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MGS, ZoE Collections Will Come In A Digital Format, Too

Metal Gear Solid lovers rejoiced at the great news : the high-definition remakes for MGS2 and MGS3 are coming.

Same goes for the two Zone of the Enders titles, too. But it seems we've missed an important detail: as a reader pointed out, the KojiPro E3 site says both Collections will be available as digital downloads.

That's right; you can grab both awesome sets of HD overhauls from either the PlayStation Network or Xbox Live Marketplace, and we assume this will cost the same as the physical copies. Interestingly enough, this leads us back to the ongoing digital debate: it's worth noting that the tipster in question seemed ecstatic at the idea of getting both collections in question without moving from the recliner. But we have to wonder if the long-time hardcore followers feel the same way…

The site linked above is definitely worth a look, by the way. Great stuff for the fans over there.

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13 years ago

That's cool that they're giving gamers a choice.

By for myself, I'm a collector so I say screw digital.

13 years ago

Haha, I'm just old school, so I say screw digital.

But I do sometimes wish that we could install our games on the HD, so that I didn't need the disc all the time.

13 years ago

I'm used to seeing my all games stacked neatly in my cabinet. So while I won't say "screw digital", I'm glad that there are options. 🙂

13 years ago

I'm more excited that I can finally get ZoE. The MGS is cool but I spent a lot of time and money hunting done the original copies (I will still be picking it up though). I also don't care too much for the digital format.

13 years ago

I'm with you, I can't wait to play ZoE again. I don't recall ever beating part 2.

13 years ago

Thanks, but no thanks. I like my boxes, and I can't wait to have the ZOE collection in my hands, since it'll be the first time I'll be owning either title for the first time. As for the MGS collection, while I already have them both from the essential collection, I'll enjoy them once more in HD.

13 years ago

I am definitely getting the HD collections of MGS, ZOE, and Silent Hills. I missed ALL of these games in PS2 era.

I am still questioning Konami's transfarring idea. I haven't seen any games that come identical with PS3 and PSP other than Peace Walker. Does this mean we'll have to buy both games for both platforms just to play the same game at home and on the go?

13 years ago

One would hope not. So was "Trasfarring" a typo or is that actually what it's called?

13 years ago

According to the interview with Kojima video I saw a couple days ago, Transfarring is his baby & is the correct spelling, although I think he's titled it kind of oddly too.

13 years ago


That is what it appeared to be to me, looks like you have to have both platfrom versions in over to use it.

13 years ago

I'm buying both collections and neither one will be the digital download. I have a hard time giving up the space on my hdd. I have a 500GB drive, so it's not like I don't have the space, but that could change if I got into the habit of buying digital games too often.

13 years ago

Damn straight man. Why fill up your HDD and have to buy another faster than is necessary?

13 years ago

The options don't look very good once you fill up a 500GB drive. It took a long time before someone came out with a 640GB. I haven't checked in a while, but last time I looked it was doubtful they'd ever reach 1TB.

13 years ago

you have to wonder if the digital versions will be playable on the NGP?

13 years ago

I rather have a disk cause when u register a game u gat the upc on digital u can't claim it cause theirs no upc

13 years ago

Your avatar is huge… if not controversial.

13 years ago

How many times does Ben have to tell you?

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

Three strikes.

You didn't remove it so I removed it for you. Don't put it back up or next time I'll delete something else.

Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 6/6/2011 12:46:41 AM

13 years ago

Not any more it isn't, LMAO
He was already warned twice before about his pic, so now it's gone.

13 years ago

Getting both Collections on disc, D1P.

As for 360 getting it, I'm happy for them. They're old games, but great games, so it's about time 360 gamers were shown what they've been missing out on.

Off topic:

Speaking of 360 and PS3 debates, this fan war recently cost me a friendship. My Gold Live subscription is up tomorrow, and I made a little comment to a friend while casually chatting with him that it's annoying to pay to play with friends online, especially since it's free on everything else, PS3, PC, Wii.

Of course, my friend being the big 360 lover, took offense and blew up about how he was sick of hearing me whine about 360 sucking all the time, which I might do on occasion should the issue arise, but I mostly love 360's Live service and games like Gears and Halo Reach. I recently traded my PS3 version of Red Dead for the 360 version just so I could play with friends, so I thought everything was all peachy.

I guess he got sick of me mentioning LA Noire being better on PS3, or the Welcome Back package being a nice awesome bonus which he didn't care about, and thought Sony should've offered more.

Anyways, some name-calling aside, he blocked me on messenger, I deleted him from my friends list, my 360 and PS3 friends list, and am happy about it. Idiot kept talking me into going 360 for everything, PS3 for exclusives only, even though he hardly played them, or liked them. He was a manipulative 360 fanboy who claimed neutrality through owning both systems, but only played one.

So now I'm down a friend to play online with. Funny, all my other friends don't seem to mind my odd comment here and there regarding game consoles. I don't really mind if people agree or disagree, so long as they don't blow up and get all defensive about it. That's just childish and immature in my eyes.

It's so sad that a fan war between consoles can do something like this. One little comment and there goes a friendship.

All PSN has to do is maintain high security and introduce party, group and cross-game chat with free online service (not part of PS-Plus), and the arguments will stop. Damn shame. Real damn shame.

13 years ago

You have a "very mature" friend, obviously. LOL Feel free to add us on your PSN friends list if you want to play with more mature people. Haha!

13 years ago

Guy sounds like a douchecaptain, good riddance.

13 years ago

Hey guys, feel free to add me to your PSN friends list if you like. My PSN ID is same as my name here.

13 years ago

My advice,
I would value my friends way too much to even call that poser one.

And with his tantrum, he'd definitely rate nothing higher than a bad acquaintance.

Good riddance to him.

13 years ago

They say if you be friends with someone, never talk about politics or religion. They should include consoles.

13 years ago

I've heard good things about ZoE so yeah mayhaps I will get it, but on disc gosh darnit.

And what is up with Kojima skipping out on E3? Little bugger should be up there bragging about something sweet he's got up his sleeve.

13 years ago

ZOE was the best mech game ever created. I thought Armored Core was clunky and made you feel like you were carrying a few dozen boat anchors on your shoulders. ZOE is very fluid with fast paced action. Sometimes the odds looked overwhelmingly in favor of the enemy, but that's where the combat truly shines.

13 years ago

I like that they do this to give gamers a choice. But for this gamer, there's no question: Physical will always take priority. And that goes for books, music, and movies also. Yeah, sure a Kindle may save me money in the long run, but it's kinda like putting all your eggs in one basket. Plus then you can always sell them off if you're not going to use them again. Try doing that with digital.

13 years ago

I always fear of having a digital copy eventually disappearing, so a nice hard case copy with a lovely boxart seems much more reliable.

13 years ago

I'm very glad that they're offering a digital version. While I understand that there are drawbacks, the convenience of not having to wait several days for a game to arrive through the mail and of having more of my library available sans disks more than makes up for those.

13 years ago

Choice is always a good thing but I will get the physical versions.

p.s. This might sounds strange but I finally beat the first Metal Gear Solid today. Dammit, what a beautiful game. PSone game no less. I'm ready for these colloctions.

13 years ago

the MGS collections will have MP too which is really cool!
looking forward to these, and there being completley retooled instead of running off emulators like previous games have so they should look a dam side better too!

13 years ago

If they're available separately (as the downloadable versions of GOW are), I'll be buying Peace Walker that way. I can't justify spending more money to buy games that are already on my shelf.

Too little money, too many other games to buy.

p.s. I won't call them "digital" versions because all video games are digital.

Last edited by Fane1024 on 6/6/2011 4:33:03 AM

13 years ago

BTW I know it may sound obvious, but are the MGS2 and MGS3 reissues supportive on widescreen? The one thing that bugs me about them two games is that they're not in widesreen, which baffles me as they went to so much effort with the fromat of the cutscenes to make them look cinematic.

13 years ago
13 years ago

This suits me fine. I will gladly keep my PS2 copies of Snake Eater & Sons of Liberty whilst enjoy the HD upgrade via digital downloads.

I am still abit miffed about MGS1 not making the class, but it's probably too much to ask for an overhaul of the original MGS on the PSX.

I personally don't count Twin Snakes, that wasn't the real deal imo, just beefed up visuals with terrible new cut scenes (minus Grey Fox slicin' up those soldiers). Twin Snakes even lost the great music themes from the PSX version as well as alot of the original script. It was Ninty's way of giving it's fans a taste tester of what MGS was like.

I don't want Silicon Knights touching this franchise again personally. Leave it to the man.

13 years ago

I got rid of all my ps2 games when my ps2 broke. This time I plan on keeping all my good games. I love MGS3 and I can't wait to try it again.

13 years ago

Digital is not an option!!! That game case is going to look saaweet on my shelf.
I should get a stand for it. And then put it in a case!

Sony is sure picking it up, keep going Sony!
… oh wait, it's on the 360 too, WTF!!?? It's not going to sell on the 360!
Sorry, I'm just Pissed that this happened…

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