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Ninja Gaiden III Details: Multiplayer, Story, Move Support

Have you checked out the latest issue of PlayStation: The Official Magazine?

If not, you're missing out on some new Ninja Gaiden III info. A few of those details have been summarized over in the NeoGAF forum and as you can see, they're awfully encouraging. We're loving that bit about a silky smooth 60 frames per second and of course, the blood will return…as if we couldn't guess based on early media. Furthermore, the magazine confirms both co-op and competitive multiplayer modes (one of which will support up to 8 players), and we'll see a "greater emphasis" on the storyline. For those of you familiar with the franchise, you might be annoyed to know the store is gone; weapons will upgrade over time. Well, maybe that's not a bad feature.

As for the PlayStation Move support, we'll file that under the "wait and see" category. But the last piece of news should be satisfactory to the hardcore gamers: apparently, the developers will not be toning down the difficulty for more mainstream appeal. So what say you, Ninja Gaiden fans?

Related Game(s): Ninja Gaiden III

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13 years ago

'raises and flails hands in air' oh oh oh, me, me, ME!
(sorry, i get that from my kids)

And I don't buy magazines anymore.

13 years ago

Looking forward to your review of this one 🙂

13 years ago

I approve. Greatly. Except about the lack of store..

13 years ago

I'm actually happy. The store wasn't really well made and don't you think it's more fun to make your weapon stronger by getting accustomed to it? WEAPON BONDING FTW 😀

13 years ago

I liked NGS1's store the best.

13 years ago

Sounds good

Tru Reality
Tru Reality
13 years ago

that does sound good.

not to throw out a random subject but with Ninja Gaiden doing so well, what about the DOA franchise? please don't tell me that's dead..

13 years ago

yeah DoA 4 is getting old… VERY old… Really looking forward to playing the 5th! They have the obligation to make a new one for the sake of all male gamers of this world!

13 years ago

I need one too, on PS3. Fast. Like now.

13 years ago

the recent psp one was supposedly pretty good.

13 years ago

I'm curious about the mp and how that will work. But I'm a huge fan of the series. Who is more brutal Ryu or Kratos?

13 years ago

They both fight for revenge, but Kratos murders anyone who pisses him off, Ryu just fights who's in his way. I think Kratos is more brutal, but a fight between them…. I don't know, Ryu is a LOT faster…

13 years ago

Cole McGrath would tear them both apart before they could move.

13 years ago

Cole Mcgrath would tear them both apart before they could move… REALLY???

Didn't Kratos brutally commit genocide on a bunch of GODS one of being Zeus who controlled lightening and is of course more powerful then Cole, that right there places Kratos at the top of the list as the baddest MOFO in current gaming.

I mean Cole cool and all but I doubt he'd even be able to beat Ryu. Ryu is cunning he is a ninja after all probably figure out coles weakness and use it against him.

Last edited by GuyverLT on 5/25/2011 11:47:13 PM

13 years ago

I dunno man, I just love debates about fictional people fighting 🙂 Makes me feel young again.

13 years ago

I do too….. Although I am still young.

13 years ago


13 years ago

Same here, love the Kratos vs Ryu talk. Really takes me back to being a kid and getting in real arguements over who would beat who (obviously not kratos vs Ryu back then but you get the point)

13 years ago

Let me put this discussion to rest.

Compared to Cole with his new powers, Zeus is a 9 volt battery. And vs Kratos? That depends: are we talking good Cole or bad Cole?

And I'd care what y'all are sayin. Kiryu san would force all of 'em with a street cone and bicycle wheel to check themselves in to HLA ("Honest Living Association" a half-way home for former hitman and yakuza), after which he'd take part in some lamo j-pop karaoke, and still find time to prepare dinner at the Sunshine Orphanage. Curry Da!!!!

13 years ago

It sounds like this developer has been listening to its fans, which is just fantastic!!!

Didn't like the blue mist fatalities of NGII sigma, but I approved of the fixes and gameplay. NGIII is sounding really promising, and I'm hoping it has the same artistic flare of its predecessors mixed with the awesome gory violence of the second game.

Let's just hope they get the camera right this time.

13 years ago

What can I say? Well, when will Amazon let me pre-order this game?

Last edited by Bugzbunny109 on 5/25/2011 9:59:58 PM

13 years ago

This reminds me that I need to beat Sigma 2.

13 years ago

Imagine trying to use Move with NG's difficulty…

Nas Is Like
Nas Is Like
13 years ago

I love the Ninja Gaiden series, so I'm definitely getting this. And these news are great, especially about the co-op and multiplayer parts, though those should've been implemented a long time ago. Not really too happy about the store being gone, but I'm sure they will implement a successful alternative.

13 years ago

I like these but they are wicked hard, I'll be honest I like simplicity in action games like God of War.

Nas Is Like
Nas Is Like
13 years ago

In all honestly, going through Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2…I encountered some bosses that I thought would be very hard, but they were a lot easier than I thought. If anything, the enemies need to be tougher here. Not in terms of Ryu being overpowered by a swarm of enemies, but less enemies at once that are at the same time, stronger than the average enemy. Bosses should be stronger too, in my opinion. Game felt a bit too easy for me.

Not trying to brag or anything.

13 years ago

I wouldn't ask them to ever change the game for me, I understand that every gamer needs what they need and some gamers like to require a bunch of skill. I like an RPG that challenges my mind ya know, but personally I get frustrated with NG. But hey at least it is consistent.

I remember playing the old NGs on NES and damn they were hard but there weren't a lot of good action games at the time.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 5/26/2011 12:00:11 AM

13 years ago

Are you effing kidding me? Another NG title? I got a question. Where the fudge is my gat damn Shinobi? Fer realz I`m gonna snap in a second. Ughhhh…. Sooooo dis- illusioned right now…

13 years ago

I noticed a Shinobi slot machine at the casino earlier 🙂

13 years ago

Yesssssssss… Ive really only heard about Ninja Gaiden. The first one i ever played was NG sigma 2. While I heard that one was far from its best title, I had a freaking BLAST with it!. I probably played the demo a good 2 dozen times JUST THE DEMO. I will agree, the blue mist crap was cheezy, so im just waiting to let the dogs out in this next one. Make it like NG2 where the severed limbs spew enough blood for me to make a giant spin art masterpiece with. Do that and i may wind up picking up this business

13 years ago

Can't wait for a new NG title, I need to get my skill level back up to par though….

13 years ago

Ninja Gaiden is the reason i got a Playstation 3, Move support or not it's going to be another great game.

13 years ago

im a little weary of this.
NG is one of my favorite series of all time!
NO game has such a advanced complex battle system such as ninja gaiden!
the boss battles are so unique and imaginative too.
some how manages to be blindingly challenging, but never cheap.
im a little worried because the masters gone, moved to another company, and onto devils third.
can they pull this off without the master?
or will this be a great game, but feel like its missing something?
he may be a arrogant stuck up prick, but my god he knows how to make a fantastic game!
……. only tile will tell.

13 years ago




13 years ago

The bit about having Move support reminds me of No More Heroes.

13 years ago

Awesome especially emphasis on story and no edited blood. As for move still not interested.

13 years ago

Oh i cant wait for this one !! having move support on ninja gaiden.. hum, AWESOME ! we'll decide how to chop our enemies ! 😀

13 years ago

Sadly, the return of the blood (unless accompanied by a control to heavily tone it down) will mark the departure of me from the game.

As for the DOA series that someone mentioned in a comment above, if they bring the DOA girls out to play on PS3, I suspect that my interest may be piqued.

13 years ago

It's good that they aren't toning down the difficulty. At first, I thought it was tough, but once you get used to the dodging/rolling and combo attacks, the game isn't too bad (except for a few parts).

The blue mist wasn't a deal breaker, but bringing back the blood is much welcomed.

13 years ago

Nah not getting it. These games are too difficult for me. I play games for entertainment, not frustration.

The Doom
The Doom
13 years ago

Momoji and Rachel had better not die dammit!!

13 years ago

Well, these games are terribly difficult, but once you get the hang of the control scheme, they're actually pretty awesome. So I'll definitely be, at the very least, renting this one.

Oh, and the reintroduction of blood is a great thing.

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