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House Of The Dead: Overkill Brings Zombie Mania To PS3

Oh man, how much fun was House of the Dead in arcades?

Sega has revealed House of the Dead: Overkill for the Wii, "with a PlayStation 3 Extended Cut" slated for later this year. As you might've guessed, it'll support the PlayStation Move controller and stereoscopic 3D for the ultimate undead shooter experience. We also get new game modes and two new scenarios that weren't in the original arcade release. If you're too young to know (or just never cared about these types of games), House of the Dead is an on-rails shooter that typically utilizes a light gun of sorts. For an extra fun atmosphere, Overkill features a "grindhouse B-movie aesthetic," so expect a whole lot of in-your-face content and even go-go dancers. Shake it, baby! …wait, wrong game.

We would suggest having a gun accessory for Move when this shows up. You're gonna need one.

Related Game(s): House of the Dead: Overkill

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13 years ago

Hopefully another decent game to use with my sharpshooter, which is already collecting dust. I have every game it supports now, and have finished all but 1 (Socom 4)of them (Technically MAG can't be finished, but I am finished ever playing it again). I can't see this being any more than $39.99 on release. Wishful thinking.

Last edited by ColTater on 5/27/2011 6:05:00 PM

13 years ago

Ah, memories. Always played The House of The Dead a lot in the arcades at a camp ground I used to go to, always beat it.

13 years ago

Not enough F-Bombs in this article.

13 years ago

I'd kill to be able to play all my Dreamcast light-gun games again… stupid HD TVs.

13 years ago

HOTD:Overkill is nowhere close to the high quality of the much superior arcade releases and its for this reaason why I will never get the PS3 port.

On a better note, I am so glad SEGA kept HOTD4 an arcade exclusive as it should be.

"We also get new game modes and two new scenarios that weren't in the original arcade release. "

Overkill was never released in the arcades, and even if there was an arcade release Arcadia Magazine would've made mention of this.

13 years ago

House Of The Dead: Overkill is a guilty pleasure of mine on the Wii. With its outrageous premise, quick shooter-on-rails action, crazy soundtrack and unrelenting profanity, the game rocks. When it does arrive for the PS3, give it a rent at least.

13 years ago

tell me that they plan on rebuilding the game from ground up for the ps3.
nothing good can come from a wii port

13 years ago

oh why october?
sigh, i can see it now.
were not bringing over any more remakes because our last one you did not buy!
ahhhhhhhhh, i wonder why!
batman arkham city, dead island or this?
hmmmmmmmmm, very tough decision!

13 years ago

Come on man! Overkill instead of Arkham City or Dead Island? I know your crazy(mad) but really, I still need to see more gameplay from all three. Dead Island does look intriguing honestly, I suppose E3 will show us what they have been hiding.

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