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Dark Souls Secures October 4 Date

Well, it's official: the successor to Demon's Souls has a solidified release date.

Namco Bandai has revealed that Dark Souls will arrive for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 on October 4 in North America (European gamers can nab it on the 7th). From Software's new action/RPG is the follow-up to one of the most critically acclaimed titles of the generation, and let's not forget that you can pre-order the Collector's Edition for for the same price as the standard edition. Said Carlson Choi, vice president of marketing for Namco Bandai Games America:

"With Dark Souls, we’re able to bring the uniquely challenging and rewarding style of gameplay popularized by FROMSOFTWARE back to the PlayStation®3, as well as to the Xbox 360® platform for the first time. With its massive, seamless open world design, deep exploration, tense dungeon crawling, extreme battles, and an innovative online component that allows gamers to draw from the collective experience of the community, Dark Souls provides a gameplay experience unlike any other."

Well, Dark Souls now shares a release date with Twisted Metal . …besides both being very dark, we can't think of two games that are further apart. So that means you have to get both, obviously. 😉

Related Game(s): Dark Souls

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13 years ago

Dark Souls, Twisted Metal…along with Batman AC, Oct is a busy gaming month

Looking Glass
Looking Glass
13 years ago

That's still nothing compared to this coming November.

13 years ago

On my third playthrough of demon's souls, bring it on

13 years ago

You platinum it yet? I swear I need 2 rare ores that are only obtained by defeating certain enemies and they never seem to friggin' drop them. I suppose I could go onto my 4th playthrough and try to level up my Item drop rate stats. Oh, the time consumed for the sake of this game…

13 years ago

Already have this one on preorder from Amazon.

13 years ago

I don't think they're that far apart when it comes down to it. Both are deliciously old school.

Oct. 7th is my day! Demons Souls was one of the best gaming experiences of my life, to experience it again….oh that's one fine gift.

Speaking of old school, i'm playing Duke Nukem Forever!

Last edited by Lotusflow3r on 6/3/2011 11:17:52 AM

13 years ago

Christmas list, meet Dark Souls.

13 years ago

I just watched the newest trailer for it. It looks even more crazy than Demon's Souls. Well the demons are on a much bigger scale. I love at the end of the trailer how it just simply says "Prepare to die". Foreshadowing ftw.

Last edited by Miggy on 6/3/2011 11:55:35 AM

13 years ago

Made Demon's Souls my bi*** so I am ready now for Dark Souls!

13 years ago

All who jumped into Demon's Souls got their asses handed to them at first. Only the few that made it out can say we made Demon's Souls our b**ch! 😉

13 years ago

I just watched the trailer too. What the hell am I supposed to choose this fall?! Im gonna have to add this to my list becuase it looks way too cool. So now i have this extensive list:
AC: Revelations
Dark Souls
Twisted Metal
Uncharted 3
Resistance 3
Battlefield 3
Infamous 2
LA Noire
Red dead Redemption
R&C All for one
MGS Rising
MGS Collection
Arkham City
Mass Effect 2/3
Portal 2
Ninja Gaiden 3
………thats gonna hurt… a lot

13 years ago

LOL!!! To funny! So true, so true. It is going to be a fall of EPIC PROPORTIONS!!! From your awesome list I will be buying these:
Uncharted 3
Dark Souls
Batman Arkham City
Battlefield 3/MW3 (Undecided but will pick 1)
Twisted Metal
I cannot wait!

13 years ago

Damn, thats long…thank god I own some of those already.

13 years ago

I'm definitely picking this up. Demons Souls is one of my favorite games of all time adn if Dark Souls tops it, that will make Dark Souls a freakin masterpiece because I loved Demons Souls. Beat that game more than 10 times.

Claire C
Claire C
13 years ago

So I went ahead and secured the collectors edition free upgrade of Dark Souls. The first of many pre-orders I'm sure. =)

13 years ago

Early in October, perfect. Didn't want this too close to November.

Probably the Game of the year, at least for me.

13 years ago

No. Hey where's that Alice review?

13 years ago

yeah I thought we were getting it last night
:^(. Sure Ben has a good reason and is working hard on it.

13 years ago

Does anyone know if this game has a frigging pause button?

I know Demons Souls didn't (as I was forever trying to hide in corners to avoid getting killed when the phone rang!)…

Not too much to ask for while playing offline… Being able to pause your own game.

(Demons Souls chewed me up and spat me out. Loved it like a kinky girlfriend with a table tennis bat).

13 years ago

Time to pre-order and get the suicide hotline on speed-dial.
October is going to be awesome!

13 years ago

Just started demon's souls, bumbling my way around stonefang tunnels, and yeah, hooked. Tried to start LA Noir but I'm going to have to get through DS first, its just too damn good to put aside. Dark Souls is a MUST HAVE title. I'd be interested to see the differences, if any, in messages left by other players between PS3 and 360. Also the frequency of Black Phantom invasions. Just a thought.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

I think that, considering this type of game, the differences between the messages will be minimal.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

They know how to space their games :/ Doesn't matter because Dark Souls is one of the seven games I'll be buying for the rest of this year. I just hope that I can add everything else to the Christmas list…

P.S. I'll be interested in seeing comparisons for the two versions, as FROM Software is developing it exclusively for the PS3, while Namco is porting it. Will it turn out like Bayonetta inverted, or Burnout Paradise?

P.P.S. Only slightly related, but WKC2 releases here next Thursday! I been waitin' on that becoming official, and it means that I'll be picking up both it AND iF2 next Saturday.

Last edited by Lawless SXE on 6/3/2011 8:23:24 PM

13 years ago

Dude I'm so getting WKC2 next weekend too! Hope to see you in game!

Interestingly I find that most Demon's Souls fans are also White Knight Chronicles fans. And even more funny is the fact that both the original and their sequels released on the same year. At least in the West.

13 years ago

wow, were getting a atlus game only 3 days after the states!?
this just in, yes its snowing in hell!!!!!
thank god we dont have to wait 12+ months for this like we did deamon souls!

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