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Sniper: Ghost Warrior Limited Edition Takes Aim At PS3

You might not be familiar with the title, as it released last year on the Xbox 360 and already missed its proposed Q1 2011 launch date for the PlayStation 3.

But it's finally coming to Sony's machine on June 28 and it might be worth the wait for PS3 owners. Furthermore, City Interactive has announced the Sniper: Ghost Warrior One Shot – One Kill Limited Edition, which will release alongside the standard edition. This nice bundle will be sold exclusively at GameStop at $49.99 and will contain the "One Shot – One Kill" downloadable content along with the following cool collectible goodies:

Sniping has always been tons of fun, hasn't it? Sniper: Ghost Warrior will let you step into the boots of an elite shooter, and provided you've got a steady hand, you should be able to reap the rewards. Personally, being a fan of sniping, I've always wanted to play a game dedicated to that military skill. Give it a try.

Related Game(s): Sniper: Ghost Warrior

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13 years ago

Too bad the game is horrible.

13 years ago

it is? damn

13 years ago

I actually thought it was pretty good. Worthy of a 7ish

13 years ago

lol, I just posted about this in the forum, I got it yesterday. I paid half the price for a new game, which is good because it should never of been £40!! but for £20…its an ok game! it has a lot of things wrong with it, but its fun…

the big thing will be when its released in the States.. if its released as a full priced game then I do have to say that its way over priced and that will most likely be reflected in the reviews. but if it comes out as a budget title, then people should give it a try, because it is different enough to warrant a go.

13 years ago

I've got this game on my 360.

It's a fun game, and I like the 1 shot-1 kill bullet time.

But some of the graphics are great if you're looking at them afar, but seem to get crappy up close.

Maybe wait until the price drops a bit.

13 years ago

i have no idea what it originally looked like on the 360, but the graphics are as biker said, but what i thought was interesting was that the extra content did look a smidge better than the ghost warrior game, maybe it was me and my optimistic eyes, but i swear it did look better.

13 years ago

How does it play? I might want it for my Dad and he's not so quick.

13 years ago

how can you say it might be worth the wait?
obviously you have not seen any reviews for this, because its about as worth the wait as naughty bear was!
i was expecting allot since its on the cryengine 3, and its a sniper game, something so fresh and different.
oh boy was i in for a shock!

13 years ago

its worth the wait if you like sniper games, an seeing as there isnt one on the ps3… If the game is cheap enough like it is in the uk, then yeah.. Its worth the wait.. As in waiting for the price drop.

Not only do you get the full game like the 360, but ou get slightly updated graphics and AI plus extra missions, guns and other stuff in the ps3 ver,

so yeah, if you like this sort of game and its cheap, why not! Its not the worst game you will ever play, its not the worst at anything, its just not a AAA title and shouldnt be that price… Ever.

13 years ago

ps mr blank…

You know theres only two reviews out for this on metacritic as its only out in europe at the mo? One is 7/10 the other is 6.5/10… Both are fair, and i agree mostly, as you can tell from what i wrote in the forums.

Also, this game doesnt use the cryengine 3… Ghost warrior 2 does tho, and thats not out yet. This game uses the chrome engine, and its a bit dated

13 years ago

Seeing as how the other versions of the same game also had a few good reviews makes your point kinda pointless so to speak. There are no user reviews for the PS3 versions and user reviews paint a better picture of a game than any reviewer could ever do. Most reviewer scores really aren't worth any grain of salt. Same goes for movie critic reviews and so forth throughout all types of media.

And you're right about it using the Chrome Engine and not Cryengine. Other than the Call of Juarez series, there isn't any Chrome game that I have enjoyed. Dead Island will change that hopefully.

Last edited by Geobaldi on 6/1/2011 6:03:52 AM

13 years ago

no, I was pointing out that in the light of Mr Blanks comment: "obviously you have not seen any reviews for this, because its about as worth the wait as naughty bear was!" ..that there were only 2 reviews for this, both which are okish! so I was trying to illustrate that the web wasn't going crazy with bad reviews.. because there aren't any!
as for user reviews, there would be loads, but for some reason metacritic doesnt recognise Europe and still says the game hasnt been released yet, therefore no user can write a review on the game.

remember, Im not saying this is the next CoD or that its better than cheese on toast, its just not bad and quenches a thirst if like me you like sniper games… thats all.

Last edited by dillonthebunny on 6/1/2011 8:29:51 AM

13 years ago

updated graphics and AI does not turn a crap game into a good one!
especially in such a busy month, i could understand if there was nothing else out but……
i finished it on the 360 when it released last year, and hated every second of it!

13 years ago

no, I appreciate that, but when one of the major let downs of the game was AI.. improved AI means that bits improved, but as I have said.. its only improved slightly, they still stand there, they still generally are a bit rubbish, but if this is improved then I do feel sorry for the 360 owners of this game.

anyway, this is all in 'our' opinion, and I do respect your opinion that you didn't like this game, not everyone can like everything.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

Geobaldi: Your faith in "the people" is ridiculously misguided.

99% of all user reviews are trash. Half you can barely even read.

13 years ago

I hate myself for saying this, but I honestly believe that I would trust the user reviews from Gamefaqs rather than Metacritic.

most of the user reviews on MC are there just to do one thing and that is to hype up or bring down a game.

13 years ago

its good in that respect, as you can take your sweet time taking guys out.. Thats shooting them, not a spot of dinner and a bit of a dance.

It may have moments where you are all timed, and it goes all hollywood, but it doesnt seem that sort of game, stay hidden.. Creep, spot… Aim… BAM.

The feeling i get with this is the same sort of ghost recon jungle storm and early delta force feelings, but not as sim like as those were, altho you do have to think about distsance with wind and bullet drop factors…

Theres some good points, just dont expect much and you will gain more out of it.

Multiplayer is great i must say, and i was surprised at how many were on, as europe is usually bad at staying online with non AAA titles. And as everyone is a sniper… Staying low, waiting for that perfect shot, theres no whiney kids screaming about camping snipers and how unfair it is.

13 years ago

Cool, I'll probably check it out. A renter at least. I played Sniper Elite on PS2 and really enjoyed it.

13 years ago

defo rento

13 years ago

I was actually going to buy this game, but with inFamous out in a few weeks, nothing else matters.

I'll eventually pick it up though.

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