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Split/Second 2 Canceled, Black Rock Studios In Trouble

Split/Second was a damn good game and Black Rock Studios is a damn good developer.

Unfortunately, that just isn't always enough to warrant a sequel. According to a recent report , Black Rock has been forced to cut its staff significantly, and this comes after canceling work on Split/Second 2 last December. The source also states that over 100 jobs are at risk and only 40 are safe, which means this developer will be a shadow of its former self if Disney Interactive really cleans house. It seems "concept pitches clearly haven't gone well" since then, and they were unable to nail down a project for some time. For instance, one possibility had been a follow-up to 2008's excellent Pure , but that didn't fly, either.

So it seems Black Rock is working on only one game, and that's how Disney wants it: one game at a time. We're not aware of that new project yet, but it has been described as "promising" and "new and risky." This one had better be a winner because if not, it could very well be the last title Black Rock Studios ever produces.

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13 years ago

Next one has to be a winner, huh? Does anyone else worry when there's also the clause about idea pitches not going well?

Obviously, I have NO idea what the real story is, but it almost seems like Disney may be very controlling on what types of games get made. Black Rock Studios is supposedly a good developer, right? Perhaps Disney should let them do what they think is best… like Sony lets Sucker Punch, Naughty Dog, and Quantic Dream do their own thing.

I guess I just worry a little when a publisher puts such pressure to succeed and large amounts of limitations on a small-scale high-tallent developer.

13 years ago

didnt you know mickey is a dictator. if you get out of line he whips you with his tail.

13 years ago

that is a shame because split/second is a really cool game. ill be honest i only paid $20 for it but i did buy it new. man talkin about new vegas the other day got me playin that. now i think i am gonna be playing split/second today. sucks i have to start over though. good luck to these people they will need it.

13 years ago

Man, this saddens me. They were a great dev, no doubt. Bizarre Creations suffered the same fate, and, ironically, both Blur and Split Second launched during the same release window. I guess there's no messing around when it comes to racers. Your game either needs to be an expensive simulator or carry title NFS to be succesful in this market.

13 years ago

Didn't like the game much, but tough break for those employed by Black Rock Studios.

Lord carlos
Lord carlos
13 years ago

Damn those corporations! acting all corporationey.

seriously though i feel bad for the people that could lose their jobs!
Brightside,they might get pick up by a sony 1st/2nd party developer!!!

Evil Incarnate
Evil Incarnate
13 years ago

Well, I guess I'll be holding on to my copy of Split/Second. I really love the game and think it's terrible that there will be no sequel.:( Hopefully, Black Rock will survive because they made a great game and don't deserve to go under.

Last edited by Evil Incarnate on 5/5/2011 12:52:15 PM

13 years ago

Too many racers this gen

13 years ago

It's always sad to see a studio in trouble. I think the more studio's, the more competition. Competition only drives the quality up.

Hopefully what they're working on goes really well and perhaps later they'll be able to bring people back.

13 years ago

Noooooooooo… this friggin sucks. Split/Second 2 was truly the one sequel I really wanted out of any game out there. I'm so pissed right now.

Nas Is Like
Nas Is Like
13 years ago

Never heard of that Split/Second game before. But I found a video or 2 on YouTube and it looks very good. Did the game flop, or something? Or just didn't have any promotion?

13 years ago

it was a mix of bad timing, market being flooded with racers and didnt rate high. it is fun though. at the same time as this blurr came out. plus you had gt5 hitting months later and at that time the release date was floating around. mod nation racers released a week later as well as red dead redemption on the same day. shortly after it war for cybertron came out also.

it got overshadowed by other big names but it is a good game. the new motorstorm is very much like this game.

13 years ago

why is it the crap games get milked to kingdom come, and the great games dont even get a sequel?
split second was a FANTASTIC game!

13 years ago

I know a good name for you in place of those blank lines…

How's, "Page Destroyer"?

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