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Saints Row: The Third Enters The Holiday Fray

Free-roaming action is always fun, especially when it has the attitude and flavor of Saints Row .

THQ has announced that Saints Row: The Third will launch for the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC on November 15 in North America. It'll be in the midst of a massive holiday season that includes releases like Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 , Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception , The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim , and Battlfield 3 . But only The Third will sport all sorts of off-the-wall stuff, like a "sexual magnetism" slider in character creation and ridiculously impossible – yet always amusing – cartoony violence. There's even a new human cannon device called the "Manapault." …loony. Stillwater will be your playground and given that Grand Theft Auto V is still a ways off, Volition's latest could help to scratch that open-world itch.

Sadly, we have yet to learn if pornstar Tera Patrick will reprise her role from Saints Row 2 .

Related Game(s): Saints Row: The Third

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13 years ago

Ahhhh… Finally a release date, been eagerly waiting for that!
If this is not to be *the* coop experience this year I will eat Highlanders kilt, and you may quote me on that!

SR2 is easily the best coop game I've played so far. My regular coop buddy and I still return to SR2 now and then out of sheer nostalgia. This will be *huge* for us. Even Skyrim will have to wait.

Last edited by Beamboom on 6/2/2011 12:33:36 PM

13 years ago

I bought SR2 again like last week so I could play co-op with my friend xD

We run around naked throwing satchel chargers 😀

13 years ago

LOL – I know! It's like this *insane* playground for boys of all ages. Not a worry in this world, and stuff to play with absolutely everywhere.

I look forward to get to know more about the amount of side missions, mini games and other stuff to do this time around. I hope there's still easter eggs and hidden areas to be found.
Did you find the huge easter bunny in SR2? That was a blast.

13 years ago

The easter bunny was creepy xD

I was trying to find out how far I can go and BAM!

A giant bunny in the middle of the ocean xD

13 years ago

LOL wow that was lucky cause it's located at one specific spot in the middle of the ocean!

We found it by following the wooden signs you find on some of the islands. Follow the direction they point and eventually you'll get there.

There's also a hidden, unmarked island to be found. I won't say more than that, you'll find it easily when you know to look for it. There is a special kind of shrine inside a small cave there, if I remember correctly.

Also there is an underground laboratory with entrance through the sewers that go under the city. A cool place to explore.

Or those many weird fragments of a message found inside that big church, what was that about? I'm pretty sure they are some kind of instructions, but we never figured out *what*. And I never, ever google these kind of things. Either we get it or we miss it. 🙂

Can't wait for SR3!!

Last edited by Beamboom on 6/2/2011 3:01:21 PM

13 years ago

Day 1 purchase for me 😀

Oh! And the trailer was awesome 😀 saw it on G4

D: sorry Ben

Last edited by Dead_Starr on 6/2/2011 12:32:19 PM

Looking Glass
Looking Glass
13 years ago


Modern Warfare 3, Uncharted 3, Skyrim, Battlefield 3, and now Saints Row 3 all releasing around the same time? If that isn't a cluster-!#$% then what is? What the hell is going on here? What did the gamers do to the Video Game industry to deserve this?

I for one am not interested in most of those titles. However I'd be willing to be that a lot of other gamers aren't so lucky.

Last edited by Looking Glass on 6/2/2011 1:01:50 PM

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

You forget Revelations?

Claire C
Claire C
13 years ago

Too too many. Even if I could afford, I don't have the time for them all.


13 years ago

I know what I'm getting, Uncharted 3. Never got to try Elder Scrolls, but my brother can't wait for Skyrim, and he loved Oblivion. I'l definitely give Skyrim a try.

13 years ago

I know what I'm getting, Uncharted 3. Never got to try Elder Scrolls, but my brother can't wait for Skyrim, and he loved Oblivion. I'l definitely give Skyrim a try.

Looking Glass
Looking Glass
13 years ago

@Lawless SXE

Actually, I've been trying not to think about Assassin's Creed: Revelations. That game's very existence strong implies that the Assassin's Creed franchise is now becoming Ubisoft's financial equivalent of Call of Duty. Or in other words it would seem to be a strong probability that Assassin's Creed is now arguably Ubisoft's annual cash cow IP.

Yahtzee is definitely not going to like this. Actually I'm looking forward to seeing how he reacts. He let Ubisoft get away with it once with Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood. But twice? Now that I really have to see.

Last edited by Looking Glass on 6/2/2011 3:45:43 PM

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

Fair enough.

13 years ago

AC:R sounds really different from all the other AC games so far. I agree that its "very existance" does mean that Ubisoft has made it into a CoD-like yearly release, but if they keep making it feel at least moderately different each time (as they've been doing so far) then they will avoid the CoD syndrome of never changing. In other words, I see no problem here.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

I'm intrigued by this, but not necessarily interested. I'm not a fan of the off-the-wall nonsense, preferrin games with a focus on semi-realistic fun. Ah well, a great time to release it…

P.S. Anyone else notice that S-E is supposedly not showing off Versus XIII at E3. NOT HAPPY JAN!

Claire C
Claire C
13 years ago

Showing off XIII-2 at least. Maybe Versus will be at TGS instead later in the year.

13 years ago

Interesting choice, going for peoples xmas lists? I might have to try this series. I miss lunatic fun in GTA

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 6/2/2011 2:30:58 PM

13 years ago

If you can hook up with a buddy and play through the entire game together then I can almost guarantee a good time. Coop play is extremely well implemented and the negatives of the game is easily overshadowed by the fun factor. With SR2 a friend and I reserved every Tuesday evening for sr coop.

I'm not so sure about single play though… I think I'd be more annoyed by the negative issues then, especially vehicle handling. That *sucked* in SR2. But with a buddy sitting in the passenger seat throwing grenades and rockets after the chasing cars you just dont *care* about the handling. You're too busy laughing!

Last edited by Beamboom on 6/2/2011 2:48:14 PM

13 years ago

yeah I bet it is fun, its just hard to get my friends to play anything but CoD 🙁

13 years ago

You, sir, need new friends.

13 years ago

GTAIV played better with a much better game engine I found SR2 a lot of fun,put over 90 hours into it ,but felt like GTAIV was made by people who care about game quality as well as fun.SR2 felt like a port,I hope 3 improves its PS3 offering so I can have the best of both worlds.

13 years ago

You should add me then World,:]


13 years ago

New screenshots are added on the Saints Row Facebook page now, showing off;

– Much better, more detailed character models (the strippers looks *hot* ;))
– New weapons (amongst them a *huge* rubber dildo)
– New character creation interface and outfits color selection (you can create an "avatar"ish blue character if you like 😀 )
– Parachutes and mid-air combat
– New planes (jets!)
– Some insane car moddings

What can I say… Other than, "DAY ONE!". 😀

13 years ago

Off topic:

Metal Gear Solid HD collection confirmed.

MGS 2, 3 and Peace Walker on PS3 and Xbox

13 years ago

And the "Zone of Enders HD" collection has also been announced in that very same video that Ophidian just linked to above.

The ZOE HD collection will be out in 2012

13 years ago

I never got a chance to try Saints Row. Is it like GTA?


Is that why Kojima was so depressed?

13 years ago

It's like GTA in the sense that it's an open world with crazy characters. But in my opinion the comparison ends there.
Saints Row is a lot more playful and less serious than gta, especially compared to gtaiv. Saints Row is more like an open world playground… Also, when it comes to the visuals and handling SP is definitely the lightweight of the two.

Gta try to deliver a serious story with crazy moments. SR deliver crazy moments stringed together with a story.

13 years ago

I should also add to SR's advantage that I found the missions to be much more varied than the string of "follow that car"-missions found in GTA.

13 years ago

ohh, see thats why i never picked it up. I thought I was to much like gta. I guess i'll have to back track now.

13 years ago

soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cant wait for this!
but why november?
come on, this things got NO chance up against BF3, assassins creed revelations, elder scrolls skyrim, and a little game called COD MW3 maybe you have heard of it?
THQ obviously dont want this selling well!
sigh, looks like we have another enslaved on our hands.
just dont come bitching to us when it struggles to break 500K units!

13 years ago

I actually think this may have a chance against the mentioned releases, at least for those who already love this game, simply because it is so utterly different than the rest.
At least I know that this is *the* headliner for november for my friends and I.

If I were to guess, I'd place my bet on Skyrim to be the loser in this crowd. If it is anything like Oblivion it's large, slow, demand a lot of focus… Something you don't have when you got a stock pile of other awsome games to play as well. Unless, of course, it's *very* good, but quite frankly I do not expect it to be.

Last edited by Beamboom on 6/3/2011 4:57:34 AM

13 years ago

skyrim is the least likely to flop!
has probably the 2nd biggest fanbase behind it!
SR3 has its fellowship, but in comparison to BF3, MW3, skyrims its pretty minuscule!
i just dont want to see another enslaved case happen, again a magnificent game releases and sells so poorly because it released in such a busy month.
especially going up against assassins creed, the biggest new IP released this gen!
not saying no one will buy it, just that allot of people who want to wont do so for a while because theres others on there list are a higher priority.
im just about the worlds biggest SR fan, but i wont be getting it till december.

13 years ago

I don't know how much sr2 sold, but I'd be surprised if sr3 does not beat sr2 sales with a good margin, cause I've almost only seen positive talk about SR2 after the release. I can't say the same about Oblivion…

But what does it matter to them, or anyone, if you wait 'till december? It's still a sale, still earnings…
If you are the biggest SR fan then I'm the second biggest, but I do believe they will manage to create some waves regardless of the heavy competition in november.
It'll just be an incredible amount of games on the xmas lists this year. 🙂

Last edited by Beamboom on 6/3/2011 1:13:17 PM

13 years ago

Early Demo codes for Saints Row 3 will be included with the first wave of the new Red Faction: Armageddon game releasing next Tuesday!

13 years ago

loved sr2 so this holiday gonna get me some SR3 and get my Battlefield 3 on… can't wait id like to get that demo code but cant buy the new RF the last one was great but the first RF is still the best. blowing holes in the walls creeping in there and sniping baddies with the rail gun.

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