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Square Enix Confirms Eidos, Deus Ex Websites Hacked

Someone needs to stop these people.

A few days ago, hackers evidently broke into the Eidos and Deus Ex: Human Revolution websites and placed an "Owned by Chippy1337" banner in the space. And in some IRC chat logs obtained by Washington Post reporter Brian Krebs , the hackers responsible claimed to have lifted the personal information of "at least 80,000 users." Hence, if you've registered with either of the sites in question, you might want to change your password.

Furthermore, Square Enix has become aware of the problem and issued the following statement:

"Square Enix can confirm a group of hackers gained access to parts of our website as well as two of our product sites. We immediately took the sites offline to assess how this had happened and what had been accessed, then took further measures to increase the security of these and all of our websites, before allowing the sites to go live again. does not hold any credit card information or code data, however there are resumes which are submitted to the website by people interested in jobs at the studio. Regrettably up to 350 of these resumes may have been accessed, and we are in the process of writing to each of the individuals who may have been affected to offer our sincere apologies for this situation.

In addition, we have also discovered that up to 25,000 email addresses were obtained as a result of this breach. These email addresses are not linked to any additional personal information. They were site registration email addresses provided to us for users to receive product information updates. No dissemination or misappropriation of any other personal information has been identified at this point. We take the security of our websites extremely seriously and employ strict measures, which we test regularly, to guard against this sort of incident."


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13 years ago

I am seriously getting fed up of this.

Hackers who think it is their right to commit these acts is suffering from serious delusions of grandeur, and need to be apprehended.

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
13 years ago


13 years ago

I think its time you learn that there are skrewed up people in this world…….. Skrewed beyond repair and of course, for no apparent reason.

Claire C
Claire C
13 years ago


Who's next? o.O

13 years ago

My bet is good 'ole Microsoft eventually.

Claire C
Claire C
13 years ago

Enough people hate them, why not? LMAO =D

13 years ago

I really wouldn't want to wish that on a company. Neither should you.

13 years ago

Who said I "wished" it on any entity? I didn't It's just my speculation that hacking of major computer systems is the norm.

Claire C
Claire C
13 years ago

Yah, who's wishing?

13 years ago

Well good, now maybe people will open their eyes and try stopping these punks. You would think that all the digital stuff we do now would be better protected. Well hope everybody is learning their lessons.

13 years ago

As harsh as your point sounds, its kinda true. people only seem to learn from mistakes, instead of being premptive…

13 years ago

Thats the only bad thing about moving into the technological era, It spawns many social parasites, these would be the same kind of people who make a profession out of conning people.

Many of these parasites often claim they are out there doing these kind of acts for a good reason, but in the end the true colors show and probably 99% of the time its all because of some butthurt enflated ego.

Just my 2 cents, sorry for the rant.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

It isn't the "only" bad thing. It really, really isn't.

13 years ago

Agreed Ben, there are a number of other bad things that are given rise to by entering into a completely technological age.

That being said I am very much a proponent of technological advances and still am awaiting the singularity.

Claire C
Claire C
13 years ago

Yah. Imagine when everything becomes all digital in like 10 years, where game collections amount to what's saved on your HD. That's gonna suck. More hackings too I'm sure. 🙁

13 years ago

Clair – in my mind, that's the perfect illustration of why we should retain the physical discs rather than going entirely digital.

Claire C
Claire C
13 years ago

Keeping all your games on a HD is like keeping all your eggs in one basket; what happens if years later your HD fails and the network you downloaded your games from no longer exists?

13 years ago

Blue Ray and physical media FTW!

13 years ago

Two words. Robot (or AI) uprising. I guess that could technically be 5 words..

13 years ago

lmaooo wow …like really whats wrong with these retarded ass hackers …what are they trying to hack the world …what they couldn't run "homebrew" in deux ex forums and got mad lmaoooo these dudes are pathetic

13 years ago


Gotta love the film Hackers for the simple fact that it probably did more harm than anything by glorifying the "hacker subculture" that it portrayed.

13 years ago

My roomate had his gmail account hacked likely because his WoW acct, and some other gamer account (for Starcraft maybe), were hacked recently. It's a terrible terrible threat that maybe people will start taking more seriously. I know enforcement doesn't just roll over for these people, but the more this happens the more people should realize these are terrorists out to get information. It's not anybody's fault but the hackers.

13 years ago

Warcraft's easy, just get an authenticator, and always…always….always delete any email that 'says' it's from Blizzard. The only time they'll send you anything is if your account is 3 days from running out of time. Your credit card bounces, or if you've gotten suspended/banned.

Ergo, the only thing you should really care about is the suspension/ban thing, if you rarely, if ever have money problems.

13 years ago

I don't play wow and don't care to, or any pc game for that matter. So I don't have to worry bout this. I don't know the details he just mentioned to me yesterday that his gamer Accts. And email accounts had been hacked. He plays more than just wow so I assume Starcraft, and some others as well.

13 years ago

*shrug* Your loss, not mine. I enjoy all forms of gaming.

Beyond that, security isn't just up to the companies who make the games/networks. It's up to people to be aware of their security also.

13 years ago

My FFXI account got hacked about a year back. It was probably good for me. My character was effing sweet with some sick items. They robbed me of all my money and expensive items.

I tried account recovery, but SE is terribly awful when it comes to that. I couldn't prove the exact date of the attack (I don't play every stinkin' day) so I got no where.

I canceled my account. A bittersweet moment.

13 years ago

@ Underdog15: Blizzard, in my experience anyway, is actually pretty good with account recovery. Before I stopped playing WoW, I had friends who had their accounts recovered, and gotten back items they'd trashed years ago.

I'm not sure how it's changed since then, as I've never had my account hacked in WoW (Have an authenticator, plus, I simply don't fall for phishing scams), and I never download from questionable sites.

13 years ago

It's not a loss I just dont have time for that type of gaming and I can't use a keyboard and mouse, ha. But I work full time and go to school which leaves me little time to game as it is, add that I play softball 3 days a week and I just don't have time to be more broad with my gaming.

I agree that the consumer has to take responsibility of the information they use as well, and be aware of security! Absolutely!

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 5/13/2011 1:14:00 PM

13 years ago

Aye, people need to know that they also have responsibilities when it comes to protecting their own data. Companies are hacked left and right, we should be giving them as much of a hand with that as we can.

That doesn't mean the companies aren't largely responsible for our security, of course. But, we shouldn't just put it out of our minds either.

13 years ago

Oh no kidding. I think most consumers assume their information is safe. And like you said hacks happen left and right, so it's not a matter of if it will happen, it's becoming a matter of when. Consumers need to be more aware of this.

13 years ago

I've said it before, and I'll say it again, they should create a community processing application, like SETI@Home, Folding at Home etc… that targets these people.

I'd be highly interested in knowing how they write it, but basically, use PS3's/PC's that have available system resources to analyze data streams/ip traffic (or whatever, I'm not entirely sure what you'd do myself so this is simply theory to begin with), to single out anomylous/nefarious traffic.

Once found, and confirmed (this would need some higher company to confirm, you wouldn't want this happening to the wrong people), and create a master list of offenders.

Once a week, the entire community, PS3's and PC's are bent to the single task of disrupting, destroying and otherwise crushing every offender on the list. And just keep doing it.

I can tell you this much, I'd very quickly rebuild my old PC, and possibly buy a new PS3, just for the purpose of running that software full-time.

13 years ago


And the US government is still doing nothing. We probably need more wikileaks for them to start doing something.

50 years in prison to these no lives. Feed them garbage if you have to.

Last edited by Scarecrow on 5/13/2011 1:02:12 PM

13 years ago

As unpatriotic of me as it sounds, I really…really wish the Chinese government would take an interest in this one. If there's any coutry in the world that has the technical wherewithall AND the muscle to seriously stop these folks, it's China (and last, but not least, a justice system that will properly 'punish' them.)

They've been walking all over the US infrastructure for over a decade now, and we're pretty much powerless to stop it.

Last edited by Mornelithe on 5/13/2011 1:08:27 PM

13 years ago

And how do you know they are not Crow? Because you assume they are not? Sometimes it's better not to tip off those you are pursuing. Just because they haven't announced it to the world doesn't mean nothing is being done.

13 years ago

Jawknee! You are making to much sense!!

13 years ago

I just don't understand why people are so eager to assume nothing is being done. Our Gov. already said the FBI and the Dept. of Homeland Security is looking for the PSN hackers. There were 5 Anonymous hackers arrested in the UK by the Bobbies, and 40 arrest warrants were issued here in the US for Anonymous members. I really don't know what more people want.

13 years ago

the only way to stop it now would be to cut the internet out or start charging for it by how many sites you go to or time limit, and noone wants that.

So i guess we just wait and see what happens and hope they catch these guys and make an example out of them.

13 years ago

I harbor a lot of anger towards these cowards. A secret combination of criminals. These guys need to be exposed.
I aware, doesnt it seem that if things don't get under control we could see a complete FCC/gov take over of the Internet? These idiots aren't winning anything by doing their stuff and in the end they'll have instigated a complete reboot of the system with a whole new set of regulations and laws for the sake of national security and the economy.

13 years ago

Won't happen. Can't happen. The FCC has already been told twice, once by congress and by the Supreme Court that it doesn't have the authority or the right to take over the internet.

13 years ago

You speak so absolutely Jawknee. You don't think the judiciary under the right circumstances could make a ruling to protect the people from a national disaster?

13 years ago

Nope. They already ruled on the issue. The precedent is set. Besides, judges do not make laws, nor should they. Legislators do. The only way this could happen I suppose is if a different Congress passed a new law granting this power to the FCC. Which isn't likely to happen anytime soon. Until then, the FCC doesn't have the authority.

13 years ago

Thanks for the insult there. Sorry Jawknee no need to lecture me on US Gov. I did pull a 3.6 in it with a very hardcore professor.

But anyway, sorry but you're being naive.
Do you really think that it "can't happen." Do you know how many systems of governance have had judges? Or a ruling body? Do you know how many rules were made by earlier civilizations with governing bodies that were not made with the intention of them being broken or changed?
I could list you many problems today that would cause the country's framers to roll in their graves.
Our country is young. And your "absolutes" are silly.
But I will not take the lure to debate politics with you Jawknee. First, its fruitless and second, my debate encounters with you in the past can only be described as trying to corner and catch a rodent with my hands.

13 years ago

What the hell is wrong you? Why do you blow a gasket and assume you're being insulted when I don't agree with you? No where in my post did i insult you you are entirely to sensitive and need to take a good look at how you reacted just now. I have followed this FCC/Net Neutrality issue very closely so I know what I am talking about. You have issues if you can't handle a simple disagreement over the Internet. Grow the hell up Temji and accept the fact not everyone is going to agree with you, thumb you up or like what you have to say. We are a nation of laws and procedures and these procedures must be followed in order to get certain things done. You're unbelievable.

13 years ago

Look's like someone needed to get something off their chest, eh Temjin? XD

13 years ago

Temjin001 –

Jawknee did not insult you in any form the way your 3rd post indicated.

13 years ago

Interesting how the tone of these comments and the comments elsewhere differs from the tone in comments about the PSN hack.

Where Sony has been near continually castigated over their supposed lax security (I say supposed because time after time allegations about elements of their security have been shown to be false); here SE get's hacked and the tone is very much anger against the hackers and annoyance at the hackers. very few people blasting SE over an apparent lack of security, very few saying it was all their fault.

No, with the PSN hack, it was apparently OK to blame Sony and make multiple false accusations about lax security. But SE get's hacked, and it's all righteous indignation against the hackers.

Double standard? I think perhaps more than a few people in the world owe Sony an apology.

13 years ago

Not me! I think I'm pretty much holding true to form between both issues.

But, me aside, I definitely agree there's an entirely different tone here than with the PSN hack.

Last edited by Mornelithe on 5/13/2011 1:12:38 PM

13 years ago

Indeed Highlander, Indeed. I can think of one person in particular.

13 years ago

"Amen" Highlander!

you just hit that dirty little nail right on it's head!!!!!

13 years ago

I hold Sony more accountable than I do SE for a hack. Just as I would hold my bank more accountable than Sony. Depending on the different levels of information I allow them to hold secure, I therefor have different levels of accountability I hold for them when it comes to a breach.

Sure, anyone can be hacked. Banks, FBI, happens all the time. Here is the thing. Sony thinks they can prevent hacking. I say that because if they didn't think they could prevent hacking, then they wouldn't put the PSN back online. So with that being the case, whatever they are doing now to make their system "fool proof", or "one step ahead of the hackers", if you will, then they should have done this ages ago.

I'm sure MS has been taking note of this whole thing and has been doubling their efforts to make sure this doesn't happen to them. I wish it would have happened to MS first, so if Sony was slacking in any way, it would have made Sony sit up and take notice, review all their security measures, and perhaps close any gaps in their systems.

But, it is what it is.

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