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Saints Row: The Third Gameplay Info

Saints Row has always been entertaining, but the third installment will need a definite boost if it wants to compete with the big boys.

And that seems to be THQ's plan. According to new information garnered from the recent PlayStation Magazine , we learn of a variety of upgrades and features that may help Saints Row: The Third excel in the sales category: first, as choice and freedom continues to become more popular this generation, it should be known that "the player will make major decisions that dictate the ending." As you gather up the city in your iron grip, you'll be able to build safe houses, but you have to eliminate the "Flash Points" (random pockets of rival gangs) in the area before you can do so. They also claim that story missions will be "far more diverse," and the graphics will be significantly improved thanks to better detail and a "slightly less cartoonish aesthetic."

For our part, we're just wondering if they plan to hire any pornstars to be involved in the game. Or if they'll only be added via extra DLC at a later date.

Related Game(s): Saints Row: The Third

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13 years ago

Hopefully this one won't be as corny as the previous ones.

13 years ago

The corniness is one of the great things about this series

13 years ago

Yeah the I have to agree the corniness is what gave the franchise it's own identity and separated it from GTA and other games just it.

13 years ago

As long as they give me the same humor & crude nature that would offend soccer mums then i'm in. I am also expecting an even deeper character creation & a more indepth city to explore with a plethora of secret places to find or stumble across.

I seriously cannot wait for this game, loved the first one,I enjoyed it more than GTAIV so i'm hanging out for this one.

If there are any new vids then i'll be snooping around, i want as much info on this game prior to it's release as possible, just to ease the wait.

13 years ago

"I seriously cannot wait for this game, loved the first one,I enjoyed it more than GTAIV so i'm hanging out for this one."

Errr… do you mean the 1st and second or just the 1st because the 2nd was much better.

13 years ago

The sequel, the one with the character creation. The first Saints Row was terrible imo.

13 years ago

Saints Row 2 is the technically most impressive *coop* game I've played so far. The implementation were astonishingly good!
Every achievement, completed quests, cash, items etc were following your character across solo play and coop play. Single and coop modes were completely merged and perfectly executed, an example for others to follow.

I think they received far too little cred for this with Saints Row 2. One might argue that Borderlands too has similar features, but that game is *far* simpler in design.

The only thing I really, really hope they improve with sr3 is the vehicle handling.
But is there any mention of release date yet? Not even month?

Last edited by Beamboom on 4/30/2011 12:00:17 PM

13 years ago

So that's their big plan to be a contender? Sad. I have yet to try this series but maybe I will some day if I need some corny old school gta style fun. I'm not too hopeful for GTA5.

13 years ago

Dude, they said they were going to develop their big series as one of the ways they would become a contender. You should stop being so negative about THQ all the time just because you don't happen to like their big games.

Claire C
Claire C
13 years ago

Saints Row 2 was a nice change of pace from GTAIV. I hope 'The Third' doesn't take itself too seriously, and keeps all the side content and customization. I wanna deck out my gangsta girl. =)

13 years ago

I am willing to bet a copy of SR3 they won't take themselves too seriously 🙂

From the looks of it sr3 seems to be more of what sr2 was, only adding to it. I'm fine with that. Hopefully there will be a *lot* more stuff to buy and things to wear. Man we had hours of fun just going crazy in the clothing stores. 😀

And my gansta grrl is badder than yo gangsta grrl! 😉

Last edited by Beamboom on 4/30/2011 12:41:30 PM

Claire C
Claire C
13 years ago

WHAT!?!?! =D

13 years ago

Sorry Claire. Gotta agree with beamboom. His pic is pretty badass and far more powerful looking than yours. 😛

13 years ago

im starting to get worried about this, its looking like more sophisticated, if it turns out like GTAIV im gonna go ape sh*t!
THQ, please dont loose the quirkyness and cheesyness that made this game great!
i mean come on, who does not want to ride a dumpster truck spraying the streets with sh*t!?
give me saints row 2 over GTAIV any day of the week!

13 years ago

The sooner we forget gtaiv the better. But i want *both* gtaV and sr3 🙂

And I don't think this looks more sophisticated at all? But I wonder how the missions will be, cause I think the missions in SR2 were diverse enough, loads of crazy stuff.

13 years ago

About time. I enjoy the Saint's Row series far more than the late GTA's.

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