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EA: Respawn’s Title Let’s Us Compete With Gears And Halo

According to EA, Respawn Entertainment's new shooter will be "sci-fi based" and in fact, might be a true-blue " Halo -killer."

Respawn didn't bring their new project to E3 this year but EA Games president Frank Gibeau spoke during a morning meeting , and confirmed that EA will release the new game when they see "an opportunistic window." He talked about following their strategy of giving studios a full two-year cycle to get the game built and "polished to maximum quality." Also, rather than being of the standard military type, Gibeau says Respawn's product stands in contrast to games like Medal of Honor and Battlfield .

"So it allows us to pick and choose the best of the sci-fi shooters. It allows us to compete with things like Gears and Halo and put them on places in our release calendar where they're not cannibalistic to the core business and that's the essential strategy going forward."

It's certainly true that sci-fi shooters aren't anywhere near as popular as military shooters these days, so it's nice to see Respawn going in a slightly different direction. As for the genre, well…it's West and Zampella and a lot of ex-Infinity Ward guys. Stick with what you know, right?

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13 years ago

I'm excited to see what Respawn's got to offer & hope they can stick it right up Antivision's buttinsky.

13 years ago

I have tons of admiration for the talent that this team has demonstrated in games's past. And the sci-Fi angle is more my vibe in games anyway, so this news is nothing but great news for my interests.

The only thing I'd like better would be to see them digging deep on PS3s architecture as I'm clearly noticing an appreciable difference in the volume of processing and effects between PS3's better exclusives compared to the multi-plats.
In the earlier days of PS3's exclusIves I felt I could chalk up some of the "better" looking games as a placebo effect, but no more. I'm seeing things that just can't be done on other current console hardware.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 6/9/2011 10:58:31 AM

13 years ago

Those 2 are my favorite shooters so this is looking as good news for me.

Considering Bungie will no longer make Halo and Respawn's curriculum, this might turn out good.

13 years ago

I'm up for a good sci-fi shooter so long as the gore is toned down.

13 years ago

Apparently, you feel strong enough about it to post it twice


13 years ago

Twice? I didn't see a second post. Sorry. Normally I kill those, looks like Ben took care of it for me.

Regarding sci-fi shooters. I know that a lot of gamers like the games to be gory, I just want the ability to optionally tone it down.

13 years ago

HA!! He must of.

I agree. Blood is one thing, but Saw level gore is completely unnecessary.

13 years ago

I loved the goriness of Killzone 2; should I shoot him in the chest? Hardly any blood, he falls to the ground instantly. Or should I get out my knife and slice him with blood splattering all over the floor as he screams.

I'll take the latter.

Dr. Bartholow? Never heard of him. 😛

13 years ago

I am going to go ahead and guess that it will be basically MW with ray guns. Good to know that they taking their time and are polishing the game up though.

Last edited by sirbob6 on 6/9/2011 1:32:08 PM

13 years ago

I can't believe that in June of 2011 I'm reading about a "Halo killer." Are you friggin' KIDDING ME??

Shouldn't these guys be making a MW killer?

Holy snappin' crap… I'm really disappointed.

13 years ago

i don't mind the blood and gore… but it'll be nice if most games would give you the option to tone down the blood and gore for ppl that do mind

13 years ago

Cool avatar.

13 years ago

i thought Halo killed Halo.

13 years ago

Lol, good one man. That made my day.

13 years ago

i swear to god if another shooter gets announced im going to go apesh*t!
yes its a slightly different genre, but apples are still apples no matter what you put on them!
can we go back to the good old days where we pretty much had a balance of each genre?

13 years ago

"a balance of each genre" -> that's be something.

But did it really use to be like that? What I remember from the good old days is it was mostly scrolling space shooters, platformers or semi-3D car games?

13 years ago

was not perfectly balanced, but it was allot more then it is now!
there was everything, shooters, horror games, survival horror games, platformers, car games, hack and slashers, adventure games, RPGs, strategy games, stealth games.
allot of those genres today are a thing of the past.
especially survival horror and stealth games, oh how i miss my tenchu Z!

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