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Single-Player Resistance 3 Demo In Battle: Los Angeles

Fifteen years ago, if you told me a demo of a video game would be included with the release of a movie, I would've laughed. Hard.

But things are changing. Heck, things have changed. If you want an early taste of Insomniac's highly anticipated Resistance 3 , you won't be logging onto the PlayStation Store to download it. You won't be picking up another game that features the sample. You'll have to nab "Battle: Los Angeles" on Blu-Ray when it hits store shelves on June 14. This according to what Insomniac told G4TV ; FPS fans will be able to play through that boat level they may have seen earlier . Just remember that you'll need to buy the Blu-Ray version of the movie if you want this demo…yeah, see, the PS3 uses this fancy new technology called Blu-Ray for its games. They left that out-of-date DVD format behind in the last generation. 'cough'

Resistance 3 will be ready to go on September 6, so mark your calendars (if you haven't already).

Related Game(s): Resistance 3

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13 years ago

wow… so i have to spend 20+ bucks for a terrible movie …just to play resistance 3 demo…might I say its so effin worth it …Battle LA here i come lmaoooooooo

Claire C
Claire C
13 years ago

From what I heard, "terrible" is an understatement. "Monsters." Now that was a good sci-fi movie. So touching too!! =)

13 years ago

I actually enjoyed the movie for what it was..

.. an Alien invasion film in which heroes fight em off.

Once you get past that point, it's a fun 2 hours.

13 years ago

Wow, the movie releases on my Birthday, June, 14th. 😮

13 years ago

the movie sucks but hopefully the PS Store will be up and will have the demo on it.

13 years ago

Johns article would suggest it will not be available on the PSN store.

13 years ago

The movie was a good popcorn flick/"turn off your brain" movie, but there's no way I'm shelling out 20 bucks just to get the R3 demo. I'd rather save that money up so I can actually buy the game when it releases. I can wait, at least I think I can.

13 years ago

Buy the movie my child. Do it for the sentinels. Do it for Capelli. Do it for america. Do it for homeland securityyyyyyy!!!!

13 years ago

Exactly Lairfan.

If you don't go in to Battle: LA expecting a Black Hawk Down caliber movie, you'll enjoy it.

13 years ago

Wow exclusive demo only through blu ray purchase, disappointing if you ask me.

I'm guessing though that the movie will price drop quickly though, so look for it on amazon for like $10 only weeks after it's release.

13 years ago

I can kill two birds with one stone, my dad liked the movie so I'll buy it for Father's day, then I'll be able to cover the demo with an impressions article.

13 years ago

This must be Sony's illwill gesture.

Hopefully it will also be available for + members also.

13 years ago

Yeah, just give everyone the demo, Sony!!

13 years ago

Plus members get the Beta, Battle LA buyers get the SP demo.

13 years ago

Are there still people buying their movies on DVD? Are they also still telling themselves it looks just as good as a BD on their big screens? Nah, it can't be. In 2011? Nah.

13 years ago

I still buy some movies on DVD so I am not so restricted as to where I can watch it. If possible I buy the double disc packs which have both inside.

13 years ago

nice play, sony. boost sales of an average action movie by packing it with a blockbuster demo.

except the kind of people adamantly looking forward to resistance 3 probably saw right through that, and are likely still sore over this PSN snafu. you know, people like me.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

Btw, I'm relatively certain that this demo will show up on the PSN at some point. It's probably just debuting with the movie's release.

13 years ago

Wow…this is F'in stupid. Marketing plow of course. But hey, people need a reason to buy expensive blue rays right?…lol, I have like a million and I am shocked how much cheaper the DVD copy is. Still, Battle LA isn't worth it…for a demo…a DEMO. I can wait, it's just a game.

13 years ago

These companies have been so arrogant this generation. They should be glad to supply everybody with a demo who has a PS3 so you know, they actually buy the game. Then you have these guys acting like they're doing us a favor with these betas when people used to get paid to play betas to inform the devs of everything that needs to be fixed to make their product the best it can be.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

Yeah… the movie wasn't for me, and there's no way in hell that I'm going to get it just for a demo of Resistance 3. Don't get me wrong, that's a justifiable purchase IMO, but I was saddened when my copy of District 9 didn't have the GoWIII demo in it.

The difference is, I liked District 9. Maybe I'll rent Battle L.A. and play it that way, if it's on the disc here.

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
13 years ago

I'd rather save the 20$ for the game.

Is the movie any good?

13 years ago

It's not "best movie ever" good, but I look at Battle: LA as a mix between Black Hawk Down and Independence Day.

13 years ago

Depends what you expect. If you expect an action movie with smart dialogue then you will be very disappointed. If you want to watch a movie with non-stop action and pretty effects then you will be happy.

I watched in theaters with the latter base of mind and was satisfied with the movie.

13 years ago

i'd rather spedn those 20 bucks on the game itself

13 years ago

is this worldwide or just in certain regions?
gotta love how every time sony announces something they always forget to mention where it will be available.
almost like the ps3s only available in one country…..
hmmmmmmmmm, i wonder what that one country is!

13 years ago

So r u guys going to buy the movie just for the demo?

13 years ago

Not sure. I was tempted to pick the movie up anyway but not at full price.

13 years ago

Bah! I'll just wait untill September, the film does not interest me at all, If it came with Black Swan…. I'd be confused but satisfied.

13 years ago

isnt that a chick flick? a video game demo with a chick flick? that is even less likely to happen. then again it would be a decent trade off. i sit through your chick flick, you sit through my demo. even id say.

13 years ago

ill just rent it from netflix. if the demo is on the disc no need to spend that much money just to play a demo.

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