the game.

(FYI:I removed the link portion so this would post quicker)

Last edited by BikerSaint on 6/10/2011 11:27:18 PM

13 years ago

It would be similar to that feeling you get when you go on holiday and find someone who got a better deal on the price of the hotel. Except in this case, the xbots will discover that everyone else is staying in the hotel for free, and got better rooms.

13 years ago

Very ambitious. I missed the Red Faction movie, anybody catch it?

I think SyFy is onto something even if they do muck it up. Video Games are the dominating entertainment form now, TV and movies will sooner or later have to integrate or die off further. The public is sure to realize that reality shows are terrible for the mind eventually. I mean, they WILL realize that right?

13 years ago

I DVR'd it but haven't watched it yet.

I've heard it passable, but they tried to cover too much in 90 minutes.

13 years ago

This sounds interesting… it isn't my cup of tea but hey, it's interesting and I would at least like to see how it performs.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

The cross-platform play is FAR more interesting to me than a scy-fy tie-in. Bringing the console wars to life in a real way.

13 years ago

this game is being created "in conjunction with the SyFy network, which plans to launch a TV series of the same name." Basically, the TV series and the game will continue to adopt storylines and plots from each other, which sounds liked a wicked cool – and highly ambitious – idea.

Last edited by huangsx on 6/11/2011 4:02:19 AM

13 years ago

"highly ambitious" – that's even be an understatement, personally I think this sounds *too* ambitious. I gotta see more before I get excited over this.

But if they really manage to pull this off it could be insanely cool. Watch an episode in the evening and then turn on the ps3, enter that universe and participate in forming the future episodes? Crazy!

Anyone know when this is planned to be released?

13 years ago

It's an interesting idea, but MMORPG's are not of my like. If it was something offline, then it would be awesome for me.

13 years ago

It could not be offline if you were to participate in shaping the story…

13 years ago

seems interesting to say the least, it will get certain people hooked being a part of the process of the creation of the story-line. but also sounds too much like V or alien nation, which could be decent.

13 years ago

I like the "V" sound of it but they better keep Anon well away from trying to hack into it too

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