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Crytek: We’re Prepared For The Future Generation

How long has Crytek been preparing for the next generation of consoles? Oh, since around the time of the first Crysis .

Granted, that title never came to consoles but the sequel certainly did, and it turned out to be one of 2011's best titles thus far. In speaking to , Crytek CEO Cevat Yerli said their CryEngine 3 was made "with an eye on future hardware architectures." He adds that most of the fancy features in other middleware "are running in an unplayable tech demo on a supercomputer," but those very same features are in action right now (in the recently released Crysis 2 ). Said Yerli:

"We've been waiting for the next generation of consoles since we released Crysis 1, as the high end PC features we invented back then will be pretty standard on next-gen consoles, we believe.

Developers can work with CryEngine 3 right now, running real-time GI, sub-surface scattering, movie quality camera effects, etc. in vast worlds with extreme complexity and be confident that the technology they are working with will be scalable to the next generation."

This follows hot on the heels of what DICE said last week, about how they're looking forward to the next generation, and Ubisoft said something similar , too. There's no doubt that Crysis 2 was a great achievement, and it'll be interesting to see what Crytek does with their next project…and whether or not they'll wait for the PS4 or Xbox 720.

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13 years ago

Why all of a sudden, do these game companies want the next gen?

I mean its cool and all that they are looking ahead and what not, but it rather seems like they are running out of new ideas. I get that they want to make the extensions of certain gamking franchises look better…
But can't they just come up with new game ideas until the next gen does hit?

I'm all for upping the graphics for each new iteration of a game franchise, but instead of saying " we want the next gen " and thinking about what we can do with sequels and stuff, why not take all that focus and direct it to new games?

Who knows, maybe with a new game that these devs come up with will be a new mega franchise that will need more follow ups, but I guess that would put us in the same boat next gen.

But atleast they would still be setting it up for THIS gen.

Besides I'm perfectly happy with my ps3. I'm in no rush for the ps4. Sure it'll be awesome, but didn't someone from sony just say ( not too Long ago ) that the ps3 hasn't even hit its peak performance wise? And that there is so many more possibilities for it?

Just saying that these devs should take complete advantage of what were graced with now, instead of looking to far into the future.

13 years ago

Because no one want's to publicly admit the 360 and it's DVD-using-no-hard-drive is a bigger issue then Microsoft will admit.

13 years ago

But Max, you're forgetting about their Dashboard update that will add 1 extra gb to each DVD! Surely that will be enough space to start completing with Blue Ray.



13 years ago

ps2 had already maxed out duel layer dvds lol a decade ago

13 years ago

I just assume all these devs have hit a brick wall on 360 but they figure their games gotta be multiplat.

13 years ago

Considering that the Wii 2 will have a Blu Ray drive, that much is obvious.

13 years ago

Doesn't much matter when your games are boring. 🙂

13 years ago

i wouldnt downright call it boring, i liked the game, especially multiplayer. they just need to pace themselves consistenly. there are times where theres action and long parts of just walking around. i'll pick this game over call of duty any day.

13 years ago

I felt like I had to force myself to keep playing and even than I didn't finish it. I have had zero desire to pick it back up too. It might end up being one of those games I sell without finishing.

13 years ago

Buddy, I am still shocked you bought it.

13 years ago

Me too.

13 years ago

some of these developer talk about going next gen but they can't even handle the current gen hardware (specially Ubisoft, their games are full of glitches), completely max out the ps3 then we can talk about next gen….

13 years ago

To ALL developer's & publishers….

Talk IS cheap, so prove you're that "sponge worthy" right now.

Last edited by BikerSaint on 4/20/2011 1:34:14 PM

13 years ago

shut up crytek, before you look forward to the next gen, get things right this gen first. I mean you did make a good game and its fun online, but the bugs are retarded. first, fix online connection. i get type 2 nat and open nat in every other game but i still moderate nat. although connection isnt always all bad, theres only one person with full bars in one game. all in all, online is pretty fun and great.

on the single player side, do something with all the freezing/crashing. i tried replaying missions and it would crash before the level even started. the aliens also took a lot of bullets to kill, even for head shots. sometimes a whole clip isnt even enough to kill the aliens, and most of the time theres a lot of them. youre screwed if you encounter a bunch of aliens with a big one with them and you dont have a shotgun. also, fix the rocket launcher reload glitch. i was stuck fighting one of those giant walkers with 6 rockets that wont reload in the launcher. i couldnt even pick up new rockets. i had to take that thing down with grenades and c4 while aliens ran around trying to kill me.

13 years ago

You must have a scratched up disk cause I hadn't had any of those problems. And enemies taking a long time to die? Their covered in armor for one and barley have any flesh. If you play the game like you would play Call of Duty your missing the whole point. It's called strategy.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

The capabilities of the CryEngine3 are indeed amazing, and should work well on the next generation of consoles, considering it's been designed for the most insane PC setups of today. I simply find it a shame that Crytek feels the need to make shooters. The engine could do so much more if it were to be implemented into some other genre.

Anyway, here is a dev that I believe, based on what I've heard about their engine. We still don't need the next gen to strike just yet. I think all of this is basically coming out because of the Project Cafe rumours.

13 years ago


I haven't heard of it yet, so what's Project Cafe????

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

Nintendo's next console.

13 years ago

There was an article on ign saying Nintendo is supposedly working on a new system that's "ALLEGEDLY" more powerful than both the PS3 and 360. Well so far nothing has been confirmed so we'll just have to wait and see. I haven't had a Nintendo system since the super nintendo so if that's indeed true I'll will be getting the next system they make.

Last edited by GuyverLT on 4/20/2011 2:20:27 PM

13 years ago

OK, thanks.
I knew about the Wii2HD rumors, but not it's codename. Funny way to keep all those rumors already out there, a real big secret, LOL

Hell, even Sony's PSP2 has more cloaking than this.


13 years ago

Am I the only one laughing out loud when all these companies are saying that they want a next-gen console already?

When the PS3 came out, nearly half of these companies didn't even WANT to work on it. "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHH NO WAY MAN IT'S TOOOOO SOPHISTICATED!!!!"

13 years ago

I still find it hard to believe that PS3 limit is being pushed. I feel like there has gotta be something on the other side of this so called "wall" that devs like crytek are coming up with that companies have been unable to tap into. PS3 has a 10 year life span and for good reason i think. 360 on the other hand is a bit older so is the wii both are showing their tech limits. Odds are PS3's are still gonna be selling long after project cafe and the so called 720 arrive. I would hate to see the new playstation console fall behind the next gen like they did with the PS3 if the next gen comes out in the next 2 years i dont know if sony can afford to miss the opportunity to jump on the next gen market wagon.

13 years ago

"Why all of a sudden, do these game companies want the next gen?"

Most of these developers who want next are PC developers first and foremost and given the fact that PC hardware have advanced at least by 1 to 2 generations ahead of the PS3 and 360 its obvious as to why they want to see next gen hardware.

"I simply find it a shame that Crytek feels the need to make shooters."

Ever heard of Codename Kingdoms? Its thier next big thing(360 exclusive, possibily PC also).

"I just assume all these devs have hit a brick wall on 360 but they figure their games gotta be multiplat."

They haven't hit a brick with the 360, its the fact that the current generation of console cannot possibily run thier engines at maximum settings. See the original Crysis, neither the PS3 or 360 could it run it, not even at the lowest possible settings because the Cryengine 2 was designed with PC hardware that already surpassed both PS3 and 360.

"This follows hot on the heels of what DICE said last week, about how they're looking forward to the next generation, and Ubisoft said something similar, too."

This is nothing new given the fact that Yerli made mention of this 2 years ago; all he's doing is re-emphisizing what he said back then.

13 years ago

"Ever heard of Codename Kingdoms? Its their next big thing(360 exclusive, possibly PC also)."

Oh, you mean their God of War ripoff?

Oh, I also corrected your misspellings. You're welcome.

13 years ago

Never thought about it that way!!!!! So I also have 360 & I've been looking from some more games to play on it I was just wandering is this Codename Kingdoms coming out this year?

I'm more than likely end splitting the multi-platform games between the two consoles

Last edited by GuyverLT on 4/20/2011 2:54:44 PM

13 years ago

@ jawknee

I just saw the teaser trailer for it and it doesn't look like a rip-off to me.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

As far as I'm concerned mate, it's nut up or shut up. We've seen a teaser trailer for Codename Kingdoms and that's all. Maybe when some more concrete details start trickling out I'll take notice, but the 360-exclusive status doesn't impress me. I'll change my tone when the damn game is released. For now though, Crytek is a shooter dev.

Last edited by Lawless SXE on 4/20/2011 4:24:51 PM

13 years ago

A hack n' slash action game about Spartan's? Not very original.

13 years ago


A hack n'slash action game about Spartan's? Not very original.

No that's not very original, but what exactly is these days? Just because it has Spartan's in it doesn't make it a rip-off especially since there is no gameplay and we know next to nothing about the story.

Will it also have gods in it??? Well we don't know… Will the main character use some kinda whip/chain type of weapon??? We don't know that either… Will it have quick-time events??? We don't know any of this yet…

Don't you think you're being unfair here. Until these things are answered with a trailer that shows off what the actually gameplay looks like then you can't just assume or say it's a GOW rip-off. It's like how people were saying said that Darksiders and Castlevania were GOW rip-offs. Both of which turned out to be good games.

Last edited by GuyverLT on 4/20/2011 6:39:04 PM

13 years ago

I don't think so. After playing Crysis 2 it's apparent that Crytek is not very talented and get all their ideas from other games or developers.

13 years ago

I really don't like how everyone all of a sudden are talking about the next gen, now that we are well into the best year so far on *this* gen.
I don't like it!

Last edited by Beamboom on 4/20/2011 2:53:12 PM

13 years ago

Agreed I feel this gen still has much more to give.

Last edited by GuyverLT on 4/20/2011 2:56:16 PM

13 years ago

If you notice, most of the people talking about a new console generation are PC developers who are having trouble squeezing their game engines on the current consoles. As far as I am concerned, most of their stuff still doesn't compare to PS3 exclusives. Uncharted 3 and Infamous 2 far exceed Crysis 2 in my opinion. Yea it has pretty graphics on the PC be it lacks art direction, fun factor and re-playability. It's bland and lacks substance so I'm inclined to ignore the whimpers of Crytek and DICE about wanting new consoles already.

13 years ago

@guyver: At least the ps3 has much more to give. The x-box they may upgrade all they want. 🙂

@jawk: I'm hoping they have the xbox more in mind than the ps3, because of the storage limits (no hd/only dvd drive).

Last edited by Beamboom on 4/20/2011 4:45:58 PM

13 years ago

Anyone else think the new consoles are coming out early because of the developers?

13 years ago

Nah, Sony and MS both said they don't plan on releasing a new console until 2014 the earliest. They want to milk this generation as much as possible. 2014 seems like a good year. The PS3 by then will be 8 years old and the Xbox 9.

13 years ago

Correct me if I'm wrong, which I very well may be…

But if codename kingdoms is a 360 "exclusive" with the possibility of being on pc as well, wouldn't that not make it a 360 exclusive?

You know, since it wouldn't be exclusively on the 360.

I don't know, maybe my understanding for the word exclusive isn't correct. But when I hear it, I think. Hey, exclusive, gonna be on only 1 thing rather than multiple things".

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

You're right on that Dreno, but it hasn't been officially confirmed to be coming out on the PC yet, so it's still classed as an exclusive.

13 years ago

I think crysis has something great to offer. Jawk: at least you tried it and your entitled to your opinion. However, exclusives far exceed crysis because they hold the platform focus they need to exceed multiplats. In my opinion this is a classic case of "blaming the tool and not the user" Naughty Dog works well with PS3 because they know how to use the console far better than crytek ever will.

13 years ago

Cryteks inability to come up with a compelling story with a good pace, orignial and interesting character designs and art direction has nothing to do with their lack knowledge or experience with the PS3 hardware. Naughty Dog and Sucker Punch are just more talented in general. The aliens in Crysis 2 look like they were ripped right out of the Metroid universe while the Non-Marine soliders(cant remember what they were called) looked like the PMC's in MGS4. I can see why some like Crysis 2 and I don't begrudge those, I just don't think Crytek is all that great and they talk too highly of themselves with little work to prove it.

13 years ago

Instead of claiming they want the next generation of consoles, why don't these devs just grow a set and say what they mean.

The 360 is holding them back and they want it to be more than a dvd player.

13 years ago

Or is that what you guys want to believe?…who knows?…more than likely, YOUR RIGHT

13 years ago

I find it funny how everyone is always bashing on the 360. I have both systems and like both. They each have their own flaws no matter what. Yes, my 360 crapped out on me 4 times and my PS3 lens died on me once due to the major usage for my gaming obsession and movie entertainments. I like Xbox live for their online features like ESPN, Zune, Last FM and more. The PS3 online is good for gaming but lacks alot of features compared to the Xbox 360. Yeah the PS3 does offer the online music but who wants to pay for a subscription when you are already paying for their Playstation Plus service. I feel like they are trying to nickel and dime you for the new features getting added to the PS3.

The Xbox 360 download speeds are really fast compared to the PS3s slow downloads+installations.

As for disc space the DVD does not compare at all to the Blu-ray disc. However the annoying issue that I hate that will relate somewhat to the BD is the installations. How many GB do I need to use in order to play one game in my console. All that disc space and I still need HDD space. Don't get me wrong I like Blu-rays. I have over BD 100 movies and still buying.

By the way I have an older 80GB system which I plan to update the HDD soon. Has Sony fixed the issue with the HDD upgrades?

Don't worry people my primary system is the PS3 but those are the features that GRINDS MY GEARS. These PS3 games really have a hold on me.

13 years ago

I own both too, and love both of them. This year is def. more promising for the PS3 (outside of Gears 3 I can't think of another 360 title I need to pick up). And my PS3 has been getting a workout recently with KZ3, Socom 4 and Infamous 2 in June.

However, stating much of anything pro- Xbox around here is a big no-no. I learned not to do that anymore.

Last edited by jimmyhandsome on 4/20/2011 5:50:08 PM

13 years ago

There is another game called Sector 8: Prejudice, you can check out some youtube videos, at 1st glance it kinda looks like Halo with mechs but after watching some vids myself it's actually a pretty impresive looking game (TO ME) especially for the price it's only $15 so thats kinda of a steal.

13 years ago

That game does look pretty impressive, just read some reviews on it…and I do have some points on my XBL account already. Maybe I'll pick it up in the near future. It does look like halo though, but that is certainly not a bad thing.

13 years ago

Why the 2 thumbs down for stating my opinions. As for Section 8 that game never called my attention.

I am getting tired of these developers talking about new systems. We do not want to spend more $$$$ on new consoles. They should focus on each system when developing the games instead of focusing with one console and then porting the game to the other console. They need to show us that they can develop these games to run smoothly on each system. Obce that starts to happen then they can just talk and express their thoughts.

13 years ago

microsoft better come up with a better name than 720…

13 years ago

The main developers asking that the consoles go to a new gen is because it seems most of them are all PC developers it would appear. Even still, most of pc developers complain about specs but even they don't use all the specs on pc's as it is, most complain about saying you need like 6-8gb of ram, but why? most of their games consume only around 1gb of so..

13 years ago

I think it's about time to pull your head out your ass already!

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