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Assassin’s Creed: Revelations: The Return Of Altair?

We know Ubisoft is planning a new Assassin's Creed for later this year, and we may have the first unofficial information.

Ubisoft has been teasing this new installment on the franchise's Facebook page, and they asked gamers to "spread the word to reveal the next Assassin's Creed game." A Flash application allowing for e-mail, Twitter and Facebook re-posting came along with the request , and a teaser video popped up on YouTube. It doesn't show much, but here it is:

The translation of that Arabic text reads "Altair Ibn-La'Ahad," or "Altair, son of no one." Okay, that's a big ol' hint right there: Altair was the protagonist in the first AC, before Ezio took over in ACII. Lastly, thanks to a NeoGAF forumite , we now have this logo for "Assassin's Creed: Revelations."

Hey, I liked Altair, even if he was relatively faceless in comparison to Ezio. What say we give him another shot?

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13 years ago

Ezio, you will be missed. Maybe, Altair and Ezio's paths will meet up in Revelations.

Last edited by Danny007 on 4/29/2011 9:38:10 PM

13 years ago

How would that even be possible? Altair is from the 12th century while Ezio is from the 14th century sooo….

13 years ago

Oppsss… I was one of those people who skipped over the first AC, but thanks for telling me. I learned something new today. Then again, Da Vinci could build a time machine next. You never know…

Last edited by Danny007 on 4/29/2011 9:56:54 PM

13 years ago

Oh, they could figure something out =p
It's fiction. Anything can happen in the gaming world.

13 years ago

Anything could happen, but let's not get stupid about it.

13 years ago

Oooh, I was hoping they'd return to the Arabic setting. Now I can look forward to all of the refinements the series has undergone since the original outing.

I wonder if they'll create an Asian themed AC some day. Lots of culture there to discover. Plus, there's tons of Chinese mythological tie-ins they could do.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

Assassin's Creed: Kenzan! ('cos y'know, Sega never localised Yakuza Kenzan! for the English market, and I know that's Japan, but shh. Don't tell anyone.)

I thought it was rumoured that the next full entry would be either Egypt or the French Revolution. China would be cool too. Or how about the Aztecs/Mayans? There are so many pieces of human history that could be explored…

13 years ago

Agreed, Lawless. Just as long as they stay away from modernizing the settings. I don't want it getting too close to Infamous in that regard. The ancient civilization thing is cool, and it works.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

I think that they'll need to bring it into the modern age to wrap it up. I mean, Abstergo is trying to take over the world, and it's up to Desmond and his fellow Assassins to stop them. Sooner or later, a confrontation must come.

13 years ago

Nope, games can't have anything to do with asian culture any more. It's like a new rule or something. Well, maybe just Japanese culture…

13 years ago

Great, I love a return to Altair, sounds awesome. I kinda wish they would just be out with AC3 already though, but I'm in no rush. I hope we get an explanation to Brotherhoods crazy ending.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

Nah, I don't imagine they'd pop Desmond back into the Animus to relive Altair's memories, after they've gotten so much more from Ezio. More likely to be an interquel or something showing scenes that we didn't see from the first one. Or perhaps it won't have Des at all. I'll wait for more info.

13 years ago

I hope that it comes down to everything coming back to modern day and you play as desmond. Finish off abstergo with everyone thats been helping you while on the run. I heard that Assassins was only gonna be 3 games…clearly its trying to be another CoD….Dont fall for that shit Ubi, might kill your image

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

Uh… yeah cool. :/ I just want Assassin's Creed 3 damnit. A new time period, a new ancestor, a new environment. Maybe this will be NGP though… Hey, if the 3DS gets one, then why the hell don't we? Besides, Bloodlines featured Altair and was on the PSP… it makes sense, doesn't it?

13 years ago

Maybe they're saving AC3 for a new generation of hardware that can really expand the design boundaries for the series.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

Maybe, it'd be well worth their time, but I'm not really a fan of having to hold off for (potentially) another five years just to get the next core part of the AC story. Some games can take that long (GT, FF, GTA), but I think it's because they don't have an overarching story. The tale is an essential part of AC. Though I could wait three years, provided they didn't keep releasing spin-offs. It only makes me think that they're taking resources away from the main game.

13 years ago

@Lawless, I don't see why they can;t go back to Altair. His story isn't finished yet, I mean, by the time we finished AC1, Altair was only 20, so theres still alot of story to cover.

13 years ago

Yeah, there's a lot left there that they could do with Altair still.
I now remember in AC2 the chamber room that had several assassin's from various eras (the place where you unlocked Altair's armor). So it would seem they have ideas in place to expand the settings.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

I'm not saying that they can't go back to Altair, only that it doesn't seem to make sense to send Desmond back to that time period. I'd love to see the conclusion of The Eagle's story, but not if it means shoe-horning in some ridiculous excuse as to why Des had to go back then. Eliminate the modern part from this game and it'll be fine, IMO.

13 years ago

Loved Altair even more than Ezio. But even so, I was hoping for something new. But oh well, I'll take any AC they make as long as they don't change the game drastically.

13 years ago

Ideally: No! I still want a new AC (preferably ACIII) but instead of Altair, I want it to be set in Paris, England or Russia, starring a new protagonist! It makes the series fresh and it would end off nicely since by III's time, we'll be in the 18th-19th century.

In regards to the last point I mentioned, #1's was in the 11th century (I'm a bit sketchy, so either the 11th or 13th centuries) and #2's (including Brotherhood's) was the 15th century and a bit into the 16th's.

For people thinking the 18th and 19th century as "1801-1899" and "1901-1999", they're wrong; it's actually "1701-1799" and "1801-1899", respectively.

Realistically: I think the new AC will most likely star Altair, and if it isn't III, I'll be surprised. Also, I don't mind if it is Altair, but ideally….=P

Last edited by Victor321 on 4/29/2011 10:18:05 PM

13 years ago

@Lawless, the modern part of Assassins Creed is the 50% key to the story, with the ancestor time travel being the other 50%. If you eliminate the modern part of AC, Ubisoft would have no story.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

Nah, I know that. But that's why I'd rather see this on the NGP, because traditionally, the portable games haven't had the modern element. As I said, I don't see how it could make sense to send Desmond back to Altair, but if you do, then please enlighten, because I'd love to see it.

Maybe an Animus malfunction? It just seems like an excuse, rather than an integral part of the story.

13 years ago

I wonder how many killers could be in Desmond's family history? I suppose as many as Ubi wants.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

If they've all been Assassins… well that's at least nine hundred years' worth. Yup, there's a fair few family members.

13 years ago

can't wait for this one, loved ACII

13 years ago

I liked Altair more than Ezio. I really don't want this to be a yearly series but it looks like that's what it's shaping up to be.

13 years ago

dang, I was kinda hoping for a new character. Maybe set during the French or American revolution. Or maybe even in Spanish colonized south america?

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

I want an FPS set during the American Revolution. Unwieldy guns, slow reloads, pretty much all close combat… it'd be different. Not sure about setting AC then though :/

13 years ago

I liked altiar more than ezio as well. Even though altiar didn't have a very good arabic accent like evryone else. Hopefully if this is becoming a yearly release game ubi doesn't start skimping on what made the 1st 2 amazing. Brotherhood was just so-so. So let's hope ubi gets in touch with its ac roots.

Ben I sent you an email about this earlier, but it looks like you knew about it before I did haha.

13 years ago

I've always wanted to know about Altair's Story.
Yes AC 3 in 2012.

Last edited by Kiryu on 4/30/2011 12:28:07 AM

13 years ago

I always preferred Altair than Ezio. Especially in AC2, I hated playing as Ezio. I liked him in ACB when he was more mature and in charge, but still like Altair better. I always wanted to just play as Altair again. Now I'm excited.

13 years ago

I can't remember where I read it, but the developers said they weren't going to do an Asian inspired character. Because ninjas would be too prominent. I'm just paraphrasing though.

13 years ago

Could you please clarify your comment? I've read it more than a few times but just don't understand what you are saying.

Claire C
Claire C
13 years ago

I can't help but think they're making too many AC games too quickly. AC2 is still my favorite!!

13 years ago

its aparently going to be a fill in between the PSP title bloodlines and AC2.
ive always wanted a title to see what happened to altiar and how we switched from him to ezio.
but not now, we need AC3, we need to finish off the story arc then go back to the past!
we need AC3, playing as desmond finding the temples and stopping the templars.
once thats done then we can have whatever fill ins, spin offs.

13 years ago

I have still yet to play Brotherhood, I think i'll borrow it of my friend so I can catch up.

13 years ago

I seem to be one of the minority which actually preferred Altair a lot more than Ezio as the main character.

13 years ago

I Love the AC franchise and especially Ezio but they can't use him forever. A return to Altair would be great! I feel like we barely scratched the surface of his potential as a character in the first AC so this will be welcomed by me. The way they have improved the gameplay will make playing as Altair much better this time around.

13 years ago

Altair is welcome and so is Ezio but Desmond is the key. The present can not be eliminated due to the fact that the Animus Project takes place in the current time. Maybe they will have us explore Altair and Ezios memories once again. Culminating in the present time with Desmond. He has the skills and he definitely needs to take down Abstergo. I am sure the story will end in the present. Possibly even the future if you consider how the last game ended. Only Ubisoft knows for sure.

Revelations sounds like we are about to find out what all of this is about. With its religious backgrounds it reminds me of the Book of Revelations. If that is not and ending then I don't know what is?

I think Ubi wishes to complete the trilogy. If we can still call it that. Continuing the series is not dependent on the games were are playing now. As long as they don't abuse it then I am good.

Last edited by FatherSun on 4/30/2011 7:30:02 PM

13 years ago

That would be okay but I was hoping for something new. I would like the 20s with the assistance of Tesla in fighting Ford

Cza Caesar
Cza Caesar
13 years ago

The Revelation must have a logic, epic, and deeper storyline because they probably put altair back in. Which mean they want to dig it deeper about the apple so they goes backward to altair, right? and if it will be the finale, the gameplay should be perfect as in AC: brotherhood and at least longer like the 2nd.
I hope Revelation will be the best Assasins Creed!

Cza Caesar
Cza Caesar
13 years ago

The Revelation must have a logic, epic, and deeper storyline because they probably put altair back in. Which mean they want to dig it deeper about the apple so they goes backward to altair, right? and if it will be the finale, the gameplay should be perfect as in AC: brotherhood and at least longer like the 2nd.
I hope Revelation will be the best Assasins Creed!

Cza Caesar
Cza Caesar
13 years ago

The Revelation must have a logic, epic, and deeper storyline because they probably put altair back in. Which mean they want to dig it deeper about the apple so they goes backward to altair, right? and if it will be the finale, the gameplay should be perfect as in AC: brotherhood and at least longer like the 2nd.
I hope Revelation will be the best Assasins Creed!

Cza Caesar
Cza Caesar
13 years ago

The Revelation must have a logic, epic, and deeper storyline because they probably put altair back in. Which mean they want to dig it deeper about the apple so they goes backward to altair, right? and if it will be the finale, the gameplay should be perfect as in AC: brotherhood and at least longer like the 2nd.
I hope Revelation will be the best Assasins Creed!

13 years ago

I'm really hoping this is just an NGP game that tells us what happened to Altair at the end of his life (where the Codex in AC2 ends), because otherwise I'll be a little frustrated.

Why you may ask? Well, everyone who took that damn survey for the next AC game said they wanted a new character and setting, but instead of giving us something new, they're giving us an old protagonist and old setting. If this is actually AC3, then I'll bet you they did this because they're on a one year timeslot now to make these games and can't come up with anything new quickly enough.

So basically, I'm hoping we get this as an NGP-only game. Everyone who's posting seems to be forgetting the Codex pages that pretty much explained all of Altair's life after Bloodlines, except for how he died (which is really the only thing missing from our knowledge of him). So we really don't NEED Altair's story finished except for the last part, and I don't think the end of his life could drive the plot of a whole new console-based AC.

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